#the clock reads 148 to be exact



I heard of a project called “humanity lost” by some guy named Callum Diggle and became interested in the whole “humans invade other planets trope”.

I would really like to see other people’s take on that subject because us just invading other planets and showing our worst and most prevalent side to a species who has never even known about us is scary.

It would probably be worst for the aliens if they’re barely a tribal species and had no men’s of defence against technologically advanced species.

(please reblog I want this to spread)

“Take us to your leader.”

The cartoonish words left the mouth of a true freak of nature. A creature missing a set of arms and missing way too many eyes. Teeth were overly abundant, though. Those additions were as clear as day as it gleefully sounded out that phrase.

“Our what?”

There was a roar among the creatures. If our alien was familiar he would have identified the roar as laughter. Unfortunately, he was not familiar, and unfortunately, it was a terrifying sound.

The noise was enough to make the smaller creature pull back his own lips and bare his teeth. If the other aliens - humans - were familiar they’d know the smaller alien was not smiling.

They were familiar. At this point, they had the small species’ fear expressions well-documented.

Moments before, the hero had been out in the field, stargazing. Eyes on a star that had been especially bright tonight.

And brighter, and brighter.

A ship - the vague shape of a pitcher - landed only several yards ahead of him. And out came three monsters - aliens! Just like in the theaters.

And now said aliens had him tied with his four arms behind his back.

“…the president, you mean? I don’t think I can do that…” the alien said.

The creature only smiled, this time without baring teeth.

“It wasn’t a… nevermind it.” The human looked him up and down. There was a moment of pity - it was like dodo birds, how easy these aliens were to pick off - but the pity went unregistered to the confused little creature. “He’ll do. Bring him to the ship.”

The other two, on command, hoisted the alien into the air.

“Wait… now hold on!” The alien squirmed and kicked, but to no avail. “I can’t get the president, but I can get my dad! He’s basically, like… myleader.”

He was shoved inside the ship and slammed down to his knees.

“Does that not count? I can get my teachers?”

His eyes traced up the walls of the room. Miniscule but undoubtedly sharp objects lined the shelving units. In the far back, rows and rows of tiny vials were behind a glass case. Inside was blue liquid that looked a lot like blood.

In the middle of the room was a table.

“Tie him up for me, I’ll set the camera.”

This was just like the theater afterall.
