
A Pinch of Pigleaf Rose stood in front of her mirror poking at her nose, it did look a little bigger

A Pinch of Pigleaf

Rose stood in front of her mirror poking at her nose, it did look a little bigger than normal, maybe a little flatter too. Rose was actually starting to think her roommate was right, maybe magic was real and she shouldn’t have gone touching her things. Rose was just trying to clean up the kitchen, her roommate Alexis had left some of her dusty old tomes and a bunch of herbs and jars on the table, and Rose was going to cook dinner and needed the space. What Rose didn’t realize was that the “herbs” were actually pigleaf, and you should only touch pigleaf with gloves.

Alexis was in the kitchen with even more books now, trying to see if there was a way to reverse the effects of the pigleaf, and Rose was left wondering what those effects were. So far she had just noticed her nose feeling odd and looking a little swollen, it as actually starting to worry her. It wasn’t until it started to flatten slightly and took on the beginnings of a rather pig-like shape that Rose understood what was going on. She was turning into a pig.

“Am I turning into a pig!” Rose shouted from her bedroom.

“No, not if I can find a way to stop this.” Alexis replied without looking up from the book she was reading.

Rose had walked into the kitchen and she stood with her arms folded over her chest glaring at Alexis. Practicing magic had been cute at first, hell, Rose had even appreciated that cure for the cold she had caught a few weeks back, but suddenly the potions and books and herbs seemed very real and dangerous.

“This is ridiculous.. A damn wed that turns people into pigs!?” Rose groaned.

Alexis looked up at Rose and saw that her nose was almost fully a pig’s nose now, and the tips of her ears had begun to point slightly. She had to hurry, if she couldn’t find a cure, at least something to halt the process, better to be stuck with a pig’s nose than stuck as a pig. Rose was fretting and pacing, eventually pulling out a bag of chips from the cabinet. She wasn’t a stress eater, but this wasn’t just normal stress. As rose munched on the salty crisps she felt her stomach gurgle. Rose suddenly felt uncomfortable, rather bloated really, she put the chips on the counter and looked past her pig nose to see her trim body gaining curves and weight rapidly. Rose’s pants were now very tight, her once flat stomach now hung over the edge of them, her arms looked plump, her ass felt heavy, and her breasts grew a little larger too until they reached a D cup. Except, her breasts didn’t stop at a D cup, the rest of her body settled on a plump but not fat form, but her breasts continued to grow. Rose put her arms over her chest and tried to squeeze her breasts flat, but they just spilled over her arms as the jumped sizes. Rose tried not to moan or pant loudly, once the bloating had passed the feeling of swelling had actually become kind of pleasant, and with it now focused in on her tits, it felt amazing.

“No no no, come on, this is… they are so big..” Rose muttered to herself as she held a pair of breasts that were easily as large as her head.

Alexis almost dropped her book as she glanced up. Rose had gained at least sixty pounds, and her breasts were huge. It didn’t even look like Rose had noticed how large and pointed her ears were, they were stretching out to the sides more each second and Alexis watched as they fully took on a pig-like shape.

“I.. Well, I guess.. I guess I could learn to enjoy having breasts this big.” Rose muttered aloud as she squeezed them together and let go, feeling the heft as they slapped against each other. Rose had always wondered what it would be like to have huge breasts, but she had never expected to experience it. The rest of her body was large and soft too, Rose felt so much heavier than she usually did, but now that the shock of growing larger had passed, she really wasn’t too upset about it. Rose unbuttoned her pants and struggled out of them for a moment, then ran her hands over her thick thighs, up her wide hips, she held her somewhat pudgy belly and thought to herself ‘this isn’t too bad’

It was at that point that Rose accidentally knocked the bag of chips of the counter, she bent over to pick them up only to hear the sound of tearing fabric. Alexis looked up and saw that her already straining panties could not contain the curled tail that had formed and poked a hole through them. What was more concerning was the small tuft of hair at the end of the tail, the dusty white fur seemed to be growing from the tip and expanding up her back. Alexis stopped watching and started speeding through the page she was on until she found what she was looking for.

