#that time


“I told you that if you didn’t stop losing Russia and dying all over, I would turn this carriage around and go home! Now get in!”

Claude reports for light dusting duty, disguising his featherduster in his hat.

That time my nieces asked me about SMUT.

Every summer, my entire family gather at my grandparents’ house for like the entire month to spend quality time and all. So out of everyone in my big ass family, I’m the designated babysitter. One night some of my nieces wanted to sleep in my room. I was reading a Camren one shot on my iPad while they were playing with their dolls. Then I left for a while. I had no idea how but THEY FUCKING OPENED MY IPAD WITH THE SMUT SCENE IN THEIR. I was so terrified when I got back and they were looking through my iPad. AND MY BIG SISTER WALKED IN THE ROOM.

Niece 1 : why are they cutting each other with scissors?

Niece 2 : what’s a smut?

Me : Nothing. It’s for big girls only.

Big sis : It’s about anatomy, sweetie. Rossie’s studying to be a doctor.

Me : *fucking relieved* Exactly, so you can’t read it.

Niece 1 : But I want to be a doctor too!

Niece 3 : Me too!

All 3 of them : I want to read it! I want a smut!

And then my parents walked in…


wow this pandemic has really done a number on me

starting to reread PWF and am expecting to be pretty fuckin surprised about what’s in there
