#robert jordan


Rand: I’m sorry I accused you of arson.

Logain: Well, I was the obvious suspect.

Moiraine: What in the Light happened in here??

Egwene: It was Mat

Perrin: It was Mat

Rand: I tried to stop him


Mat: …Blood and ashes! Thank you for letting the bloody badger out of the bag! Don’t you know the meaning of secrecy?

Moiraine: Oh dear Light

Rand: Maybe if I add “lol” at the end, it’ll sound like I’m okay.

Rand: Someone balefire me lol

Min: Rand, no

Berelain: I like your pants

Perrin: Thanks. They were 50% off.

Berelain: I’d like them 100% off.

Perrin: The store can’t just give clothes away.

Berelain: That not what I-

Perrin: That’s a terrible way to run a business. You should know that.

*Mat and Rand sitting in jail together*

Rand: So… Who should we call?

Mat: I’d call Nynaeve but I feel safer in jail

Lan: Who’s in our bathroom?

Nynaeve: I hired a drunk girl to compliment us.


Elayne: OMG you look like a king!



Logain: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying ‘Haven’t decided yet’ is typically a good response.

Mat: If we put Nynaeve and Faile in a room, who would come out crying first?

Perrin: The room.

Elayne: This dumb therapist just told me I have “unresolved daddy issues”.

Elayne: First of all, I don’t even have a dad, so you look really stupid right now.

Rand: I would do literally anything for you. You want the stars? I’ll grab them with my own hands and make you a necklace.

Min: I just want you to take a nap.

Rand: I will not.

Moghedien: You really push all my buttons…

Nynaeve: Sorry, i’m still looking for mute

*Rand eating a cinnamon roll*


Rand: *innocent, confused chewing noises*

Rand: I never thought someone could actually love me. I’m a handful

Mat: Is that why you need at least six hands to handle you?

Talmanes: Do you ever think before you speak?

Mat: I think “wow, that’s hilarious” then I say it.

Rand: it costs $100 to go see a


Rand: but it costs $0 to tell myself

“it do be like that sometimes”

Nynaeve and Min: RAND NO!

Mat: I heard an interesting rumor today.

Thom: Only one? I started at least twelve.

Min: are you alright? You didn’t sleep at all last night…

Rand: I got a solid 10 minute

Rand: Not consecutively, but it’s still fine, you’re not even THAT blurry

Perrin: I don’t take hints. Throw a rock at me.

Rand: ..did you just refer to the knife

as a “people opener”?


Aviendha: should I not have?

Birgitte: What are you two drinking?



Mat: No, bi.


Birgitte: Not you, idiots. The vodka.
