#the batman spoilers



saw The Batman- loved it!! Go watch it it’s so good I swear


hands down the funniest part of the batman for me was watching bruce just have to haul ass out of the gcpd… there’s no allure no disappearing in and out of the shadows he’s just a man in a bat costume sprinting for his life


Can’t stop thinking about Battinson. Never in my life have I understood the “poor little meow meow” thing until I saw this man rock up to breakfast in a massive t-shirt and sweatpants, eat a single blueberry because Alfred told him to, and then put on sunglasses indoors because it was too bright. He tried to wingsuit down from GCPD headquarters, got his parachute caught, hit a bus and a parked car, tumbled through the street, then just stood up and ran away. This man looked like he was on the verge of crying out of sheer awkwardness every time he had to be Bruce Wayne and he still didn’t look clean.

He’s a dirty, greasy, disgusting little gremlin man and it shows and I love him

animusrox:The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reevesanimusrox:The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reevesanimusrox:The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reevesanimusrox:The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reeves


The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reeves

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Parenting 101 by Battinson Bruce Wayne

Dick: Bruce? I’m hungry.

Bruce, crouched in a corner, shuffling through a case file:where is Alfred

Dick: Remember he went to England last week?? I’m hungry! You have to feed me.

Bruce: *shuffles over to the mini fridge he has in the cave, finds a bag of shredded cheese, sits on the ground with it*

Dick: That’s just cheese tho??


Dick, a ten year old: *shrugs* ok cool!

Dick, testing boundaries: I want to watch Jurassic Park.


Dick: I-It’s midnight?? I have school tomorrow?

Bruce, wearing a ratty old bathrobe and some flannel pants, eyes glued to the floor and hair falling in his face: caniwatchitwithyou

Dick: yeah?? but it’s really late???

Bruce:do you want popcorn

Dick, a ten year old: *shrugs* ok cool!

Dick: B I got into a fight today at school

Bruce: *shines a flashlight at Dick’s face*

Dick: I’m not hurt. They were teasing me for being a circus boy.

Bruce:did you win

Dick: …Sort of? Am I in trouble?

Bruce: *turns flashlight off and goes back to his case file* i can teach you some fighting techniques

Dick, a ten year old: *shrugs* ok cool!

Dick: We have parent day at school next week.


Dick: Um…the parents have to present what they do as a job. So I guess you can talk about your company. Just a five minute presentation.

Bruce: *vibrating, tearing up* presentation?

Dick: Alyssa’s mom made a PowerPoint.

Bruce:I can call you out and we will go to the zoo.

Dick, a ten year old: *shrugs* ok cool!

Dick: Bruce. >:-(

Bruce, hunched over, covered in grime:

Dick: You’re going to take me out on the next case with you.


Dick: *intense eye contact*

Bruce, shriveling up:okay but you need a costume

Dick, a ten year old: *shrugs* ok cool!


love that bruce wayne was like “i thought i’d mastered fear” like son you can’t even master anxiety to have a conversation louder than a mumble

In the latest Batman movie the riddler is an evil genius whose brilliant movie is dependent on a billionaire opening his own mail

Spoilers for the Batman:

So I know Batman’s big thing is he doesn’t kill but like…. flipping a giant flamable truck on a highway full of civilians definitely kills people right??? Like there’s no way there weren’t numerous people killed in that incredibly violent car chase scene?

Ok this might be a stretch but does anybody else see a (resemblance of a) face on the last page of the riddlers journal? I tried to kinda trace over it to show what I’m seeing but I couldn’t get it quite right

I have noooo idea what the top part is supposed to be but I think the eye is pretty clear? I thought it was maybe a hint to Barry Keoghan’s joker or another villain they’re gonna introduce in the sequel? Do you guys have any theories??


Why is it still loading?? Gimme more I’ve been waiting on this for days

I retract my statement thank u DC

Why is it still loading?? Gimme more I’ve been waiting on this for days

not trying to woobify the riddler i’m just fascinated by paul dano’s little cherub face

shoutout to the guy sitting a couple seats over from me in the theater who yelled “kiss her, man!” when selina was about to leave gotham and bruce clearly wanted to kiss her but didn’t. he said what we all were thinking!