Rose held the short curly tail in her hand, it was surreal to suddenly be somewhere between a girl and a pig. She noticed that the furry feeling of her tail seemed to trail up her back, and as she moved her hands around she found that small white hairs had started growing in many places. Rose groaned and looked to Alexis for support. Her roommate had pulled out a small stoneware bowl and was crushing a few herbs with a pestle. After a few moments of that she poured a small vial into the bowl and there was a hiss and a cracking sound followed by a small puff of pinkish smoke. Alexis picked up the bowl and rushed over to Rose.

“Drink this, the entire bowl. It’s going to taste bad…” Alexis nearly shoved to bowl into Rose’s hands, and rose quickly downed the contents.

Alexis was right, it did taste disgusting. Rose waited for a moment, but nothing seemed to be happening. She wasn’t turning into a pig anymore, but she wasn’t turning back either.

“Did it work?” Rose asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, it did.. I just don’t know how to turn you back yet… But at leas you won’t turn into a pig, well, anymore of a pig.”

“So i’m, I’m gonna be stuck like this for a while?” Rose’s nose flared.

“It’s not that bad Rosey, I think it looks kinda cute really, strange, but cute.”

Rose breathed in deeply. “I mean, I guess it’s a little cute… I do like having these hug tits.” Rose folded her arms under her breasts and propped them up, it made them look even bigger and Alexis looked at them with a bit of envy. “Quit staring at my fantastic tits, and get back to figuring out how to fix me… it’s okay if you can’t fix the boobs though, I’m okay with keeping those.”

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More sneakedy peaks at future images. Barnyard and petgirls

More sneakedy peaks at future images. Barnyard and petgirls

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Sometimes a girl wants to join The Warlocks stable as a donkeygirl but remain anonymous. So We will

Sometimes a girl wants to join The Warlocks stable as a donkeygirl but remain anonymous. So We will just call her Donkeygirl. Looks like she is enjoying a friendly game of badminton while getting used to running on the sand with her new hooves. She may have had to cut ear holes in her favorite hat, but she looks like she is having fun ^_^

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While trying to distract ourselves from the heat TF-Witch and I thought up a fun game. If you had to TF yourself to have 7 body parts, either added or replaced, each from different animals, what things would you change. (try not to use species that are too similar, for example, horse and donkeys, dogs and wolves, so forth. Mythical creatures are fair game, though if they are similar to an animal try and count them as that. unicorn is basically a horse)

My Answer                                Her Answer
1. Cow Hooves                          1. Cow Udder
2. Kangaroo Tail                        2. Whitetail Deer Tail
3. Ram Horns                            4. Pig Nose
5. Donkey Cock                         5. Moose Hooves
6. Gazelle Ears                          6. Horse Cock
7. Fox Bat Fur Collar                  7. Shoebill Wings            

What parts would you have?

She had always loved meditating in the grassy field, but now that she had become a cowgirl, the thou

She had always loved meditating in the grassy field, but now that she had become a cowgirl, the thought of relaxing in a big field of tasty grass, only wearing her thin yoga outfit as a cool summer breeze blew across the mostly bare skin of her enormous breasts… Even thinking about it was enough to make her breast feel heavy and full with milk. Sure enough, her shirt was soaked once gain as the milk dripped from her nipples in a near constant stream. She would need to stop and milk herself if she wanted to be able to concentrate on her meditation.

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I meant to do this as an impromptu gift for alphinecentury a long while back an forgot to finish it.

I meant to do this as an impromptu gift for alphinecentury a long while back an forgot to finish it. Don’t really see many monkeygirl TFs so I thought this pose would make for a cute one. Next time maybe she won’t try and climb over the rail at the zoo, there’s a reason you shouldn’t take photos with the monkeys.

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April and Tera had only recently moved to Westfield, and were just starting their first semester on

April and Tera had only recently moved to Westfield, and were just starting their first semester on campus. Everyone had been really nice to them, and they had even got a few looks form some cute guys, thing were looking good for the long time friends as they started college.

The girls were getting their clothes from the gym lockers after a workout when a girl from one of the sororities approached them.

“So… you two are freshman at the school.”

“Uh yeah, I’m April, and that’s Tera.”

“I didn’t ask for your names. All I want to know is why you were talking to Jacob.”

“Who?” asked April, brushing a stray lock of her dark hair.

“Don’t play coy, i saw you two Slutting around trying to pickup other girl’s boyfriends.”

Tera looked offended. “Excuse me, were not the sluts here. If Jacob is trolling for women maybe you should be talking to him not us.”

“How dare you? You two whores need to be taught a lesson!”

