#the sleeping prince


Were you disappointed?”

She takes a deep breath, looking down at her hands. “My heart was. My head wasn’t. Most days I’m at war with myself. My head wins, usually. And for that I’m glad.

The Sleeping Prince / Melinda Salisbury


This book made me cry, be terrified, laugh: all because of its twists and secrets. It is the second in a the Sin Eaters Daughter series which is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The sleeping prince is a fairytale where Errin lives, she just never thought it could come true, even the bloodshed and horror. Errin’s brother left and her mother is too ill and dangerous- so she has to flee, alone. The only person she can turn to, fortunately, isn’t a stranger, although Errin has never seen his face. 5/5

Interrupting regular programming to do some shameless self-promotion: my first title as a game developer has been released for iOS! It was a small team and I ended up touching a lot of different stuff – 3D, lighting, UI, cutscenes, textures, QA, and had the joy of working with some really talented, hard-working folks. So proud!

On to the next game!
