#the babiest



@feanorianweek Entry 5: Curufin (Celebrimbor)

Ereinion’s big brother is telling him a story to try and distract him from a lot of things. It works a little.

Six AUs in which Gil-galad was a grandson of Feanor and one where he wasn’t (now on Ao3).

Yesterday, I gave you peredhel angst. Today, Tiny, bby!Gil. Tomorrow? Who knows. In other new, I am addicted to writing Curufin interacting with small children.

Tucked under the covers with the lights dimmed, Ereinion giggled into Celebrimbor’s shirt while his older brother shushed him. It was far past his bedtime, Tyelpe was supposed to take him to his room hours ago. But here they laid, snuggled together, Celebrimbor making shadow puppets on the wall for Ereinion’s amusement.

It was very fun, and very worthwhile mischief, by Ereinon’s estimation, they just had to make sure Atya didn’t hear them.

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