“We didn’t do anything you stupid ass, just leave us alone!”

The other girl looked amused suddenly. “Oh, I’m the ass am I? Well lets see how you two like being a pair of asses!” The girls suddenly felt themselves get pinned to their lockers by an invisible force, and the sorority girl was chanting weirdly. The lights dimmed for a moment and the girls felt a strange feeling rush over them.

April groaned as she felt a cramping twisting sensation above her ass crack, it started to hurt after a few seconds, and she could swear she felt something… growing.

“Well looked there.” The sorority girl pulled down April’s pants exposing her ass and what looked to be a… TAIL!? “Looks like you two are the real asses!” The girl laughed and slapped April’s ass not bothering to expose the growing tail in Tera’s shorts as her tail snaked down and out the leg anyway. “Good thing those floppy ears and buckteeth look cute on you two or you would never attract any jacks.” April and Tera couldn’t see their changes, but could feel their ears grow long and become covered in fur as their teeth pushed slightly forward and became bulky and squared.

The sorority girl grabbed her bag and left the locker room laughing. April and Tera were still pined to the wall for a few moments before the force diminished, leaving them alone and far less human than they were minuets ago.

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Hee-Haws were recalled off of shelves in early may due to rumors of consumers “transforming&rd

Hee-Haws were recalled off of shelves in early may due to rumors of consumers “transforming” into wanton donkeygirls. Officials could find no evidence of said condition and stores now are restocking the beloved treat.

What they didn’t realize is it takes more than a few bites for the transformation to occur, now the magical chocolate cakes with there salty sweet cream filling are back. Just like before they are selling out quickly, and girls who eat too many are finding themselves, very uncomfortable wearing clothing over their fur.

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 Deerest KariBelated Birthday Gift, Hopefully the ever lovely kariwerners enjoys a nice walk in th

Deerest Kari

Belated Birthday Gift, Hopefully the ever lovely kariwerners enjoys a nice walk in the woods ^ _ ^

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People seem to be enjoying the previews, so here is more unuploaded work for future enjoyment

People seem to be enjoying the previews, so here is more unuploaded work for future enjoyment

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ArkCOWnes Always happy to work with Arkannes Lots of fun to morph, and she makes a pretty adorable c


Always happy to work with Arkannes Lots of fun to morph, and she makes a pretty adorable cow gal I dare say ^ _ ^

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Baaaad Brew Paula was in the kitchen making coffee, as she did every day. She was so tired today, sh

Baaaad Brew

Paula was in the kitchen making coffee, as she did every day. She was so tired today, she hadn’t really bothered to get dressed yet, wearing only a pair of stripped pink panties she had fallen asleep in. As she stumbled about the kitchen, washing out a coffee cup, pouring the grounds into the coffee maker, she couldn’t help but to yawn sleepily, and to pray the coffee was the cure for her grogginess. It wasn’t long before the rich scent of the roasted beans filled the air and she almost felt weak in the knees, she was an admitted coffee addict.

Paula took the bag of grounds and looked it over while she waited. Baaaaad Beans Coffee, a new brandy with the silhouette of a goat on the package. Paula loved trying new coffee brands or flavors, and while she always had a favorite brand or flavor, any type of coffee was the nectar of the gods.

As the sent of the Coffee filled the room, Paula couldn’t help but to feel a bit strange. Her legs tingled, somewhere between pins and needles, and itching. Her nose felt sore, and her ears were stiff. She almost felt like she had a small headache coming on, like two points of sharp discomfort, and her tailbone and ass ached softly. Even her feet felt stiff and sore.

Paula swore under her breath, wondering how she had managed to sleep so poorly as to wake up in such a state. She rubbed her small breasts idly, wondering why they felt so stiff. Coffee would fix all of this though, coffee and a shower. Paula was thankful the coffee was done, and proceeded to pour herself a mug of it. Steam danced across the surface of the hot beverage, and Paula added some sugar and just the tiniest bit of cream, preferring her coffee relatively black. When she was done stirring she brought the hot spoon to her mouth, and gave a quick taste of the coffee on it.

