#jacin clay


the time thorne punched and then hugged jacin for taking care of cress lives in my mind rent free


The Lunar Chronicles characters and couples as one out-of-context lyric from Red (Taylor’s Version) (2021) by Taylor Swift

  • Cinder: “and they still tell the legend of how you disappeared”
  • Kai: “these days I’m restless, work days are endless”
  • Scarlet: “I was raised in a farm, no, it wasn’t a mansion”
  • Wolf: “new to town with a made up name”
  • Cress: “this daydream is dangerous”
  • Thorne: “I wish I could fly”
  • Winter: “we were seventeen and crazy running wild, wild”
  • Jacin: “so casually cruel in the name of being honest”
  • Iko: “it feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters”
  • Kinney: “I feel a responsability to do what’s upstanding and right”
  • The whole Rampion Crew: “we’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time”
  • Levana: “love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right”
  • Torin: “Mr. Superior Thinking”

Kaider: “this is falling in love in the cruelest way, this is falling for you and you are worlds away”

  • Cinder: “I know that you like me, and it’s kinda frightening”
  • Kai: “meet me there tonight, let me know that it’s not all in my mind”

Wolflet: “took off faster than a green light, go”

  • Scarlet: “so you were never a saint and I loved in shades of wrong”
  • Wolf: “and I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes, tongue tied”

Cresswell: “come on baby with me, we’re gonna fly away from here”

  • Cress: “I keep picturing her lips on your neck, I can’t unsee it”
  • Thorne: “baby I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change, trust me”

Jacinter/Wincin: “not tryin’ to fall in love, but we did like children runnin’”

  • Winter: “push my love away like it was some kind of loaded gun”
  • Jacin: “believe one thing: I won’t go away”

Cinder: Alright, who here has experience in hiding a body?

Everyone but Jacin: raises their hand

Jacin: Seriously? Am I the only one who’s never hid a body?

Thorne: No time like the present, bro.

Scarlet: Has anyone ever told you what a drag you are?

Jacin: Everyone. Constantly.

Cinder: You’d really like Thorne.

Jacin: Why does everybody say that? I hate everybody, why would I like him?

Cinder: Jay, please keep an eye on Thorne today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get himself punched.

Jacin: I’d love to see Thorne get himself punched.

Cinder: [glares] Try again.

Jacin: … I’ll stop Thorne from getting punched.

Cinder: Correct

I’m almost done with Winter! 22 chapters left! Some things about this lil fic might change as I reach the end of the book so it complies with canon, but! Have a bit of my angst fest

Jacin I promise I love you

Winter’s normally serene face turned to absolute fury. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?” She shrieked.

The figure shrugged. “I simply ordered him to stop breathing.”

Cinder’s blood ran cold. “You’re a thaumaturge. One who escaped.”

“Bravo, Miss Linh.” His voice turned resentful. “Or do you prefer, Your Majesty?”

Winter’s breathing was ragged. She held Jacin’s face in her lap. “Stop it!” She screamed, a sob cutting into her anger. “Stop it! Let him go!”

Cinder felt a spike of fear when Jacin’s chest convulsed from a lack of air. “What do you want?” She demanded, glaring at the thaumaturge.

“Justice.” He hissed. “Justice for Queen Levana.”

Cinder glared at him.

A shout cut through the air, and then a clang. The thaumaturge crumpled to the ground and a very angry Cress stood above him, a cast-iron pan clutched in her grip.

Jacin’s whole body jerked as his eyes flew open and he sucked in greedy breathfuls of air. He coughed and wheezed, lurching out of Winter’s hold. He was shaking. Stoic, unbreakable Jacin, was shaking.

Cinder gently grabbed for his arm. “Jay?” She whispered, glancing at Winter for a moment. “Are you okay?”

He made a noise that was probably supposed to come out as a confirmation, but it sounded more like a strangled groan.

Cress looked up at him, concern dancing in her eyes. “Is he okay?”

“Debatable.” Jacin finally managed to wheeze out.

Cinder gave his arm a squeeze before standing up and walking over to the thaumaturge. He was still unconscious, and she felt a bit of pride knowing Cress had probably given him a good bump on the head.

