#the crane wives


                               I am selfish
                                 I am broken
                                    I am cruel
                        I am all the things
                             they might havesaidto you

So I discovered the crane wives recently and Im completely obssesed, finally moved out again (to a w

So I discovered the crane wives recently and Im completely obssesed, finally moved out again (to a whole other continent) and still pretty busy with work and stuff, 

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go here and let me know what your short term top artists from spotify (within the last 4 weeks) are in the tags!





“A ship can never truly love an anchor.” dude shut up. a ship without an anchor gets dashed against the rocks. it’s useless, completely at the whim of the currents. a ship loves an anchor so much it carries it everywhere it goes. the anchor gives the ship the world to love. dude.

“there is love that doesn’t have a place to rest/but it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders” bro TELL me your self loathing didn’t craft an egotistical narrative where you can only damage the ones you love, bro not again.  bro please say your issues didn’t blind you to metaphorical hypocrisy so evidently present on even surface level readings of the text.  bro, no. bro, weighted blankets exist.

“these hands of mine are clumsy not clever” dude, SO? we all start out with clumsy hands, dude, that’s kind of the point. If you never allow yourself to touch, to cradle, to grasp, they’ll never get any steadier. Dude, is it even the fumble you’re afraid of?

This is one of those songs that’s valid when it’s about giving up a baby for adoption, but for voluntary adult relationships, NOPE.



“A ship can never truly love an anchor.” dude shut up. a ship without an anchor gets dashed against the rocks. it’s useless, completely at the whim of the currents. a ship loves an anchor so much it carries it everywhere it goes. the anchor gives the ship the world to love. dude.


florence + the machine, “king” / courtney eaton in yellowjackets dir. karyn kusama / shakespeare, maflorence + the machine, “king” / courtney eaton in yellowjackets dir. karyn kusama / shakespeare, maflorence + the machine, “king” / courtney eaton in yellowjackets dir. karyn kusama / shakespeare, ma

florence + the machine, “king” / courtney eaton inyellowjackets dir. karyn kusama / shakespeare, macbeth / kate fleetwood in medea dir. rupert goold / shirley jackson, we have always lived in the castle / john singer sargent, ellen terry as lady macbeth (detail) / the crane wives, “tongues and teeth”

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when the crane wives said “the dark doesn’t frighten me, i chose to close my eyes” and “all things end and all things change, you’ll look back and laugh someday or at least you’ll learn to be okay” and “you don’t have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head just ‘cause it sounds like you talking” and “just because i know what i am supposed to do now doesn’t mean i know how” and “the older i get the more fears i collect” and “what if the steps i take turn out to be mistakes?” and “the world is hostile and i’m fragile and i need someone to kiss the cuts and tell me to keep trying” and “you are someone i have loved but never known” and “i want to believe there’s something left for me, a new discovery waiting for me” and


i’ve gotten good at living on someone else’s page

~Metaphor - The Crane Wives

From our “10 More Tiny Desk Contest Entries We Love” article:

The Crane Wives, “High Horse”

Two-time entrant The Crane Wives charmed us again this year with its harmony-laced folk-rock. The Michigan four-piece entered the Tiny Desk Contest in 2016, but decided on a slightly bigger desk — and a bigger, electric sound — for this year’s entry. The band performed its song “High Horse” in one of the coziest living rooms of this year’s Contest. The entry shows off the band’s polished sound and dynamic energy, but more importantly, it proves just how much fun the band is having with its music. 