Everything seemed to happen all at once, the moment a single drop of that coffee touched her lips, everything changed. The itching went from about a 5 out of 10, all the way to 11. Thick wavy hairs grew out from her skin, so rapidly that she could have blinked and missed it, though there was no way to miss the burning heat of the change. Within seconds her smooth legs had been engulfed in what could only be called fur. The fur was growing under her panties in a thick bush that trailed up toward her naval. Paula’s Breasts plumped in size so rapidly she almost fell, the weight of her now oversized chest was as unexpected as it was pleasant. Unlike the rest of her changes, her breasts growing actually felt strangely good. Her sore ass was being caused by a tailbone poised to lift, and it did. Her bones shifting was an odd lurching feeling that made her balance feel off, and the burning let her know whatever had happened, was also just as furry as her legs. Her feet cramped stiffly, and for a moment they felt very weird, but the moment passed quickly, and after that she couldn’t feel the hooves that her feet had grown into much at all. Paula’s ears felt like someone yanked on them roughly, and they stretched outward like rubber. They too were burning up, and the feeling was matched by the yanking and burning on her face. Her ears flopped outwards, and her nose widened and grew longer as it turned pink at it’s tip and was covered in fur. Meanwhile the twin points of headache felt like white hot lances of pain for the briefest second, then there was a stiff feeling as two horns grew out from her skull.

Paula barely managed to set her coffee on the counter without dropping it. Her legs felt weak, her hooves clacked on the linoleum floor loudly. She ran a trembling hand through her thick leg fur, while the other touched her short muzzle-like nose.

“Ba-a-a-a?” Paula bleated in surprise, covering her mouth with both hands. “Did I just ble-e-ee-at? What the hell was in that coffee!?”

Paula folded her arms over her large breasts and looked down at the cup, ready to dump it in the sink. This was all too much to deal with first thing in the morning, especially without having had any coffee. The scent of the coffee still hung in the air, teasing, taunting. Paula wondered if drinking more would just turn her into a goat, or if it had already done it’s worst.

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The Special Treatment May had won a coupon to a new spa that had opened up during a raffle at work.

The Special Treatment

May had won a coupon to a new spa that had opened up during a raffle at work. She wasn’t even the type to enter one of those things, let along one to get a massage from some stranger, but she had been pressured into buying a ticket for charity, and she wasn’t about to waste it, even if she thought it was a silly luxury. The place certainly looked like wasted money to her, expensive design choices and materials used in a minimalist design. It gave the place an pricey look without having to buy too much clutter, but the downside was a slight alien nature to the place. The lack of color and small amount of furniture was just too sanitized for May and it set her on edge more than calming her.

Eventually someone from behind the small front desk noticed her and waved her forward, May dragged her heels, wondering why she had come here in the first place. After a brief conversation with the woman, May was more unnerved than ever. The woman never stopped smiling, and she had these large eyes that looked like she was looking right through you.

“So, this is your first time at a spa?”

“Uh.. yeah, I’m not really the spa type, this is a.. work thing, for charity.”

“I see. So, do you have anything in mind today?”

“I uh, well I have this coupon.” May fished out the crumpled up slip from her pocket. “But I don’t really like spas, so what do you guys offer? Like mud baths, and cucumber’s on peoples eyes or some junk.” May laughed, but the counter girl didn’t join in.

For just a moment a strange expression flashed across the front desk girls face, but the smile never broke. “We have all sorts of things we do here, and I’m sure we have just the thing to take care of you. We don’t have mud baths, but I’m sure you would love our hot oil massage, it’s one of our… specialty treatments.”

May wasn’t really informed enough to make a decision so she deferred to the suggestion. “Sure, sounds great..”

“Wonderful. I promise that it will be a brand new you that walks out these doors.” The woman grinned slightly wider, and May was afraid her head was going to split in two. The counter girl pushed May gently toward the hall that lead to the spa rooms. She told her a room number, but didn’t follow her down the sterile white hall, just watched her enter further into the odd building. May glanced over her shoulder, but the visage of the eerie smile didn’t help, so she just pushed on. She passed many white doors, bereft of any design save a small number labeling them. May noticed an odd scent lingering in the air as she made her way to the end of the hall. It clouded her senses and left her feeling a bit dazed, and by the time she staggered through the door into the room she had been directed to, she was struggling to keep her eyes focused.

