#tf2 demo



Okay lets face it as much as i’d like him to be demo can’t be the star of every fan fiction. Sometimes, he will be a background character, and a common and oft talked about fact of the tf2 fandom is when he gets relegated to “side” demo just becomes a walking drunk joke

so, even if you can’t give his character the nuance it deserves in your fic, i’ve compiled a bunch of different of his characteristics you can boil him down to without making him like every other painful-to-read demoman

  • Family Man- Demo is really invested in his family. He takes time to care for his mother, and obviously misses his father dearly. It could be something he talks about openly with his team or not, we’re never shown for sure, but that is something that can have a lot of potential. Especially with stories with themes of family or found family
  • Loves His Job- Demo loves explosions. He’s proud of his skills, and (like every other member of the team save for pyro) has been shown to be confident in them, if not downright cocky. Engie likes to tinker, Heavy likes his gun, and Demo likes to blow things up. It can be as simple as having him do something like that when he appears “on-screen”
  • Self-Esteem Issues- In his meet the team video, it’s show that he’s not always sure of himself, especially when he *is* drunk. Although, it’s important to note that these issues revolve around his eye/appearance, and not about his skills. If you absolutely cannot think of any other way to put Demo in your story besides focusing on his drinking, remeber this. Some people are “happy/affectionate drunks” some people are “angry drunks” but when Demo drinks he gets very sad, sappy, and emotional.
  • Interest In Occult/Mystical- Here’s a more rare one, but certainly the most interesting. With a world as strange and nonsensical as the TF2 universe, there are plenty of opportunities for Demo’s expertice might come into play. Need someone to give exposition on why exactly everyone has a bird head this morning? Demo’s your guy

hopefully you take something away from this, and I see lots of different and varied demomen in the future!

Scout: Team-bonding time! We’re stealing a news van!

Demoman: Its the perfect crime, they’ll never be able to report it!

daskingu: It’s that time of year (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


It’s that time of year (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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A couple good lads



Wondering what the brain in Demo’s leg is thinking about right now…


Best bird friends!

healpimp: POV: you are scout and you are third-wheeling They’re perfect. Why can’t I hav


POV: you are scout and you are third-wheeling

They’re perfect. Why can’t I have an explosive war criminal as a partner?!

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Over time Demo has become one of my favourite characters in this whole series. It’s very sad that he gets so little attention (from both the comic team and the fans it seems). That’s why I decided to make a small appreciation post about what I like about him.

Let’s start with chapter 1: Gray Mann took over Mann Co. and fired all mercs. Most of them went into hiding or just moved on with their lives:
Scout: Helped Soldier and then wanted to get his money from the bank before vanishing. Ended up in prison though.
Soldier: Was kicked out of his castle and then started working as a tourist guide.
Pyro: Apparently became the CEO of a freaking engineering company??
Heavy: Returned to his family in Siberia.
Engie: Disappeared and took care of the Administrator.
Medic: Started working for a different team.
Sniper: Went back home to Australia and then started looking for his birth parents.
Spy: Wanted to go underground for a while. Ended up in prison with Scout unfortunately.

But what does Demo do? Nothing. He is depressed and unable to move on with his life. This job was everything to him.


He seems to drink even more than usual and completely lets himself go, not caring for anything. 

And now look at him when Miss Pauling is giving him his job back.


Look at his face: He is so genuinely happy and blissful when he is offered to join the gang again. Totally changed from one second to the next! :D

Another thing to notice about Demo is that he doesn’t bear grudges against his friends, no matter how shitty they may treat him.


Sniper knocks him out and then wants to throw him into a shallow grave!

But who is the one who supports Sniper after he got shot by the TFC mercs? Demo. 


In Chapter 6 Medic joins his old comrades in battle again. 


Medic betrayed the team and got Sniper killed, but he brought him back to life later - and that’s all that matters to Demo. He also doesn’t really mind Medic cutting pieces of his brain out.

(Don’t forget, he also immediately forgave his liver for leaving him.
DemoxLiver = OTP lol)


Look how happy and enthused he is to be back in action and to blow things up. This guy loves his work!


Look how happy he is to be reunited with his team. This guy loves his friends!


