#the l world generation q




These two are the main shiponMotherland: Fort Salem, Raelle and Scylla.

The actresses have amazing chemistry, you can see it clearly in every scene.

And this show will get cancelled after S3 and it’s unfair. It has good representation, good plot, good ships, very good acting and basically everything you could ask for! It deserves more than only 3 seasons.

This is the main cast of the show.

So, if you want to see more of them too…

Sign the petition and share it as much as possible! It’s very important, ‘cause we need at least 100.000 signatures to be noticed.

And it’s also important to watch the show legally in your country, here is how.

This is from an Instagram account (the name of the account is in the picture if you want to visit it)

Remember to sign and share, pls help us save Motherland Fort Salem. Our hope is for Hulu, Prime Video or Netflix to continue the production in case Freeform won’t.

Thank you all for your help!

Although, I’m a Sharmen shipper. I was a BIG fan of the Shane & Quiara storyline. I shipped Shane & Quiara REALLY HARD.

However, the way it played out was NOT it.

Their storyline in the finale could have allowed for some candid conversations about miscarriage, and real interesting insight into their relationship, but everything was too broad and was just a quick segway for their split. Telling a story about miscarriage and complications in a pregnancy through the lense of queerness is important. Especially as two ex-wives. There could’ve been a lot of interesting material delving into their psyches with important conversations and emotion. But, they don’t do any interesting character development for Quiara or Shane. It’s just a plot device to break them up. Quiara accused Shane of being relieved about the miscarriage, why?With what reasoning? Her body language. Okay girl…

Shane is an indecisive character. Which as been proven time and time again. She went between not wanting to co-parent to wanting to for the sake of their marriage. We know that Shane is scarred from having her father yank her brother from her after he walked out on the boy’s mother. Which was never discussed has a reason for her to be skipetical of motherhood. Something Quiara, from episodes past would understand. Although, Quiara is underdeveloped.

Which makes Quiara’s actions in the finale seemed odd but also from the little we’ve seen from her, really out of character. Previously, she seemed to be really emotionally mature, understand Shane, and be really great at communicating. Her patience with Shane is well noted. I know grief/stress can do a lot to someone, but this felt like a complete switch in character was done solely for plot. It’s strange to go from “I love seeing you with kids, you’re really good and caring with them, but no pressure cause this is something I want and you don’t have to be anything for this child if you don’t want to, and it’s completely okay to figure your feelings out on your own time” to “You don’t give a shit about anyone else but yourself.” If the writers felt this was the route they had to take, I wish it had been aligned with what we had seen from their dynamic before. The writers got lazy with the finale. It made no sense considering everything shes said and done before then.

It was going to be hard enough for fans to sympathize with Quiara, because she’s a black woman. They’re definitely not going to sympathize with one saying such harsh things to Shane, even though she’s just suffered this incredible loss. Black women don’t get the grace with their emotions and feelings.

I wanted more time and development for Shane and Quiara. They seem like a interesting and adorable polyamorous-queer married couple who was working through their issues. Shane seemed to finally find someone who understood her and just let her be.

Why were the writers trying to tell a story about their marriage in just four episodes? HOW? HOW SWAY?!

There is a lot to discuss and unpack here. But, y’all just wanted to be anti-black and hide behind wanting Carmen back (although, Shane left her at the altar over ten years ago and realistically that would very odd for them to be back in each other’s lives???)

A shame…

A Concept: On the L Word: Generation Q season finale. I want Shane and Quiara sitting on the steps of their house cuddling, as Bette walks past on her way from whatever happens with her in the finale. The two of them ask where she’s going. Bette replies, “home.” Shane asks, “from?” All three of them smirk.

Bette says it’s nice to see two people making each other that happy. Shane tells her to stay out of trouble.

Bette replies with a funny comeback only Jennifer Beals could deliver. Shane and Bette exchange a knowing nod.

A callback from the original series that we deserve. I would like to see it.

The L Word: Generation Q - Watch Online

Can someone give send me links of where I’ll be able to watch the next three episodes of the L Word: Generation Q.

Me after coming out of fanfiction hibernation


Dani and Gigi

I made a thing! i actually downloaded a video editing software just so i could share this with you :) they are just the cutest