Once inside the small room she was guided to a long table that was covered in a soft foam like cushion. She was glad to see some potted plants, and even a brick wall from the original building, anything was better than the odd whiteness of the main office. The man guiding her didn’t say much as he quickly disrobed her and motioned her into position, she had question she was going to ask him, but her thoughts felt muddy and slow. As she laid down and his hands began to massage her muscles, all worry drifted away. It was so hot, and firm, and a wellspring of tension she didn’t even know existed was released. All the stress of her job, of her life, washed away beneath the grip of the masseuse and the hot oil. May felt like she was dreaming, and she drifted in and out of consciousness for a while as he worked her tension out, as he infused her skin with the special oils.

With her face buried in the mat she couldn’t see how pink her skin had begun to become, if she had she might have thought it was from the intense heat of the oil, a heat so warm it was like that maximum heat you could enjoy in a shower before burning yourself. It wasn’t though, even the underside of her, which hadn’t been massaged yet was the same off pink shade. The fleshy color didn’t look right, something about it didn’t look quite human, but then again, neither did having a tail.

As the masseuse massaged her lower back and the top of her ass, he applied a little extra pressure at the base of her spine, and a slight pop woke May for a moment, but she melted away into half sleep again as he resumed his regular massage, leaving her unaware of the small nub of flesh that had begun to grow. Just above her ass cheeks a small fleshy shape was growing in size, lengthening as it thickened, as small hairs grew up int’s length. Within a few short moments it was long enough it had stated to curl slightly and there was no denying that it was a tail, a tail that was firmly attached to her body, bu she remained blissfully ignorant of this development.

The masseuse’s hands roamed up and down her body, and as her rubbed her neck and shoulders he briefly diverted, going further up her neck until his hands closed over her ears and gripped with firmly for a moment. May frowned in confusion, but he let go as quickly as he had grabbed them and she couldn’t resist the firm heat of his hands working on her neck. What she didn’t know was the her ears now came to angled points, and with every moment that passed they grew in size, sticking out through her hair to each side. In tandem with her ears expanding, her muscles definition softened. She grew in size, gaining a small amount of weight, but enough that when combined with the lack of visible muscles, she now had a soft body and the beginnings of a pudgy belly and lovehandels.

May was prompted to roll over by the silent masseuse, and she was in such a daze she didn’t even bother with the modesty of covering herself. The masseuse didn’t care though, his stern expression didn’t change, and he remained singularly focused on his job of massaging and changing her body. He started by placing a warm towel gently over her face, and she felt the world close off. Sound and sight were muted, and the hazy feeling became too much again, she lay motionless under the towel as her continued to rub her body with his hot stiff hands.

May surly would have protested when he began to massage her modest chest if she had been fully there, but not even a sound of protest came from beneath the towel. The masseuse firmly gripped her breasts and while it was obvious he wasn’t groping them in any sort of sexual way, she did feel a strange and arousing heat building within her chest. He spent a long time working her breasts, but she was confused when his hands moved lower on her body, but the feeling of her breasts being massaged didn’t stop. What she couldn’t see from under the towel, was that he had stopped working on her formerly pert breasts, which now were a rather hefty size. Now he was working on a second, slightly smaller pair of tits that were still growing beneath his hands.

After what felt like forever, the masseuse removed the towel from her face, and May’s eyes adjusted to the strange white lighting of the room. May yawned deeply, her pointed tusk-like teeth even more visible than they were at rest. She rubbed her wide flat nose idly as the masseuse got her back into her clothing. It took a moment, as nothing really fit that well any more. May staggered out of the small room as the masseuse gently pushed her back toward the front desk. May to heavy steps down the long sterile hall. She felt sore, and her body was heavy and her mind drowsy.

“Would you look at you!” The smiling woman grinned with an almost devious joy. “You look like a brand new woman.” She eyed May’s soft body stuffed into her now undersized clothes, she inspected her four large breasts, admiring the masseuses technique. She took extra enjoyment from the obviously porcine portions of her, short tusks, a wide pig nose, floppy ears, and that curled tail that wouldn’t stay in her pants.

May nodded sleepily and mumbled something akin to a thank you.

“Oh, and be sure to top by and let me know if you find any good mud baths around here.” She grinned evily.