He is the only one of the mercs who visibly cares for the others and is happy to work with them. And that’s why I love him. :)

He needs more love

Oi! It’s me, yep.

I have sum gud news for all of me watchers. Soon I’ll make a post with Medic fanart. God bless that man. Greetings to everyone from the cult. See ya!

P.s. here I drew me and me frien’ @jam-mystery



Over time Demo has become one of my favourite characters in this whole series. It’s very sad that he gets so little attention (from both the comic team and the fans it seems). That’s why I decided to make a small appreciation post about what I like about him.

Let’s start with chapter 1: Gray Mann took over Mann Co. and fired all mercs. Most of them went into hiding or just moved on with their lives:
Scout: Helped Soldier and then wanted to get his money from the bank before vanishing. Ended up in prison though.
Soldier: Was kicked out of his castle and then started working as a tourist guide.
Pyro: Apparently became the CEO of a freaking engineering company??
Heavy: Returned to his family in Siberia.
Engie: Disappeared and took care of the Administrator.
Medic: Started working for a different team.
Sniper: Went back home to Australia and then started looking for his birth parents.
Spy: Wanted to go underground for a while. Ended up in prison with Scout unfortunately.

But what does Demo do? Nothing. He is depressed and unable to move on with his life. This job was everything to him.


He seems to drink even more than usual and completely lets himself go, not caring for anything. 

And now look at him when Miss Pauling is giving him his job back.


Look at his face: He is so genuinely happy and blissful when he is offered to join the gang again. Totally changed from one second to the next! :D

Another thing to notice about Demo is that he doesn’t bear grudges against his friends, no matter how shitty they may treat him.


Sniper knocks him out and then wants to throw him into a shallow grave!

But who is the one who supports Sniper after he got shot by the TFC mercs? Demo. 


In Chapter 6 Medic joins his old comrades in battle again. 


Medic betrayed the team and got Sniper killed, but he brought him back to life later - and that’s all that matters to Demo. He also doesn’t really mind Medic cutting pieces of his brain out.

(Don’t forget, he also immediately forgave his liver for leaving him.
DemoxLiver = OTP lol)


Look how happy and enthused he is to be back in action and to blow things up. This guy loves his work!


Look how happy he is to be reunited with his team. This guy loves his friends!


He is the only one of the mercs who visibly cares for the others and is happy to work with them. And that’s why I love him. :)

He needs more love

Gonna cry. That’s so true boutta Demo..



Artists of the TF2 fandom! Reblog this with your artwork and about you and I’ll reblog it! We need y’all to get more attention!



Redraw of an old drawing from 2017 :) I totally changed the color palette but who cares hehe❇

 Valve games, especially Team Fortress 2, have been a part of my life for over a decade, just about  Valve games, especially Team Fortress 2, have been a part of my life for over a decade, just about  Valve games, especially Team Fortress 2, have been a part of my life for over a decade, just about  Valve games, especially Team Fortress 2, have been a part of my life for over a decade, just about

Valve games, especially Team Fortress 2, have been a part of my life for over a decade, just about half of my life now. To see it in a better state would mean more than I can say to myself, friends, and so many others. #savetf2

It’s honestly what inspired me to pursue art and other mediums to where I am now. And with how it’s influenced the people in my life that I’ve looked up to over the years to even now, it’s safe to say, I’d not be where I am now without this game and the community it’s inspired.

So here’s to,

One big Hoo-rah

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lots of different ways to cuddle 

lots of different ways to cuddle 

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Demo in a great kilt!! cosy time Demo in a great kilt!! cosy time 

Demo in a great kilt!! 

cosy time 

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wanted to do a Scream Fortress drawing but ended up being too busy this year, so have some fun sketcwanted to do a Scream Fortress drawing but ended up being too busy this year, so have some fun sketcwanted to do a Scream Fortress drawing but ended up being too busy this year, so have some fun sketcwanted to do a Scream Fortress drawing but ended up being too busy this year, so have some fun sketcwanted to do a Scream Fortress drawing but ended up being too busy this year, so have some fun sketc

wanted to do a Scream Fortress drawing but ended up being too busy this year, so have some fun sketches instead

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