#the cryptid factor



I can’t believe I’m about to listen to 90 minutes of Rhys Darby and friends talk about past lives.

28 minutes in and this is the most chaotic nonsense, I love it

I can’t believe I’m about to listen to 90 minutes of Rhys Darby and friends talk about past lives.

Literally how did I miss this one?


No amount of context will make this less weird, but here we go: While recording an episode of his Cryptidzoology show with co-host Buttons in the food court of a mall in 2013, Rhys improvised a song that a hardened bomb-squad bee might sing to another bee in a bee pub. Directly afterwards, they happen to spot Taika Waititi getting some lunch.


The Totally Normal for Rhys Darby Tumblr Associationpresents: The Mandalorian

(The Cryptid Factor ep. 72, 2022)

Get yourself a man with such a short attention span that he gets up to play with Legos in the middle of a conversation about ice caves in Antarctica.

Rhys’ face as he listens to The Cryptid Factor’s theme tune at the top of the return episode after a six month hiatus This show brings some much joy into the world and I’m so happy it’s back!


me, putting on the cryptid factor for the first time: i know rhys darby is a little odd but he can’t be as weird as everyone says he is


an edited screenshot of john mulaney saying "I think Emily Dickinson is a lesbian!" rhys darby's head has been edited over john's. the text has been changed to read "I think UFOs are space jellyfish from Europa."ALT

me: oh ok


2013: Rhys Darby and Buttons record an episode of their cryptozoology podcast in the foodcourt of a mall and happen to see Taika en route to get some Argentinian meat. Of course they immediately recruit him to be their special guest even though he thinks that “cryptozoology” is a word that Rhys has made up.