May nodded again and walked to the exit as the fog in her brain slowly lifted. A mud bath did sound rather nice…

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L-O-L-A Lola Ms. Lilah placed another of the basketballs on the rack and turned to grab another, who

L-O-L-A Lola

Ms. Lilah placed another of the basketballs on the rack and turned to grab another, whoever had been in hear last had left them all over the place. One ball caught her eye though and the brunette felt drawn to it. Looking at the ball felt like she was staring at the sun, but she couldn’t look away, it’s pull was magnetic and she drifted over to it almost trance like. A soft humming glow surrounded the ball and Ms. In her mind she just kept telling herself ‘just touch the ball’ and her hand slowly drifted toward the orange surface with a tremble.

As her fingers grazed the edge of the ball there was an electric spark, a swirling orange light from the ball that coiled up her arm and infused her with warmth. She staggered back and started panting and looking around the room rapidly, the trance broken. The hot electric feeling wasn’t bad, it just felt so strange and alien to her, and the first place that it concentrated in was her feet.

Ms Lilah’s shoes felt three sizes to small and she groaned as she struggled in vain to remove them. There was no way her feet were coming out of those, she couldn’t even get a finger inside the normally loose tops. She worried for a moment about why her feet were swelling, but the thick fabric of the footwear gave up it’s struggle to contain her feet and they burst free.

Lilah was knocked on her ass and it took her a moment to collect herself. She lost her composure as her eyes caught sight of her feet, her massive feet. inch upon inch they had grown as brown hair started to cover the tops like she was some sort of hobbit or bigfoot. But the hair was thicker than normal hair, and it started to grow down the sides and become fluffy, soon it looked more like fur than hair, and her feet disappeared beneath a layer of fluff. Ms. Lilah looked on in shock, watching as her feet started to look like those of a rabbit, albeit with cartoonish proportions due to her size.

At this point she noticed that hair had started to grow on her inner thighs and belly, she tried to brush away the light colored fur, her bracelet jingling loudly as she panicked, but the fur was growing up her torso and could do nothing to change that. The hair lay softly over the edge of her shorts, which had started to change color and turn a dark blue. She also had a large tuft of fur between her breasts now.

She tried to get to her feet, to get out, to do something, anything to stop this. Standing on her new feet took a moment, her balance was different, but as she stood she felt her shoulders start to itch and her face had that same electric tingle as her feet had. She tried cover her face in her hands, as if it would stop something, but she could feel her nose changing shape, her mouth pushing out into a short muzzle. Her tongue rubbed her oversized incisors as she held her fluffy muzzle.

Lilah’s hair started to actually shrink, it’s length going from brushing her shoulders to just a floof of hair at the top. Her ears had started to shift in both size, position, and orientation. After a few seconds on the electric orange light tingeing on them, she felt a sudden woosh of motion as they ballooned in size and length. Her ears grew until they were at least two feet in length and as thickly covered in fur as any other part of her body. The weight hanging from her head was a strange sensation, especially after the lightness of having so much less hair for a moment.

Ms. Lilah… Lola? For some reason her name felt weird to her, she just had this overwhelming sense that she wasn’t a Lilah, but a Lola now. Lola felt the energy dwindle. Her hair turned a platinum shade as her shirt went from plain grey to a white, red, and blue logo, then the electricity faded. The electricity may have left her, but the changes had not. Te basketball was now a lifeless and normal ball like all the others, and the only evidence she hadn’t always been a bunnywoman was the torn up pair of athletic sneakers on the court.

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And a version without the futa or sex if that’s not your thing

And a version without the futa or sex if that’s not your thing

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 As class ended the room emptied, it was late and the professor ended class early. He shouted to the

As class ended the room emptied, it was late and the professor ended class early. He shouted to the two girls who hadn’t left yet as he walked out the door.

“The door’s already locked, just shut it when you leave, and don’t forget about the test on Friday!”

The girls nodded and continued packing up there belongings. The darker haired girl tried not to glare at the blonde next to her that was babbling about something as if she cared.

“Don’t you think he’s a little cute? I mean, I know he’s a bit older, but he has a certain… I dunno, something..”

“A dick?” The brunette said with spite.

The blonde scoffed “Ech, what is that supposed to mean?”

“Don’t pretend like that isn’t what your thinking about, you hit on everything that moves Emma, including my boyfriend…”

“Ahhahaha this… this is about David? I’m sorry Kelly, but it isn’t my fault that he isn’t into you or your flat ass!” Emma grinned and went back to packing her bag.

