#the future is bright


I haven’t written here in a while. It’s mostly because I’ve just had nothing interesting to write about, and also cause I’ve been busy with schoolwork and the like. Second semester has been hell on my brain, let me tell you.

So, what have i been up to lately then? Well, I got more friendly with specific people at work. Recently I had my first bush party…well it wasn’t really a bush party, more like a small get together. We all brought our respective bottles of alcohol and got pleasantly drunk in a forest near our workplace. It felt real nice just hanging out with the guys, discussing silly things, talking gossip and getting tipsy. Highlight of the night was heading to the workplace before closing and talking with the cashiers. One of my friends says interesting things when he’s drunk.

Oh also there’s a girl at work I like, but I won’t talk about that right now because fuck writing about relationships right now.

BUTTERFLY KNIFE. Bought one of those recently. Not a real one, just a trainer because here in Canada we’re not allowed to have sharp objects that are quickly deploy-able. It’s still fun to practice on it regardless, especially because I have no intentions of stabbing anyone in the near future. So far I’ve learned how to do the Quick Open technique and the Zen Rollover. Very simple stuff, but I feel proud that I do those at least.

uhhh….what else has happened lately? Fuck I dunno. Guess it’s worth mentioning that my friends and I have plans to travel around Europe once we all graduate. Must say I’m excited for that, especially because it’ll satiate my desire to travel. Hungary, France, Germany…so much places I’d love to go and we’re making it happen. Hype!

I suppose that’s it for now. I’m still wide awake because insomnia and all, but that’s nothing I’m not used to. Here’s to another night of time well wasted!




I’m trying to explain conservative conspiracy theorists aversion to transhumanism but I can’t seem to find the root of the idea. It’s been floating around in the occult milieu for a while but it’s one of those ideas that I’ve never been able to track down.

I *think* it’s Christian in origin, but that doesn’t necessarily explain the underlying fear. My best guess is that it’s a spiritualized/politicized fear of some greater entity having control over your body, a la pharmaceutical companies controlling insulin applies.

Actually addressing that would require some form of explicit anti-capitalism, and I think that maybe the fear of bodily control combined with older occult theories about the body and disease. In the vein of “eating unhealthy is a disruption of gods plan for the body” you get “transhuman modifications of the body are a disruption of the natural order of the body” and add in some satanic-panic era “all of the problems with capitalism are the result of a Shadowy group of satanists.”

Maybe in the vein of “allowing marital autonomy will allow people to exist outside structures traditionally dominated by god” it’s “allowing bodily autonomy gives people options that are not Christianity”

I think its very telling that when demagogs like Alex Jones go on rants about transhumanism , he frequently couples it with “transgender ideology” as if they were interchangeable, and that people wanting to shift their pronouns around was just the start of us getting cyborgs and gene therapy.

If we want to get right down to it though, I think we can drill down on the “made in the image of god” line that always gets brought up in opposition to say, tattoos or women cutting their hair short. There’s an idealized conservative way that bodies are supposed to look, and if you step out if that willingly or otherwise you become less godly. Anything straying too far from that ideal enters a sort of conservative uncanny valley, where reactions quickly go from derision to fear of the other.

The conspira-sphere also seems to have an underlying fear that these changes will be foisted on them, like how the new world order is performing eugenics through birth control, or the vaccine is going to alter your DNA so god can’t barcode scan you into heaven. For them, transhumanism seems to be a direct threat to their agency and liberty, rather than a means of breaking free of biological limits.

Actually, there’s an avenue to explore: how transhumanism subverts white supremicy by allowing individuals to flout the biological/divine hierarchy that they always put themselves at the top of.

joriswegner:Unextinction, 2021
A pair of Trilobites, fossils of marine arthropods that went extinct


Unextinction, 2021

A pair of Trilobites, fossils of marine arthropods that went extinct around 250 million years ago, are mounted on custom robotic platforms. The machines emulate the supposed behavior of the extinct animals and grant them a late second chance: They roam the floor, try to hide from bright light and chirp quietly from time to time.

Trilobite fossils, custom plastic parts, custom electronics, motors. 10 x 10 x 10 cm each. 
The robotic platforms are based on a design by Felix Fisgus.

@entities-of-posts, @vague-magnus-archives

I don’t know if you can get more Extinction than this

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