#the fires of heaven



I am so convinced that Moiraine is going to die this book but, I am starting to have a horrible promotion that by the time Siuan learns how to dreamwalk in order to talk to Moiraine, Moiraine will already be dead…

Is Moiraine seriously going to die this book thinking Siuan is dead?!

Omg, I had completely forgotten about Valan Luca proposing to Nynaeve and how hilarious it is.

TFoH chapter 47:

How on earth did he manage to walk away from this intact? Nynaeve is off her game

Please let this get to the show!

WoT reread:

Although Moiraine is the one who desperately wants Rand’s trust and ear, Lan is the first to have it. He recognizes Rand’s strength and respects him:

Lan sees something of himself in the Dragon Reborn: a young man burdened with a destinty that seems bound to end in his death, dealing with expectations and pressure from all sides, trying desperately to hold onto a sense of self. He earns Rand’s respect, and Rand recognizes his value and counsel.

Too bad Lan leaves him there with some truly terrible advice:

but Lan is going through some Stuff just then, so I’ll give him a little grace.