“Majesty?” One of the guards said, voice shaking slightly. It occurred to her, that the thaumaturge had most likely been keeping the other guards at bay. “What should we do with him?”

Cinder’s face twisted into a scowl. “Cell. I’ll deal with him later.” As they dragged him away, she looked back at her friends. Winter was cradling Jacin’s face in her hands, whispering to him under her breath. Iko was rubbing his back soothingly, and Cress still stood at her side, glaring at the ground. She sighed. “The others are going to lovethis.”

Thorne: I’m not sure I see the part of Cinder’s plan that specifically says I have to be the one who gets launched from the Rampion

Jacin: Keep looking, flyboy. It’s there.

Thorne: I’m sorry, weren’t you supposed to be halfway to a moon by now?

Jacin: Yeah. Just my luck. Must’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere :)

I 100% guarantee that if Jacin Clay still did what he did (which was all noble btw, he only listened to Levana and betrayed the group to make sure he could keep an eye on Winter, whom he dearly loved since they were children) but he had Thorne’s cocky attitude, over half the people that hate him would love him

Jacin: Why are your shoes soaking wet?

Winter: There was a puddle

Jacin: Why did you step in it?

Winter: It was a puddle

Who’s ready for Kai’s wedding tomorrow? These guys!

My favorite follower, @1221bookworm wanted to know why I didn’t draw Kai’s bachelor party to go along with Cinder’s bachelorette party for @gingerale2017 s #tlc10dayweddingcountdown , so just for her, I pulled it off.

(Also, I just wanted to draw Jacin in scrubs)

***Update - Cinder’s Bachelorette Party

Thorne’s arms tensed and, with one tight squeeze, he let her go and turned to face Jacin. A muscle twitched in his cheek. It was the only warning before Thorne’s fist collided with Jacin’s jaw. Cress gasped.

Jacin stumbled back, his hand coming up to feel the wound.

“That’s for selling us out on Earth,” said Thorne. “And this is for taking care of Cress.” He pulled Jacin into a hug, burying his face in Jacin’s shoulder.


Sketchy sketch. Note to Thorne, Jacin hugs are for Winter only. Stay in your lane.

You’re perfect,” he said, finishing his thought as if she hadn’t interrupted. “I don’t care if you see dead wolves and turn into a living ice sculpture when you’re having a bad day. I don’t care if I have an imprint of your teeth on my shoulder. I don’t care if you’re … fixed.” He spat the word like it tasted bad. “I want you to be safe and happy. That’s all.”

Winter fluttered her lashes at him, and he turned away. “Don’t look at me like that.”


He met her gaze again.

Winter scooted closer and linked her arm with his. “You think I’m perfect?”

He didn’t look away. Didn’t look bashful or even nervous. Just stared at her, like she’d asked him if Luna orbited the Earth.

Then he leaned over and brushed a kiss against her forehead. “Just sort of,” he said. “You know. On a good day.”


Here we are at the end of Winter and (maybe) the end of the Jacinter doodle along, with special guest appearance by Ryu. I’ve really enjoyed doodling along with them, I hope my fellow Jacinter shippers have been happy to see some additional content for them. And btw, I accomplished my stated goal of regaining my title of top Jacinter blog on Tumblr, yay! If anyone wants to talk Jacinter with me, my inbox is always open!

“I should have been her, scavenging for scraps. Not royalty. Not this.”

Sandwiching Winter’s face in both hands, Jacin forced her gaze up to his. “Hey,” he said, somehow stern and gentle at the same time. “You’re my princess, right? You were always going to be my princess, no matter what you were born, no matter who your dad married.”

Her eyes misted. Reaching up, she folded her fingers over Jacin’s forearms. “And you are always my guard.”

“That’s right.” The faintest touch. His calloused thumb against her temple. Winter’s whole body quivered. “Come on. I’m getting you out of here.”


I have decided this may just be my favorite Jacinter moment. Their relationship is enduring. It’s inevitable. She has always been his princess, was always going to be his princess, will be his princess forever. Everything else is commentary. Cue Mary’s Song. Oh my, my, my.

“You must know. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t love you. I don’t think such a time ever existed.”

