#the age of madness


Leo: My biggest personality flaw is not having a cool eyebrow scar.

Savine: This was your idea; it’s your fault.

Leo: You know how impulsive I am; it’s your fault for not stopping me.

Tunny: We had a short-lived drinking game based on how many enemies you have, Prince Orso. It killed a man.

Orso: How much could I possibly owe you? Three, four marks?

Hildi: Two thousand, four hundred and thirty seven marks.

Orso: Marks?! Wait, of course marks. Why was that the part I was surprised by?

Leo: If I pop off my leg…

Leo: and swing it at your head,

Leo: am I hitting or kicking you?

Jurand: …You’ll probably mentally scar me more than anything else.

Leo: I want to change the world.

Savine: For the better?


Savine: I need you to answer me.

Rikke: Hot girl summer is over it’s time for witch bitch winter.

Leo: I got a 100% in school 

Jurand[skeptical]: Really? What subject? 

Leo: 20% in maths, 20% in science, 20% in English, 30% in sports and 10% in social studies

[Rikke texting Shivers]

Rikke: There was a fire at school today.

Shivers: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

[Rikke texting Isern]

Rikke: There was a fire at school today.

Isern: Did you start it?

Orso: Prisoner or not, sometimes it’s nice being held.


Judge: Are you OK?

Leo: How was I supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions?

Leo: Come on, how many times do I have to apologize?




Orso: My body is a temple.

Orso: Ancient and crumbling.

Orso: Probably cursed or haunted.

Jurand: I just want you to know I’m here for you if you ever feel like talking or kissing someone.

Leo: Thank you, I appre— What?


Rikke: Telling the future.

Stour: Hey, if you had any superpower what would-

Stour: … Wait, what the fuck?

Leo dan Brock

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The Wisdom of Crowds is right around the corner and I am so worried for Orso and surprisingly Victarine.

Leo and Savine need to go in the trash which means they probably won’t. Fuck.

Jurand and Leo should have one last meeting where Juju is like peace out bitch here’s my newboo Jappo, Ima king consort now (Duke consort??)

I need to know what Zuri is up to as well as that old fuck Bayaz also pls Joe some Khalul info???
