#mickey gallagher


Headcanon: Mickey Milkovich was converted into a Swiftie by this guy.

Shameless US thoughts ep 11x07

  • Ian and Mickey are living the best life and honestly? They deserve it
  • That singing in the bathroom was everything
  • I really wish they’d find friends they actually like (i’m thinking mandy but what do i know)
  • Couples who swing together stay together
  • Debbie needs to leave Sandy’s business alone she herself has made her own choices and was pretty adamant about them too; nonetheless it’s not shamefull to feel regret, she did lose her teenage years
  • Sandy went hard this episode I did not expect the bit about abandonment issues but she’s not wrong
  • I really felt for both Lip and Debbie at the end of the episode
  • Lip needs to work on his issues, his actions don’t just affect him anymore, he can’t cut corners and not compromise like ever
  • I’m curious how he’ll evade the FBI. It’s the last season he can’t be sent to jail. Also the sledgehammer???
  • Of course Frank used dementia to his adavantage and then the writers try to make us feel for them (the jury is still out on that)
  • Brad speedrunning for 0.5 seconds was hilarious
  • I’ve never seen Tommy’s face so upclose
  • Driving the chopper into the lake had big early episodes shameless energy
  • I feel bad for V and Liam (people only remember him when they need something from him)
  • The girl Carl was with should have told him outright about her allergies and not force herself on him (for all we know she can still have an STD, unwanted pregnancies aren’t the only thing to come out of unprotected sex)
  • Shouldnt Fiona also get a vote? I do understand that for the sake of efficiency and relevance she does not
  • Overall sad episode?? With tid bits of gallavich love and shameless humor

Shameless US thoughts ep 11x6, 11x5 (spoilers)

• I love how Micky is becoming a better man, but there’s still that part of me that wanted to see him destroy Terry, like shoot a blank at him or something

• I really appreciate gallavich light and casual touches

• Who would’ve thought Lip and Mickey would be partners in crime, really digging this friendship

• Mickey is hillarious this season

• Ian and Mickey in their little combat army suit: no thoughts, just dreams

• Ian grabbing Mickey by the back of his neck

• Yes, Ian, of fucking course Mickey will take care of you

• The argument while being robbed is peakcomedy

• Mickey and Debbie have cute lips

• Am I the only one that wants to see a young Frank Gallagher vs a young Terry Milkovich?

• Also I’m only surprised Frank’s health issues only appeared now maybe we’ll get to see the family taking care of him this last season; he’s also been very decent and funny?

• That woman really looked like Monica

• Continuity detail that has never been forgotten by the writers: Frank does not have a tab at the Alibi

• Are active school shooters drills a real thing?

• Also unrelated but I love V and Kev and V in general we stan a healthy marriage

• They are such good parents and V warms my heart I wanna go shopping and gossiping with her

• Am I the only one that feels that Lip’s and Tami’s relationship is a little off? A lot of compromise and sacrifice for not a lot of pay off

• I feel like we’re about to see Lip do something very stupid very quickly

• Brad is underrated

• I love Deby and Sandy but I don’t think their relationship has been build enough for us to feel anything from those i love u’s

• I’m So happy they chose to include that sexual harassment bit, but I honestly think that girl just wants to get pregnant so she could rip Carl off (got a bad feeling about her from the beginning)

• Also was the crazy sergeant on desk duty?

• Unpopular opinion but I kinda like that the show mellowed down; they’re all grown up and while their struggles remain they still tried the legal route; it’s definitely not as shameless as it used to be but every episode still leaves a nice aftertaste

• Not talking about the lost the job, lost the house bit that’s fucked up

• Was I the only one that thought the house Lip and Tami wanted was Karen’s house?

• Did not expect Liam to feel remorse or maybe it’s just that I wouldn’t, not for Terry Milkovich

• I hope they don’t sell the house but I also want them to not be homeless #conflicted

• Frank’s little smile at the end???

• Shameless makes me hate millenials and hipsters

• the soundtrack is poppin

Summary: Ian and Mickey being (il)legally domestic, Debbie and Sandy relationship-y drama, Lip’s life goes to shit, Carl’s life kinda improves but not really, Frank is actually kinda chill, Kev and V are being the only responsible adults, Liam is having a meltdown

Okay shameless fandom help a girl out

i’ve been rocking my brains over this for centuries

Does anybody know a gallavich ao3 fanfic in which Ian is a mafia boss’ sugar baby/ toy boy what have you named Sal and Mickey is his first in command/ his most trusted advisor? Obiously they fall in love behind his back, starting as unexpected friends (bc Mickey is tasked with protecting Ian) then sex buddies then lovers

That and

One where they’re both professional basseball players and in the closet who end up on the same team?

They’re both quite long (almost sure they’re over 50.000 words) and older than a year, maybe two or three

Pleaseee this has been eating at me for forever
