

Kann eine Beziehung noch funktionieren, wenn es nur noch einen gibt der etwas dafür tut?

Ist es noch richtig, wenn es sich so anfühlt als wäre es das nicht?

Durch dich habe ich gelernt, dass man viel mehr auf die kleinen Dinge im Leben achten sollte. Mir wurde es bewusst, als du einen Kirschbaum gesehen hast und mich gefragt hast ob du uns welche pflücken sollst und tatsächlich mit einem vollen Sack Kirschen nach Hause kamst.

» mein Herz

Ich fühle etwas für dich, von dem ich nie gedacht hätte, dass es diese Art von Gefühlen überhaupt gibt.

» mein Herz

Request: “what if you were Alex’s sister?”

Pairing: Clay Jensen x Reader | Alex Standall x Reader


Word Count: 126


A/N:I saw this gif and loved it.

“Oh, don’t tell me you’re creeping on Y/N, Clay…”

I looked up and saw the white-haired Alex Standall. I shook my head quickly. “No, no, I was just… Embracing the after school atmosphere. You know, sports and cheerleading.”

He sat next to me, not looking at me at all. “Nope, I really don’t care.” It was quiet for a moment.

“I prefer you over Justin if it makes you feel better.”

“What?” I furrowed my brows. 

Still not looking in my general direction, he explained. “I’d rather have you dating my sister than that talking follicle. You’re a good guy, to my knowledge.”

I smiled to myself. Then I looked back to the field and say that ‘follicle’ wrapping his arms around her. That smile faded.

OMG We’ve been dating for eight years and I still doing these things PT-BR “Ei amor! Tá quenteOMG We’ve been dating for eight years and I still doing these things PT-BR “Ei amor! Tá quenteOMG We’ve been dating for eight years and I still doing these things PT-BR “Ei amor! Tá quenteOMG We’ve been dating for eight years and I still doing these things PT-BR “Ei amor! Tá quenteOMG We’ve been dating for eight years and I still doing these things PT-BR “Ei amor! Tá quente

OMG We’ve been dating for eight years and I still doing these things

PT-BR “Ei amor! Tá quente aqui, então eu tô sem camisa, ok?” “Sem problemas” “Oi mô!” “Cê tá bem?” “Só põe a camisa” “Hã…Ok…?” (Acabei colocando a tradução porque ninguém é obrigado a saber inglês, né?)
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Ain’t nobody trying to get in between me and my true love

Ain’t nobody trying to get in between me and my true love

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That’s why I’ve always allowed her to be fucked by another man if she agrees.

That’s why I’ve always allowed her to be fucked by another man if she agrees.

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