#the choice

Cuando terminé el libro que me estaba leyendo de otra autora hace dos días sabía que quería algo nue

Cuando terminé el libro que me estaba leyendo de otra autora hace dos días sabía que quería algo nuevo de Sparks. Volver a sumergirme en sus historias. Pensé seguir con “Tal como somos” que me enganchó muchísimo al principio. Tanto que pasé la mitad del libro casi sin pensarlo. Pero, no sé por qué, ahora mismo no me apetece seguir con esa historia. Entonces me acordé de esta película: “La decisión. // En nombre del amor”. Es de las pocas últimas que no pude resistirme y fui a verla sin haberme leído el libro (ahora me arrepiento). Pero bueno, nunca es tarde ¿no? 

Es una de las historias de Sparks que más me cautivó, sobre todo los personajes lo bien definidos que estaban y lo diferentes que eran a todo lo que había leído antes de él… por eso creo que la novela la voy a disfrutar más todavía.

Ayer lo empecé a leerlo… así que preparaos para una “vuelta” por el blog, después de tanto tiempo. Con más ediciones originales, más frases de los libros, películas y más amor <3 

Espero que lo disfrutéis.

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| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T| Nicholas Sparks movies(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. T

| NicholasSparks movies

(ps: I couldn’t add “Nights in rodanthe” ‘cause only let me add 10. Sorry. Too many movies).

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The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)

The Choice (2016)

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The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)

The Choice (2016)

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The Choice (2016)

The Choice (2016)

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The Choice (2016)The Choice (2016)

The Choice (2016)

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lastincurableromantic: The Choice Summary: After GitF, the TARDIS brings the Doctor, Rose, and Micke


The Choice

Summary: After GitF, the TARDIS brings the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey back to the Powell Estate to solve a problem involving the TARDIS herself. But when they see a familiar face, the face of someone who should not exist, they realize the problem is deeper than they thought and could endanger the Doctor’s very existence.

Primary characters: Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Jackie Tyler.

Genres: Romance, mystery, adventure, drama, character study, HN AU, fobbed!Nine, sick TARDIS.

Pairings: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose

Rating: Adult

Warning: none for this chapter

Catch up: on AO3, on TSP, on ffnet


The Doctor strode from the future TARDIS to his own, his long legs making short work of the distance, reckoning that he had mere seconds to enter and take off. If he knew Rose Tyler—and he did—she’d follow him, and he’d told her the truth: if Rose walked him to his TARDIS, he didn’t know what he’d do. Even now he was tempted to go back, get Rose, and tell her to run.

At the door, he patted the pockets of his leather jacket. Then he remembered. No key. He swore under his breath. He had no idea where he’d lost it, but he hadn’t had it on him when he’d come to in the alley on New Year’s. He glanced over his shoulder. No, he couldn’t go back in the other TARDIS and get another.

Hoping it was still there, he reached into the tiny compartment over the P in Police Box. He sighed in relief when his fingers touched the spare key in it.

He heard the other TARDIS’s door open. He’d been right. Rose had followed him. He quickly unlocked the door in front of him, slipped inside, and crossed to the console. Not taking the time to set coordinates, he jerked down a lever and sent the ship into the vortex.

He sank down on the jump seat and, elbows on knees, dropped his head in his hands. Leaving Rose behind hadn’t been the hardest thing he’d ever done, but it was way, way up there.

He hoped future him wasn’t a complete idiot and managed to fix things with Rose, but he wouldn’t place a bet on it. It was obvious from the other Doctor’s reaction that there was far more going on between the two of them than he knew.

But in his opinion, whatever it was was irrelevant. This whole mess needed fixing, and he was determined it would get fixed. And if he didn’t trust his future self to do it—and he didn't—then there was only one answer.

As the old saying went, if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself.

Read more:  on AO3,  on TSP, on ffnet 

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Book Recommendations During the Pandemic

Lots of books

I mentioned briefly that part of the reason I’ve been reading so much lately is because it’s a comfort to me during the pandemic. (more…)

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The Choice by Gillian McAllister

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