#thank you so much for sharing



hhhheres day 1 of @wrightfamilyweek, except I had no time hence why this is late <3

Prompt: “The worst of times are when you have to force your biggest smiles”.

poppyssupergirl: cuaviaaceves1:A play on contrast. And it is Missing Season 3 hours. Happy Friday ev



A play on contrast. And it is Missing Season 3 hours. 

Happy Friday everyone.

Your background is filled with red
But it’s hardly anyone else's 
It’s all your own
And it leaches
Leaches into your present
Follows you with vulture wings

You’ve hurt and hurt
And stood up
Wrapped yourself in armor 
Just to be hurt again
The cycle hasn’t made you soft
But it hasn’t broken you yet
(It will
Oh it will
With blue eyes and pleading confessions)

You let it show 
Once in a while
A little red bow
A jacket
It feels like tempting fate
“Won’t leave a stain”
It feels like laughter in darkness 

It feels strong
And you hurt
But not enough to fall
(To stumble one day)
Not even enough to hang your head

You’re a Luthor after all
Your past is tied in red
And you wear it so well

This is amazing!!!! Very powerful words, big honor to have them beeing shared with my art.

Post link

Normally I would sent this as an ask but you don’t have your ask box open haha. So my final project for my queer studies class used one of your mood boards as an example of synthetic kinship in the queer community, I thought you might want to know/check it out! https://lgbtintothewoods.wordpress.com/


Chapter One

Author’s Note: And now you all love big brother Virgil too.  Sorry, I don’t make the rules.  (Also, @star-crossed-shipper you asked to be tagged!)

Chapter 4/4:

Virgil was immensely relieved on learning that none of them would be living with their parents while the trial was going on, though he didn’t think the furious looks on their faces when the three of them were taken away would ever stop haunting his nightmares.

He hadn’t actually gotten a chance to tell either Roman or Remus what was going to happen before it started happening, and he regretted that the second both of them turned to him with such scared looks on their faces as they were all walked out of the house.

“It’s okay,” he said, pulling them both close as soon as he got a chance.  “It’s gonna be okay.  We’re not going anywhere you haven’t been before, okay?”

“Virgil, what’s going on?” Roman whispered.

“We’re going to go stay with Patton and his Dads for a while,” Virgil said, with the best attempt at a smile he could manage.

“What, why?” Remus asked.  He sounded confused and worried, but he didn’t sound upset, which would help Virgil sleep a little easier that night.

“I’ll explain on the way, alright?”

He made sure to sit in the back of the car along with them, so when the social worker taking them to Thomas’ house started to drive, they could talk in private and without any of them having to turn around or lean back.



Happy Pride Month!

Here are some of my works for the Queer Creator Showcase by @queercutlureis! These aren’t in any particular order. But I hope you like my works here.

  1. The Letter; a fan work of mine focused on Nya Smith coming out as aromantic.

2. Boring Night; a alloaro couple in a short comedy fiction.

3. Skylor Chen from Ninjago with a tanktop colored like the lesbian flag.

4. Color Cookie; my oc. He is a drag queen with a out there fashion sense.

5. Our Last Talks?; a queer relationship developing before a bad fight they need to be involved in occurs.


@queercutlureis for the second showcase I’m submitting 3 lyric videos I made a while back. Flashing lights warning and minor sensitive topics in the lyrics themselves




(Adding clickable links for easier access, hope that’s okay!)


