#fangirl problems



There is one particular ship dynamic that never fails to wreck me, and I’ll call it Soulmates, But Not Like That. Not in a “some higher power has decided that we are destined to be together” way, but something that is almost the opposite of that. It’s that character who has been alone for a long time, and has maybe convinced themselves that they will be alone forever, and who has a lot of barriers to intimacy with most of the people around them, for whatever the relevant narrative reasons are. And then they just happen to cross paths with this ONE FUCKING PERSON who works for them, through some very specific combination of personality and circumstance and life experience and mutually compatible damage. And there is always the shock of what are the fucking odds, and underneath everything the terror of what if this doesn’t last. what if there’s no one else. I would just go back to being alone. I don’t know if I could do that after knowing this. Because when you finally let down that wall of emotional self-sufficiency the thought of having to put it back up again is painful. And in real life I don’t at all believe that there is only One Designated Person for anyone, but in fiction I do tend to gravitate toward characters who believe themselves to be The Only One in some way, and I will always be emotionally compromised by that dawning sense of oh. You are like me.



i simply like m/f romances where the woman is completely feral and the guy is just little too into it

she stops trying to kill him and he’s honestly a little disappointed


Absolutely a sucker for the “ARE YOU HURT” once over. The wandering hands, frantically checking for blood or pain just SOMETHING. ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of what they might find while searching. The panicked look on the face of the person doing the checking, the glossy, confused “I’m fine” from the person being checked. HOO BOY just inject that shit right into my veins

arielmh:Reasons why I love Harry [pt5]: He takes bubble baths with a rubber ducky. Yesterday it arielmh:Reasons why I love Harry [pt5]: He takes bubble baths with a rubber ducky. Yesterday it arielmh:Reasons why I love Harry [pt5]: He takes bubble baths with a rubber ducky. Yesterday it


Reasons why I love Harry [pt5]: He takes bubble baths with a rubber ducky.

Yesterday it was Floating and now tonight it’s this adorable psycho. I might as well just have myself a Reedus marathon. Then maybe a Flanery marathon. Then rewatch Walking Dead. I initially thought that might hold me over until TWD comes back, but who am I kidding - I’ll be done by June.

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I’m not in the business of predicting stories anymore…. At least, it wouldn’t be a hill for me to die on, or what have you. I’ve learned my lesson. At the same time, I have opinions, and often they’re pretty strong, and my feeling that I naturally get the narrative subtext in a given story and others seem misunderstand at a basic level is also strong. In a way, it almost seems funny, ‘cause these days it seems like people misunderstand a lot more important information, to a lot more problematic results. It’s like, well, misread fiction all you want. That’s what it wants you to do, especially when you’re talking about plot points that haven’t happened yet. Misreading the news and otherwise factual information is just a bit more dangerous and unfortunate.

Still… I’m not sure I want to forbid myself from arguing with people about low-level fangirl stuff, especially since I mostly do it in my head. It’s okay to have some innocuous debates and disagreements, even– or even especially– in today’s fraught times. Actually, it could even be seen as training wheels for your viewpoint tolerance. If you can’t handle courteous opposition to your interpretation of a book, how can you live in a world where people may violently disagree with your right to live, at least without living in a bunker?

Anyway, to the degree I’m exposed to fandom of any kind, it’s people’s comments on the fanart they post or repost on Instagram, so… really minor. Even so, they often feel the need to preemptively defend their ship from attack, claiming hate won’t be tolerated. No one leaves any room for disagreement, on either side of ship wars, anymore than they do in politics. It’s sad. And you see familiar claims and reactions– new theory comes out with new content, is popular, and before you know it– boom! The old ship/theory is oppressed, hated, persecuted. And the worst part is that the debate probably *does* devolve into persecution. Though I mean, I also think people become pretty sensitized to disagreement and criticism of their beliefs/interpretations, too. I’m not 100% convinced that when the minority shipper fanart posts say 'hate’ they actually mean harassment, stuff that goes beyond strong disagreement.

Of course, I mean, I suppose people are even more justifiably interested in a 'safe space’ in their shipping than most other contexts– certainly moreso than political discussions. You don’t have to entertain debate about your favorite ship. It’s really only because, as usual, people try to justify their ship using rational arguments. But the whole point of a rational argument is that it’s *arguing* something. A ship itself is not an argument but a preference. It’s only once you make up supposedly 'good’ reasons that I start getting twitchy.

I suppose I’ve mostly talked myself out of engaging with the arguments, per se. Overall, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially when the ship in question is seen as the 'minority’ interpretation. Like I said, it’s just because of the argument itself.

In this case, the ACoTAR series Elriel fan quoted Cassandra Clare, who wrote that “Being told that love is forbidden doesn’t kill love. It strengthens it.” This appears to be a reference to Rhys, as the High Lord, forbidding Azriel not to pursue Elain in the book extra epilogue everyone’s in an uproar about. This takes the whole situation in the epilogue out of context, basically. Like, yeah…. this would apply, but only if you claim the relationship in question is *love*. Based on the epilogue, it seems a lot more like lust and loneliness, even entitlement. The whole epilogue interaction before that conversation with Rhys was clearly showing the cracks in the reading which previously portrayed Azriel as a romantic, sweet gentleman when it comes to Elain. Not that he’s not a gentleman with her, but it’s more like he’s not really being himself. The context makes the situation more complex than 'Rhys stands in the way of a strong but forbidden love bond’, and in fact that interpretation is pretty silly.

