#the arcana fluff


Modern! NSFW Halloween Headcanons (Asra, Julian, Lucio)

Other 3 of the Main 6 coming soon!

(MC’s gender is not specified, but they are penetrated)


-“You look incredible, MC.”

-Things start to heat up on the couch. He feels MC lean into his side and he’s ready pretty much immediately.

-Lots of kisses, starting with the lips, moving down to MC’s neck, pulling aside a piece of their costume to kiss at their collarbone

-There’s an 80% possibility that he won’t even have enough sense to leave the couch. Instead, Asra will press MC to the arm of it and trail more kisses down their body as the costumes come off

-So many fervent whispers of “I love you, MC. I love you.”

-Lingers in the taste and the sensation of kissing MC’s thighs, hips, and stomach

-If MC’s costume involves anything with high stockings or socks, he’ll make sure to pull them down nice and slow.

-Asra loves to praise MC during sex. Loving mumbly words whispered into their ear or against their neck. Careful, hot ghosts of kisses chasing the words.

-When they finally get down to it, he does everything so, so slowly. My god, this man lives for every moment of the sensation, and he loves to prolong it.

-Obviously his tendency to be a service top holds true, here. Anything MC wants, he’ll be happy to oblige.

-Finishes with his face buried in MC’s neck, spilling inside because he craves the closeness and the intimacy

-Lots of snuggling afterwards, probably after a warm fall-scented bath.


-It’s very likely that after the spooks at the haunted house, Julian and MC end up making out in a back room or an alleyway somewhere.

-Ilya’s still shaking a little from being a cute frightened bean, even though he’s trying to hide it

-But kisses immediately quell whatever fears he had, the feeling of MC sucking hickeys into his pale neck making him moan out loud

-MC definitely has to tell him to be quiet. Is he quiet? No, he never is. And so the two of them definitely end up caught by someone, driving them to go home and continue this bout of fun

-He wants everything and anything right here and now, and he’s so eager to please it’s adorable

-Puts on his big pleading eyes as he slides down in between MC’s legs

-“Please MC, I wanna make you feel good. I need to.”

-Halloween’s a special night that’s got him all riled up, and the thespian in him can’t resist doing it in costume

-His wonderfully elegant hands make short work of both outfits before sliding shaky fingers over MC’s bare skin

-Loves to be ridden, and this night is absolutely no exception. If MC pins his hands above his head he’ll finish in no time

-Tries so so hard not to buck his hips up, he wants to be good for MC but it isn’t easy

-A good boy so he’ll finish wherever MC wants him to. But…not until they let him.

-Afterwards he’ll relish in every little kiss he gives and gets, falling asleep settled into the warmth of the sheets with MC.


-Compliment his costume? Compliment his costume.

-Compliment his makeup?

C o m p l i m e n t. H i s. M a k e u p.

-In all seriousness, he’ll want MC to model their costume for him when the two are alone.

-After asking MC for a couple twirls he’ll call them over to his lap and lean his head back for a barrage of kisses

-Despite his braggart demeanor, the feeling of MC’s warm lips on his neck will elicit a few moans from his throat

-If MC cards their hand through his golden locks he’ll flutter his eyes closed and moan louder

-Nip his neck (WHAT no I said absolutely nothing of the sort) and he turns into a mess

-Pillow Princess Lucio’s gonna be so content with MC unbuckling his pants and sinking down on him

-His golden claw holds onto MC’s waist like it’s the last thing left in the world

-Happy to finish wherever, because it all just feels too good

-Orders in champagne and fresh fruit for after, making sure you’re snug and still demanding kisses.

Modern! Halloween/Haunted House Headcanons (Main 6)


-Dresses up in something that shows a little skin, just for MC

-Likes the sort of strangely flavored candies

-Tongue is DARK BLUE by the end of the night from all the blue raspberry stuff

-Lots of his signature sweet smile, especially when MC is smiling too

-Did you say MC + lollipop = Asra practically drooling? Because I did.

-Is comparatively calm in the haunted houses. Likes to go in and check them out but if MC doesn’t want to he’ll 200% skip them

-Loves to coddle MC if they get scared—Asra is always there to hold them

-Definitely cuddling on the couch watching tame Halloween-themed junk at the end of everything, eating candy together


-It’s raven time for raven boy

-Decorates the house on the first of October, ESPECIALLY with raven paraphernalia

-Probably dresses up in something dramatic with a flowing cape, so that he can twirl in it and deliver devastating lines

-Is CONSTANTLY singing “Spooky Scary Skeletons” and probably annoying MC to no end

-Really likes black liquorice because he loves to torture himself

-Goes overboard with the faux blood, but it’s super cute

-Tries to act very relaxed when going into a haunted house, but the first jumpscare sends him flying into MC

-Probably ends up making out with MC in a back room and then heading home to watch movies


-Her costume is so exquisite and perfectly elegant that it’s practically blinding

-Her eyeliner is way straighter than she is amirite

-If MC is sensitive to scares she’s protective, and if she does so much as look at someone they back down

-Makes sure that MC has a gorgeous costume, their love won’t have anything less than perfection

-Looks stunning in the faint light of the setting sun, autumn leaves in shades of red and orange falling about her

-If MC happens to say/do anything cute she’ll cover her mouth and giggle behind her intricate sleeve

-In a haunted house Nadia is the most composed out of all the Main 6. Especially if MC is sensitive, she’s an unshakable wall. Her upbringing and countenance account for that.


-Surprisingly talented at carving pumpkins because he’s a mountain man

-Scares don’t mix well with him. He’s already so mentally scarred that surprising things like that put him into defense mode

-More likely that he’ll want to stay at home with MC, relaxing by the fire

-Makes sure there’s a delicious Fall Harvest dinner ready, maybe with some apple cider and pumpkin pie for dessert

-Will tell MC all about the way the forest animals’ coats change in the fall, how they migrate and prepare for the winter. He’ll get lost with his arm around MC, mumbling about the squirrels and the deer.

-Despite the fact that he and MC don’t really go out, it’s still a fantastic night


-H A L L O W E E N!

-Black cat decorations! Yes!

-Tries her hardest to outdo Julian in costuming, probably asking Nadia and MC for help creating something 10 times better than his

-Loves Halloween baking, and loves baking these things with MC. Makes cupcakes with black and orange sprinkles, cookies that look like witch fingers, and mummy rolls

-Lots of hugs, cheek kisses and colored icing daubed on noses. Her freckles look like sprinkles in the right light, so she’s definitely an actual cupcake

-Dresses Pepi up, just a little! Maybe gives the sweet kitten a little cape or a witch hat

-If MC is prone to spooks she keeps a stiff upper lip in scary houses, but otherwise she gets scared easily. But not at easily as Julian, which she holds over him.

-When she’s wearing her costume, she proceeds to place a hand on her hip, set her stance, and look super cute.


-Utilizes his claw in his costume somehow, probably paired with a glittering golden cape or something ostentatious

-His makeup is turned up to 10, and it’s actually very precise. His eyeliner is heavier than usual, and comes to even more of a spooky point.

-Thinks that the best candy is the most expensive, and so ensures that MC receives chocolate with gold leaf and the most high-end jelly beans ever.

-Hopes to see at least one person dressed up as him at some point in the night, even though everyone knows that isn’t going to happen.

-Lavishes MC in the most glorious, glittering costume opportunities, and is happy to have a little fashion show starring the both of them.

-Attempts to be intimidating in haunted houses, puffing out his chest at scarers and thrusting MC behind him. This works about 50% of the time.

-Ends the night with cinnamon-flavored liquor and movies in his upscale home theater.