You Know You’re Right




Queer Poetry Collection

Trans Hate

Being trans comes with many joys,
finally discovering yourself,
finding people who understand you
the euphoria of looking like yourself
for the first time
the pride in breaking the chains
of the gender binary
It also comes with some unavoidable pain
not feeling like your body is your own
living some of your life
as someone you’re not
your voice not sounding like you
clothes never fitting quite right
and some easily avoidable suffering
like societal oppression
being abused and made fun of
just for living as our true selves
being referred to by terms
that aren’t your own

Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton
Ron DeSantis, Joe Harding
Ted Cruz, Donald Trump
theses men do nothing to help
instead they encourage the torment
and through their positions of power
they spread their harmful ideas
transphobia snakes its way
through the republican party
spreading it’s tendrils
through the darkest corners

Greg Abbott
Ken Paxton
and their long pointy nails
ripping trans children
from their parents
drawing blood
where lives could be spared
blocking the pathways
to happy healthier lives
trans kids in Texas
directly under fire
trans kids everywhere
can feel their pain

Ron DeSantis
Joe Harding
and their massive obnoxious mouths
talking over anyone
who’s different or odd
running their mouths as if
they’re better than the rest of us
stopping children from
sharing their stories
or even learning that
they are not alone
other people feel that way
it’s not wrong to be queer
queerness should be celerbrated
not erased from our vocabulary

Ted Cruz
and his two sided hair cut
viewed from one side
he is a protector
from the other side
he is a transphobe
one perspective buys into
his tale of biological supremacy
among children,
kids who just want to play
the other view point
sees the evil
forcing kids to hide
their true self
or leave the game
that they love

Donald Trump
and his blaring orange skin
the bright color acts as a beacon
calling similar minded people to his side
gathering support for causes
that deserve no recognition
preventing people from
serving their country because
their gender doesn’t align with
your expectations
preventing brave
men women and people
from serving simply because
of what’s in their pants

Six fallen saviors
leaders turned corrupt
they were supposed to empower
the people they serve
instead they terrorize them
powerful people, political leaders
they are supposed to
guide the way to a better future
not turn us around
and send us back
to bigotry oppression and hatred

It Hurts

“Women’s reproductive rights”
“After a woman gives birth”
“He or she”
“Ladies and gentleman”
[Women’s room]
[Men’s room]
“Girl’s team”
“Boy’s team”
“Son or daughter”
“Mom and dad”
“Brother or sister”

Everyone pretends I don’t exist
Everyone tries to deny my existence
Everyone implies I’m not there
Everything is structured to ignore my existence
Every tradition pretends I’m not real

It hurts
I try to hide it
I shrug it off
I ignore it
I say it’s ok

But it isn’t

I. Exist. Too.
Just because I don’t fit
Into your neat little boxes
Doesn’t mean I’m not real
Doesn’t mean you can just ignore me
I have a uterus too
I play on this team too
I’m listening to your speeches too
I exist in this world too

How about
“Reproductive rights”
“After a person gives birth”
“Coach A’s team”
“Coach B’s team”

Just change a few words
It’s not very hard
And it can make a world of a difference
It can make me feel seen and heard
It can make me feel real
It can make me feel like
I have a place in this world
Because I do
Weather or not you care to acknowledge me
I am here and I am queer

Transitional Years

What am I supposed to do
What is gender
How do I stay safe
How do I explain these feelings
What is going on inside me
What is going on around me

I am so glad that time is over
The fear
The questioning
The confusion
No more hiding who I am just because I don’t understand it
And I’m afraid the world won’t either
No more hiding inside
Afraid of the plague that’s taken over the world

I can be free now
I can be myself
I can be unapologetically myself
I can be a normal kid

I’m never getting those years back
Those 2 years spent hiding in the darkness of my room
Or all the years before spent believing in a lie
I lost my transitional years
To a plague
And to a different kind of transition

I went in one person
And came out a totally new version of myself

New name
New pronouns
New perspective on the world

I’m not alone in my struggles,
I wish younger me knew that
Other people feel the way you do
And everyone is there for you
You don’t have to question alone
It’s ok to let others know you’re confused and scared

I’m happy for my friends
Who aren’t going through that alone
I’m glad I can be there to support them
To show them that they aren’t alone
To show them the light at the end of the tunnel
To be an example of a happy ending