Kelly saw red, she ripped a heavy book from her bag and flipped through it, skimming down the page before finding what she needed. “You know Emma, not everyone can be a blessed as you, I don’t know how you can even contain that horse’s ass of yours in a pair of pants it’s so big.” The brunette started to mutter something quietly while Emma turned and spoke to her.

“Kelly, you really need to check yourself, if you can’t hold onto your man I can’t be blamed if he wants my huge….” She stopped talking, he attention drawn to her ass. It felt like it was… no it couldn’t be… was it… growing? She felt her pants get even tighter, the fabric of her jeans could barely contain her. In addition to the strange sensation of swelling, there was a small pain around her tailbone, and Kelly was chanting something like a freak. “What the hell are you doing Kelly.. *unnnnhhh* What are you… doing to me?”

Kelly grinned and continued to chant, watching with glee as Emma pants ripped into shreds, her voluptuous ass spilling out with a jiggle. Emma pulled down her panties before they got stuck on her, and as she got them to her ankles she felt something tickle her arm, it was her… “Tail?!?” She grabbed it and pulled, it yanked at the base of her spine above her ass and she tried not to yelp in pain. Her ass was still getting bigger, it really was starting to resemble a horse’s ass in size now. Instead of getting mad she started to laugh.

Kelly lost concentration, why the hell was Emma finding this funny? Emma stood up and took a step toward her, then turned and whacked her with her huge ass. Kelly wasn’t expecting that and was sent to the floor roughly, the book falling at Emma’s feet. Emma bent down and grabbed it, her gigantic ass only a foot from Kelly’s face. It was so big, Kelly was in awe of her own handiwork.

“You know Kel, if you thought everyone was trying to get on my ass before, wait til they get a eyeful of this!” She squished her ass into Kelly’s face and laughed as the brunette pushed her away spitting out hair’s from Emma’s horse tail. “Don’t fret about how marvelous my ass is, or how much nicer of a tail I’ve got than you could ever have, I’m sure I’ll find something in here that you will love to be turned into.”

“N-no… G-give me back my book!”

“Nah ah ah, not yet flat Kelly, after I get back from buying some new pants I’ve got some reading to do tonight, and a big comfy ass to sit on, so I think I’ll be keeping this for a while, and your boyfriend too. I don’t think he’s gonna be able to pass on this.” She admired her butt for a moment and walked over to her bag to grab her mercifully long coat, her massive ass swayed hypnotically and Kelly just sat on the floor watching it. Emma grinned, even Kelly couldn’t resist looking at it, this was going to be fun. She walked to the door and stopped, throwing a last glance to her dark haired rival before leaving “David always did have a thing for big butts…” She spanked her ass suggestively and left.

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catgirl88 Was enjoying being a donkeygirl so much she asked me to let her friend in on the fun too.

catgirl88 Was enjoying being a donkeygirl so much she asked me to let her friend in on the fun too. Figured I should quickly get this done tihs morning since I’ve taken long enough to get to it lol.

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Thanks again to Arkannes of DeviantArt for posing for this <3 For some reason she just felt so&he

Thanks again to Arkannes of DeviantArt for posing for this <3

For some reason she just felt so… thirsty today. She had left the party and was hanging out in the kitchen slowly drinking a can of soda while talking to a friend. The party was dying down, and her friend had to go, everyone was elsewhere in the house or gone and she was alone. Alone with all the soda, and even the big gallon sized container of cranberry juice that someone had mixed ginger ale in for the party.

She looked at her can and frowned, nearly empty.. she gulped down the rest, enjoy the bubbly fizzy feeling as she emptied it. She decided it was time to leave the party now that it was quiet and was about to go home when she remembered that she had eaten some garlic heavy dip earlier, not wanting to smell like a bowl of dip she decided to eat a mint. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a roll of mentos without thinking. As she realized that she was mixing mentos and soda she coughed in surprise, she had always heard stories of people exploding from doing that. As she coughed she accidentally swallowed the mentos, now she was in trouble. For a moment she panicked, what was she gonna do, what was going to happen. *burrrrrp* A sudden burp and a light fizz feeling was all she got. The fizziness inside her felt strangely nice even. Guessing that the stories must have just been stories people scared children with she laughed.

As if you could blow up from drinking soda and eating mentos. She popped open another can of pop and ate another two mentos. This time she felt a little swollen, and the fizziness was there, and it felt even better. She couldn’t figure out why it felt so good, but she was really enjoying the sensation of being so full. She grabbed five more cans of soda and opened them all, this was such a stupid idea she thought, why am I even doing this… She second guessed herself as she started to guzzle down can after can, but as she sat the last one down she groaned and started to eat a few more mentos.

