#the riddle likes smooth jazz and jazz funk





I asked The Riddler why a raven was like a writing desk and I’m pretty sure he reconsidered his redemption just so he could kill me.

Ayo that was you?? You know how the Jeopardy music was playing? That was partly me. The Riddler basically has his own lil pit Orchestra annnd we play underneath the stage.

Yep. I sort of regret it but it was pretty funny.

Also y'all play a mean jeopardy theme

Thank you thank you

It gets crazy when Alberto the Piccolo player is performing.

Well it’s good to see that ya made it out alive! I find exchanging riddles with the dude helps (even though he’ll solve it in a matter of 5 seconds) Just make it a game of wits, and that should keep him entertained for a bit. Homie is honestly so bored, he once kept us after rehearsal for two hours playing Jazz melodies he rlly likes.