His eyes filled with a thousand emotions. But before he could say whatever he would say, before he could kill her, Winter grabbed the front of his shirt with both hands and kissed him.

He thawed much quicker than she’d expected. Almost instantly, like he’d been waiting for this moment, he grabbed her hips and pulled her against him with a possessiveness that overwhelmed her. His lips were desperate and starved as he leaned into the kiss, pressing her against the rail. She gasped, and he deepened the kiss, threading one hand into the hair at the nape of her neck.


Get a good look folks, it’s the one and only Jacinter kiss in the entire series. I’m totally not bitter about it…anyway, there you go, Jacin, there’s the kiss you’ve been waiting for, looks like Winter has reconsidered her kissing policy XD

He remembered wanting to protect her even then, even before he knew how much she needed protecting. He also remembered trying to steal a kiss from her, once—only once—when he was ten and she was eight. She laughed and turned away, scolding him. Don’t be silly. We can’t do that until we’re married.


Jacinter doodle along part 4! Give it a few more years Jacin, you’ll get your kisses yet!

Side note: The Lunar Chronicles tag seems to be a ghost town these days, which is making me sad. If you’re out there following along, feel free to say hello and tell me if there’s any Jacinter scenes I missed that you’d like to see!

With a glower, he finally looked at her. “Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

She laughed. “Crazy loves company, Sir Clay. I notice you haven’t answered my question.”

His jaw tightened as he returned his focus to some spot over her head. “Go look for compliments elsewhere, Princess. I’m busy protecting you from unknown threats.”

“And what a fine job you’re doing.” She tried to hide her disappointment as she headed back into her chambers, patting Jacin on the chest as she passed. But with that touch, his hand gathered up a fistful of her skirt, anchoring her beside him.

“Please stop doing this,” he whispered, more pleading than angry. “Just … leave it alone.”

“I hate this,” she whispered back. “I hate having to pretend like I don’t even see you.”

His expression softened. “I know you see me. That’s all that matters. Right?”


Jacinter doodle along part 3 + I found a new app for lineart, what do you think?

“Fine,” she murmured to herself. “I can work with that.”

She gathered up the little compact of paints, a few paintbrushes, and the fist-size model of Saturn waiting for its kaleidoscope of rings.

This time, Jacin started a little when she emerged in the corridor. The first time he’d been expecting her, but this must have been a surprise. She bit back a grin as she walked around to his other side and slid down the wall, planting herself on the floor next to him with crisscrossed legs. Humming to herself, she spread her painting supplies out before her.

“What are you doing?” Jacin muttered beneath his breath, though the hallway was empty.

Winter pretended to jump. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, peering up at him. “I’m afraid I didn’t see you there.”

He scowled.

Winking, she turned her attention back to her work, dipping a paintbrush into rich cerulean blue.

Jacin said nothing else. Neither did she. After the first ring was completed, she leaned her head against his thigh, making herself more comfortable as she picked out a sunburst orange. Overhead, Jacin sighed, and she felt the faintest brush of fingertips against her hair. A hint, a suggestion of togetherness, before he became a statue once more.


Jacinter doodle along part 2! Gotta love Winter’s ingenuity - who is Jacin to tell a princess where she can or can’t sit?

A light sparked in his eyes, as if she’d reminded him of something important, but when he tried to lean toward her, his binds held him back. He grimaced and cursed beneath his breath. Winter scooted closer to him, making up the distance herself….

Frowning, Winter reached forward and tucked the strands of Jacin’s sweat- and dirt-stained hair behind his ears. He tensed at the touch, but didn’t pull away. “Jacin Clay, you’re speaking in riddles.”


New year new doodle along! This time featuring my favorite Winter re-read, Winter, by Marissa Meyer. For this doodle along, I plan to doodle my favorite Jacinter scenes, for two important reasons:

1) Once upon a time, I was the top Jacinter blog on Tumblr and due to a shameful lack of fangirling on my part, I have lost my title.

2) They’re so woefully underrated!

Soooo, without further ado, let me present the very first time we see Winter and Jacin on page together. Winter thinks that Levana may have finally succeeded in breaking Jacin after having him publicly punished, but not to worry, he’s doing well enough flirt with his princess and share the good news that Luna’s lost princess is coming home.
