#the timeless children



When the Doctor remembered all of her previous regeneration to the Doctor Who theme:

The Timeless Children (my theory)

First of all, I really enjoyed The Ascension of the Cybermen and I’m really looking forward for the resolution next week!

One of the things that really intrigued me was Brendan’s story and here’s my theory.

Brendan is from Gallifrey. He’s been experimented on again and again to make him “immortal” or to turn him into a super soldier. That’s why when he was old, they erased his memories to start the experiment again. Maybe this will be connected to the birth of the time lords. And these people being experimented on are the Timeless Children because they live so many lives.

This could be related to Ruth Doctor. Maybe the Doctor is one of the Timeless Children. Perhaps they made the Doctor forget and made them a child again (the one we saw in Listen).

I still don’t know how the Cybermen will be connected to the story because in the trailer they are on their way to Gallifrey, but if I come up with something later, I’ll update this post :)

Now this is just a theory but it could (maybe) explain some of the stuff we’ve seen.

What do you think?


the Doctor isn’t a super special ubermensch.

they were ruthlessly exploited. a refugee, an orphan and the last of their kind. a minority literally abused and tortured for the benefit of others. murdered over and over and experimented on like some thing by the Gallifreyan natives in the pursuit of the idea of a ‘superior race’ that would truly ‘deserve’ their regeneration ability, then mindwiped and gaslit over the circumstances of their own life so that they were living with the echoes of trauma they couldn’t even begin to recognise in themselves.

the Doctor is now more than ever what they have always been, an outcast that ran away in pursuit of something else, of freedom and joy away from an oppressive regime, and decided to take a stand against the evils of the universe. and doesn’t that all just make painful sense now.

the Doctor is a victim.


DW Finale Spoilers:

Okay but like how much did they have to extract in order to turn an entire species into time lord hybrids? How many times was she killed before that was figured out? How many times was her mind forcefully wiped? And yet she became kind anyway. Someone who was orphaned and stolen and experimented on, until not even knowing all of that- she ran away and set out to help everyone she could. Having no tolerance for those who hurt others, even if she couldn’t remember, just because if she could help, she would.
And now there’s a chance she can find her real home. Her real people.

I don’t really think anything of the character was destroyed. The Time Lords are still despicable, and The Doctor is still an ordinary person, who was used, and who is still incredible just because of their own actions and stories and choices.

This is exactly why I love this new addition to canon


For those who say this is making the Doctor special, let me ask something: what is so special of being abandoned? Of being found and then experimented on? To be forced to die again and again? To have your mind erase of everything you ever seen and lived? To grow up and then forced to become a child once again? To be tortured just because of something you didn’t choose to have?

Everything that happened to the Doctor wasn’t special, it was abuse.

Started work on Gallifrey map v2, now with more visual references. >:)

It’ll also be much more detailed - I’m hoping to try using fictionalmaps.com to make a zoomable version, even though most of the planet other than the Capitol/Prydonia and Arcadia will be empty of detail, unless I or someone else does some fanon worldbuilding for regions like Anarcos or Capari where we have little more than a name.

Background is my previous version, which I’ve been using as a reference for working out placements and stiching parts together. Main goal is to use the new sources to help fill in the parts where I had to rely purely on descriptive sources (ie. most of Wild Endeavour).

Here’s my original sketch map for v1, for comparison:

If you’re wondering why I’m not using End of Time or Tecteun’s story in The Timeless Children, at this point I’m working on the assumption that the ‘surface’ seen in those is the Transduction Barrier (which has some interesting timeline implications for Rassilon’s era). Hence why it glows so much in both, plus why Gallifrey’s so huge in the prior when most sources suggest it’s roughly Earth-size. This is also why neither show visible oceans/landmasses but other sources do.

I could use the ship-approaching scene from Invasion of Time, but based on the star movement we only actually see a very small part of the surface in that.

“thought it was a nice little gamble. but no, here we are, all still alive”even afterwards, he still

“thought it was a nice little gamble. but no, here we are, all still alive”

even afterwards, he still thinks too much sometimes

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self-repost because i posted this on my main by mistake

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Dhawan Master… againthis is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough ofDhawan Master… againthis is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough ofDhawan Master… againthis is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough of

Dhawan Master… again

this is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough of a likeness!

here he is doing his best villain impression (he hopes you are suitably impressed) from the Timeless Children episode, with Gallifrey still smoldering behind him.

outfit adapted from @bigchiefstudiosofficial and mattel parts with HT shoes and body, TCE from @scarecrowprops on insta, and of course!!! digital headsculpt from @modernwizard 3d printed by @beetleboo

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the timeless children the doctor faces her earlier (perhaps original) selfthe doctor, a person of sc

the timeless children

the doctor faces her earlier (perhaps original) self
the doctor, a person of science, faces the revelation that her earliest self was abused by her adopted mother in the name of science, and that if not for this, her entire species wouldn’t exist as they do

what is the child thinking? we may never know

they say that part of growing up is learning to parent yourself, to fix some of what your actual parents got wrong.

working on a semi-realistic figure of The Timeless Child (with help of a headsculpt from @modernwizard of course), but for now, here’s this.

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