#tgaa2 spoilers


an assortment of doodles from a collaborative drawing session with some good people from the baroryuu discord server~

Day 3: Injury + Working

Note: I headcanon Lord van Zieks as left-handed, so here, I thought, I could show Asogi helping his mentor out with some paperwork after Barok injured his arm in some way.



elektrisktmonster:anyway who wants to hear my Theory additional thoughts (DGS2 SPOILERS):this starteelektrisktmonster:anyway who wants to hear my Theory additional thoughts (DGS2 SPOILERS):this starteelektrisktmonster:anyway who wants to hear my Theory additional thoughts (DGS2 SPOILERS):this starte


anyway who wants to hear my Theory

additional thoughts (DGS2 SPOILERS):

  • this started out as me comparing one of simon’s sprites with one of iris’ sprites and going “haha wouldnt it be funny if-” but now this is a genuine headcanon of mine
  • i hc the blackquills as having both japanese and british ancestry which fits perfectly with iris, who would definitely have gone to visit japan at some point
  • look at simon and tell me he doesn’t have van zieks blood. i mean come ON…..
  • goes for aura too. look at that hair… why she ourple….
  • baskerville…. blackquill….
  • in conclusion: i just think it’s neat

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the adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my lifethe adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my life

the adventures of mr. enoch drebber, the love of my life

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Evie Vigil is writing a Victorian romance novel and needs a prototype cover! Who else would she seek out for help other than the great detective and his people?

Behind the Scenes: Featuring illustrations by fledgling artist Olive Green, with help from a few willing/unwilling models at 221B Baker Street >:3

The final book cover I cried over :’>

So@aurantia-ignis​ said one day “This game is literally set in the (late) Victorian era, why has no one written/drawn a trashy Victorian romance yet” so we did a dumb together and this was the result!

Please enjoy this shitpost I spent way too much effort on :’>

In order to help out with household expenses now that Daley Vigil is no longer employed, Evie Vigil turns to writing romance novels for the young readers of the ton. And whom better to take inspiration from than one aristocratic noble with the sullenly handsome face and the terrifying reputation, and one carefree, passionate artist with a penchant for law breaking?

Many thanks to aurantia-ignis for all the writing parts!


Book Illustration reference: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5345903-a-passion-for-glory 

Close ups because…why not?


Behind the Scenes: Featuring illustrations by fledgling artist Olive Green, with help from a few willing/unwilling models at 221B Baker Street >:3 Honestly, I’m not going to lie, this image is the real reason I trudged through that cover. It was all for this final image.

Kazuma Asougi batshit insane momence


In this world, all I know how to do is direct my transification beam at ace attorney characters. The first two are based on Sherlock Hound screenshots which I will include in the read more along with the image descriptions !!! It was exceptionally fun to draw furniture (said no one ever) and I’m quite proud :0))

[Image 1 Description: A digital drawing of Yujin Mikotoba and Herlock Sholmes based on a Sherlock Hound screenshot. They are drawn in their sitting room. Herlock is sitting on a red settee, slouched forward. He has an opened letter in his left hand and two sheets of paper. In his right hand is a small brown pipe which he is smoking from. His light purple shirt is unbuttoned, and draped to the sides, revealing his boobs. He is looking at the letter with a slight smile. To his left, Yujin is leaning down to look at the letter. His left hand is on the back of the couch and his right hand rested behind his back. Similarly to Herlock, his white shirt is unbuttoned revealing his transmasculine chest. He has an anticipatory expression on his face. In front of the settee, in the foreground, is a chest. On top of the chest is an off white colored cloth with notes, a teacup, and a bar of soap. In the background is a lit fireplace. There is a stack of reddish brown books in front of it and stacks of multi-colored books on top. The walls are light red and Victorian patterned. Decorating the wall (from left to right) is an opened letter (hung up by a knife), two small notes, two bullet holes, and four framed sepia photographs between two wall sconces. End Description] 

[Image 2 Description: A digital drawing of Yujin Mikotoba and Herlock Sholmes based on a Sherlock Hound screenshot. They are drawn in their sitting room. On the right, Yujin is sitting in a green armchair, his left arm is laying on its rest, and a warm orange colored blanket is draped over him from the chest down. He is sleeping with a peaceful expression and his white shirt is unbuttoned to show part of his chest. To his left is Herlock sleeping on a red settee. Herlock is slumped over, his right arm draped loosely over the side of the couch. He has a blue blanket over his middle and his legs stretched out over the chest between them, his left leg folded over his right. His light purple shirt and purple bow are undone and partially revealing his chest. Both of them are trans masculine. In the background is a lit fireplace. On top of the fireplace, starting from the left, is a stack of multi colored books, an unlit candlestick, a mirror, and two framed photographs. Above this is a single piece of paper and two bullet holes. To the left of the fireplace, hanging on the wall, are four sepia photographs with a cluster of miscellaneous notes, red string connecting them and a wall sconce. To the right of the fireplace is a wall sconce, a shelf, a note, and a desk ¾ out of view with a stack of paper, a notebook, and a pen resting on its top. End Description] 