Anyway, in a book series where 'pure love’ with both main love interests so far involved letting the woman go…. basically, there’s a lot of missing context. I can’t help but come up with these rebuttals in my head. I miss arguing with people about books who were actually up for it… but to be honest, fandom was always pretty bad about enabling healthy debates, especially about anything to do with shipping. You don’t even get to feel good when you’re right (unless you’re in your fannish safe space), 'cause most people whose ships sink tend to blame the author and not their own reading.

Not sure what the ideal would be, though. Probably only if I was actually personally friends with a person who shipped something I didn’t, and then we had a conversation about it when their ship sunk. I have this feeling like a part of the problem that creates ship wars is just that these opinions, once they’re widely enough shared, are automatically presented as *groups*, and therefore they’re part of group dynamics. Basically, disagreeing with a friend or even just a single person is not the same as a whole group constantly saying they’re right and your opinions are wrong. Tbh, though, a lot of times even friendship is not enough. I mean, it’s enough not to ruin the relationship between us, but fans who’re really disappointed tend to just be angry and sad, and not in the mood to care much about the book or show in question. I generally tend to retain some interest in open-ended deconstruction even when I’m really wrong, but even my analytically minded friends have been more likely to just quit the fandom and/or stop engaging with the subject.

Not like all my ships have come true by any means, but generally, I have an innate sense of what’s likely and why things make sense in context, especially in retrospect. This reconciles me to all sorts of unfortunate events in stories that I wouldn’t have otherwise preferred. The type of people that see things this way tend not to take sides (or have ships) to start with. Myself, I am like a true believer/fangirl type and the centrist/canon only type rolled into one. I definitely take sides and have strong feelings and preferences… just… retaining a sense of humor and rational criticism of my own preferences and thoughts. Alas, most people are… not this way.

9 PM : I’m just gonna read 1 chapter before I sleep.

10 PM : I just want to find out what happens next then I’m gonna sleep.

12AM : Just one more chapter and I swear I’m sleeping.

2AM : It wouldn’t be right to sleep after a cliffhanger.

5AM : What the fuck is sleep?

That time my nieces asked me about SMUT.

Every summer, my entire family gather at my grandparents’ house for like the entire month to spend quality time and all. So out of everyone in my big ass family, I’m the designated babysitter. One night some of my nieces wanted to sleep in my room. I was reading a Camren one shot on my iPad while they were playing with their dolls. Then I left for a while. I had no idea how but THEY FUCKING OPENED MY IPAD WITH THE SMUT SCENE IN THEIR. I was so terrified when I got back and they were looking through my iPad. AND MY BIG SISTER WALKED IN THE ROOM.

Niece 1 : why are they cutting each other with scissors?

Niece 2 : what’s a smut?

Me : Nothing. It’s for big girls only.

Big sis : It’s about anatomy, sweetie. Rossie’s studying to be a doctor.

Me : *fucking relieved* Exactly, so you can’t read it.

Niece 1 : But I want to be a doctor too!

Niece 3 : Me too!

All 3 of them : I want to read it! I want a smut!

And then my parents walked in…

It’s midnight where I am and I’m crying thinking about the fact that i haven’t seen Demi Lovato EVER. Like I’m legit sobbing because I’ve been fucking in love with that beautiful creature since Camp Rock bUT I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN THE CHANCE TO SEE HER IN PERSON. CAN YOU FEEL MY FRUSTRATION? MY DEPRESSION? MY PAIN? LIKE FUCK MAN I DON’T WANNA FCKING DIE WITHOUT SEEING HER SMILE IN PERSON, HEAR HER OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD VOICE LIVE AND JUST BE IN THE SAME FUCKING PLACE AS HER! FML

Thank God for Camila’s Ass

Blessing y'all with pictures of the masterpiece that is Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao’s ass. ❤️



So I’ve been looking for one specific Camren fic. It’s called Good Vibes. Camren were roommates who hated each other but had really high sexual tension(I mean, can’t blame them duh). Anyways, so they pretend to be together in front of Lauren’s family. Eventually, they fall in love. But unfortunately, the author deleted it. I really wanna find the author and, if there’s still a copy, the book too.

Absolutely love that fic cause there CAMILA FUCKING TOPS! Lauren is a daddy and all bUT KARLA TOPS AT ALL COST. SHE’S A DOMINANT MARSHMALLOW!

you don’t know true fear until a family member says “i can see your screen on your glasses” and ’

In my 44 years of life, I can say with absolute certainty that “I want to feel his leg hairs between my teeth” was not a thought I’d ever think to have.

But here we are.

My name is Hunter and I have a severe problem with impulse buying every bit of Rocky Horror memorabilia I see despite the price tag. My sincerest apologies go out to my bank account. 