I just wish younger me was that brave
Younger me was too afraid of the unknown
To admit to anyone else that I didn’t know
Didn’t know who I was
Instead of letting others help me
to find myself
I hid myself from everyone
I hid myself from myself
I denied who I am
Because I thought I had to know
To pick
To tell everyone
I thought I had to know who I was
Before I could tell people who I’m not
I thought I had to pick between
Being truly myself
And being a part of my team
I thought if I told someone
I would have to tell everyone
So I chose hiding
I chose the past
I chose my team

Sure, it made me who I am
But couldn’t have there been
An easier path to this point?
We’ll never know
At least for now,
I’m just happy to have made it here
I hid away for 2 years
And in the process I found myself
I pulled back the coat of lies
That I had been building up my whole life
I eased out of it
And I burned it
The freedom I found
Was well worth the pain
That the path here caused
I am myself
And I am never turning back

The Queer Fight

Gay marriage was legalized
In the united states
Within my lifetime
And I’m still in highschool

The first time an
Openly transgender athlete
Competed in the olympics was
Last summer
I watched them
Go on to win gold

The AIDs crisis
Those are things of the past
To my generation
Yes, they’re important history
But they aren’t our battles

Our Fights are:
Bathroom bills
Trans athletes
Representation for EVERYone
Skyrocketing mental illnesses

Things are much better than they were
50,30,20, even 10 years ago
But we’re not there yet
We’re still seen as other
As something different
Something to be feared and hated
There are still so many countries
Where I could be killed
Just for being myself
And even more
Where I couldn’t marry the person I love
Just because we’re the same gender
Hell even in the usa I can’t marry
The people that I love
Since you can only marry one person

Yeah representation has gotten better
But you still have to go looking for it
And the little that you can find is mostly
Just gay, mlm or wlw
There’s the occasional mspec
A sprinkling of binary trans people
A spot of enbies
And a tiny tiny spec of aspecs
I can see queer people but I can
Hardly see myself
And my multifaceted identity
Nonbinary, trans, genderfluid, mspec, ace, ambiam

This is our fight
And we’re not stopping
Until we’re all equal

The Black Ring

Black ring
Right middle finger
A fuck you to
Fucking anyone

It’s a physical reminder
Something to rub
When I feel
Like an other
Like I’m missing out
That I’m too queer
Or not queer enough
It grounds me
Reminds me
I’m not alone

It’s a signal
A way to let others know
“Hey, you’re not alone”
It’s subtle
But powerful
It’s simple
But meaningful

It’s a piece of me
I almost never take it off
It represents a part of me
That can’t otherwise
Be seen and understood
Even with the ring
Only some people care
To see and understand
But I do and some do
And that’s enough for me

Black ring
Right middle finger
A reminder
A Symbol
A part of me
How I say
“I’m Proud,
Proud to be Ace.”

@queercutlureis​ can I submit this for your queer creator showcase?

A bit about me, I’m a queer high school student and for me poetry is an outlet and a way for me to express my feelings, and really the only kind of writing I can do lol


She’s here and looking absolutely gorgeous!! (*≧∀≦*)

@bettertogetherzine Everything is so pretty and lovely, thank you to all the contributors and crew for working hard on such a beautiful project ♡♡♡

oscararcane: I finished playing the Golden Rose ( @anathemafiction ) this week and had a delightful


I finished playing the Golden Rose ( @anathemafiction ) this week and had a delightful time!
This is Aloys, my MC, and the harbor cat. Saying goodbye was the most heartbreaking scene in the game. u_u

Post link
endlessdoughnut:So The Golden Rose is fully out now, and I just about lost my mind playing it. It’s


SoThe Golden Rose is fully out now, and I just about lost my mind playing it. It’s so good y’all, and 100% worth a read.

SO! As I am wont to do, I drew my MC. Her name is Safiya, and she’s deeply smitten with Hadrian. Her looks are largely inspired by Ruth Negga

So yeah! Go visit @anathemafiction and check it out. Now I just have to wait for the next book ;u;

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