This time the bloating from the carbonation was noticeable, she felt like she was a balloon, and within a few minutes she had gone from reasonably flat to looking like she drank heavily, or was even a few months pregnant. Now that would be something she thought as she loosened her tight pants, a big pregnant belly… She noticed the second gallon full of cranberry ginger ale punch. It was so much.. she couldn’t… it wasn’t… She waddled over to it and unscrewed the cap. This was a bad idea, she really shouldn’t do this, but the feeling of being swollen up like this was such a strange mix of uncomfortable and erotic. She whimpered as she brought the huge bottle to her lips, closing her eyes as she started to drink it down.

Gulp, gulp, gulp… the drink continued for what felt like ages, and eventually she stopped and swallowed another two mentos. Now she really did worry she was gonna explode, her belly surged forward and she could actually hear the liquid and fizz inside her sloshing around. She leaned against the fridge and held her belly as it grew, as the bubbles formed and stretched her out even further. She looked so big now, she squeezed her belly and giggled at how soft and squishy it was. She looked like she was about to give birth to a soda baby, and she still had half a gallon left. It suddenly dawned on her, she did have half a gallon left, she could swell up even bigger. All of her thoughts of being caught or getting to big had been washed away by the carbonated liquid and she readied the bottle to take another huge gulp, to see just how big she could get…

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Miss Victoria’s Secret“Now I know I explained to you some of the details over the phone, but l

Miss Victoria’s Secret

“Now I know I explained to you some of the details over the phone, but let’s go over this again, I know you need this job badly and can’t afford to fuck it up.” An older middle-aged man with short graying hair looks you over “You seem… trustworthy, and for the amount of money were paying you, you damn well better be. I can’t have another one like the last one, I damn near broke his hand getting that phone from him when he started taking pictures.” The older man sighs deeply. “Alright, Rule number one, Nothing you see here is to be spoken of, ever. You are a pool boy and general assistant to miss Victoria, and you like your job alot. Say it back to me.”

You blink stupidly for a moment and he gives you an encouraging look until you repeat what he said. “Rule two, don’t drawn undue attention to her condition, the last thing I need is for her to be self conscious about this… Rule three don’t-”

The list of rules went on for about an hour until he ushered you to the back yard and showed you around the pool cleaning equipment. He was going to detail some of your other duties when the buzzer for the front gate went off and he dashed around the side of the house. You just sat there with a pool net in hand waiting when you saw something. It had to be a something… that couldn’t be a come.. one… was that!?

Miss Victoria stepped out from the sliding glass panel to the backyard, a long pair of black furred legs capped with a shiny hooves stepped down the stairs. Above them was a lush horsetail that had clearly been styled and cared for far beyond a normal horses, but this wasn’t a normal horse, it only had two legs and from the waist up it was

“Victoria.” She held out a manicured hand and gave you an appraising smile. “Mmmm you do look like you could… FILL the job quite nicely.” She trailed her hand up your arm and gave you a sultry grin before clopping off behind you. You tried not to stare but she was… She was completely nude, and half horse!? From the waist up she was a beautiful woman who obviously lived in a life of luxury, and from the waist down she looked like she belonged in a barn. Well that’s not fair, you thought to yourself, her fur was so clean and well groomed, and her hooves were so perfect and polished, if she was living in a barn it had to be the most expensive barn in the world.


You nearly staggered into the pool as the older gentlemen clapped you on the back “So I see you and Miss Victoria have met already, he isn’t giving you any trouble Miss?”

“Hush dear, he is fine, I don’t mind if he is STUDying my form. I’m sure this is going to be quite the unique experience for him.” She gives you a wolfish grin.

“If you say so… Alright, there’s work to be done, I’ll leave you here for now, but as soon as Miss Victoria is done with you come find me round the front gate and I’ll go over the rest of the details.”

“Wait… done with me?” You ask, he gives you a sly grin and walks off.

“Pool boy, COME over here and give me a hand, I have some things you need to attend to…”

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Happy Birthday Catgirl88, enjoy your Donkeyday, I mean birthday

Happy Birthday Catgirl88, enjoy your Donkeyday, I mean birthday

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