[Image 3 Description: A digital drawing of Herlock Sholmes, Yujin Mikotoba, and Iris Wilson. In the left half of the page is Herlock Sholmes in his pink robe. He is drawn younger and with a disgruntled sleeping expression on his face. To his left is young Yujin Mikotoba. He is wearing a blue robe and has his right arm draped across Herlock’s left side and his leg pulled up. He is sleeping peacefully. To Herlock’s right is baby Iris Wilson. He has one hand supporting her back as she lays across his shoulder and in the crook of his neck. She has her legs curled and pressed against his chin. She is pinching Herlock’s cheek with her right hand and pulling his hair with her left as she sleeps. In her mouth is a pacifier. At their feet is a warm orange blanket with white stripes and beneath their heads are two white pillows. The background is their sheets. In the remaining half of the canvas is Herlock Sholmes. He is slouched over, his left hand gesturing in the air, and his right hand splayed against a chalk board in the background. On the chalkboard, simple stick figures are drawn with horizontal lines beneath them. Above the chalkboard are speech bubbles with no actual dialogue to show that Herlock is talking. In the foreground are the black silhouettes of Yujin and baby Iris. None of this is colored. To the left of this scene is a small drawing of Yujin and baby Iris from the front with the dialogue: “Sholmes, forgive me, but… what.” End description]


thinking endlessly about herlock making clothes for baby iris and then inevitably teaching her how to sew and then missing when he got to dress her up in cute outfits (all of her outfits are entirely inspired by cherished teddies because I will have them all one day. i will)

[Image description: A digital drawing of Iris Wilson and Herlock Sholmes. In the top left is a waist up drawing of young Herlock in his out of coat attire, his left hand resting on toddler Iris’ middle and his right hand holding her elbow. Iris is dressed in a yellow raincoat, light blue shorts, and a sea foam hat. Embroidered on her coat is periwinkle colored simple flowers and her pink mouse mascot on the pocket. Additionally, Herlock’s bunny mascot is embroidered on her hat. She is smiling with her eyes closed and holding her right hand up in a stagnant wave. Herlock is smiling as well. The background is made to look like the inside of their home in 221B, a black and white family picture, a shelf with books, and dried flowers on the wall. Around this scene is a white border meant to imitate a photograph. On the upper right is toddler Iris wearing a pale pink winter coat, hat, and boots with light purple gloves, pants and a purple striped white scarf. She is holding her hands close to her chest and looking at the snow in awe. On her coat is embroidered purple flowers and her hat resembles her mouse mascot. The background is a blue sky and a snowy ground and around it is a white border. Below this, toddler Iris wears a baby blue coat and hat with a light yellow brim. Underneath the coat is puffy white shorts. She is also wearing bright yellow rain boots and is holding out a baby blue umbrella with her left hand. Iris has a closed eye smile. The background is a stormy blue sky with yellow light coming through. It is raining and on the dark ground there is three small puddles. Around this scene is a white border. In the bottom left is Herlock in his out of coat attire and his goggles on. He is looking down, focused, and sewing Iris’ baby blue coat, a needle in his mouth. Above him is a piece of letter paper that reads: ‘Dear Mikotoba, I have taken up sewing in the pursuit of constructing clothes for young Iris. If my endeavors prove fruitful, I shall hope to send you photographs of such evidence. As always, I miss you dearly and hope you and Susato are in good health. I shall write again soon, Your legendary partner.’ In typewriter font. End description]

[Image 1 description: A digital drawing of Susato Mikotoba, Herlock Sholmes, Iris Wilson, Yujin Mikotoba, and Ryunosuke Naruhodo. Starting from the very left is Susato Mikotoba shown from the waist up smiling and looking at the camera, a hairpin of her bunny mascot clipped in her hair. Beside and in front of Susato is Herlock Sholmes, his left arm is reaching back over his shoulder to hold Yujin Mikotoba’s hand. In Herlock’s hair is a hairpin of Iris Wilson’s mouse mascot. Behind Herlock and to his right is Yujin Mikotoba. He has his left hand resting on Herlock’s and his right arm reached around to rest on Iris Wilson’s shoulder. In Yujin’s hair is a hairpin of a grey bunny mascot made to resemble him. In front of Yujin, Iris Wilson is sitting with Wagahai in her lap looking up at her with a smile. In Iris’ hair is a hairpin of Herlock’s bunny mascot. All the way on the right end, behind everyone, Ryunosuke Naruhodo stands with the index finger of his right hand pointed up. In his hair is a hairpin of his mouse mascot. There is a white border around the image to resemble a photograph. In the top left corner is white text that reads: ‘The Legendary Family.’ In the bottom right corner is a signature that reads: ‘Zed Bear.’ End description]

[Image 2 description: A digital drawing of Kazuma Asogi. Kazuma is looking over his shoulder with a slight smile on his face and a hairpin of his masked cat mascot in his hair. To the right of Kazuma is Barok Van Zieks. Van Zieks is looking off to the right with a slight frown, a hairpin of his cat mascot in his hair. Between Kazuma and Van Zieks is a small Gina Lestrade. Gina is teary eyed and snot nosed, holding up a hairpin of her hedgehog mascot with the dialogue: ‘I love it, ‘s ‘mazin’.’ End description]

celebrating my autism acceptance month with autistic father and daughter :,0)

/// TGAA Resolve Spoilers !

they are living rent free in my brain.
