#terry milkovich


Shameless US thoughts ep 11x6, 11x5 (spoilers)

• I love how Micky is becoming a better man, but there’s still that part of me that wanted to see him destroy Terry, like shoot a blank at him or something

• I really appreciate gallavich light and casual touches

• Who would’ve thought Lip and Mickey would be partners in crime, really digging this friendship

• Mickey is hillarious this season

• Ian and Mickey in their little combat army suit: no thoughts, just dreams

• Ian grabbing Mickey by the back of his neck

• Yes, Ian, of fucking course Mickey will take care of you

• The argument while being robbed is peakcomedy

• Mickey and Debbie have cute lips

• Am I the only one that wants to see a young Frank Gallagher vs a young Terry Milkovich?

• Also I’m only surprised Frank’s health issues only appeared now maybe we’ll get to see the family taking care of him this last season; he’s also been very decent and funny?

• That woman really looked like Monica

• Continuity detail that has never been forgotten by the writers: Frank does not have a tab at the Alibi

• Are active school shooters drills a real thing?

• Also unrelated but I love V and Kev and V in general we stan a healthy marriage

• They are such good parents and V warms my heart I wanna go shopping and gossiping with her

• Am I the only one that feels that Lip’s and Tami’s relationship is a little off? A lot of compromise and sacrifice for not a lot of pay off

• I feel like we’re about to see Lip do something very stupid very quickly

• Brad is underrated

• I love Deby and Sandy but I don’t think their relationship has been build enough for us to feel anything from those i love u’s

• I’m So happy they chose to include that sexual harassment bit, but I honestly think that girl just wants to get pregnant so she could rip Carl off (got a bad feeling about her from the beginning)

• Also was the crazy sergeant on desk duty?

• Unpopular opinion but I kinda like that the show mellowed down; they’re all grown up and while their struggles remain they still tried the legal route; it’s definitely not as shameless as it used to be but every episode still leaves a nice aftertaste

• Not talking about the lost the job, lost the house bit that’s fucked up

• Was I the only one that thought the house Lip and Tami wanted was Karen’s house?

• Did not expect Liam to feel remorse or maybe it’s just that I wouldn’t, not for Terry Milkovich

• I hope they don’t sell the house but I also want them to not be homeless #conflicted

• Frank’s little smile at the end???

• Shameless makes me hate millenials and hipsters

• the soundtrack is poppin

Summary: Ian and Mickey being (il)legally domestic, Debbie and Sandy relationship-y drama, Lip’s life goes to shit, Carl’s life kinda improves but not really, Frank is actually kinda chill, Kev and V are being the only responsible adults, Liam is having a meltdown
