#day of the doctor

alicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Chalicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Chalicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Chalicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Chalicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Chalicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Chalicia-mb:Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Ch


Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here is a completely new set of Christmas cards up for sale!

You can buy them here on Redbubble


Check them out on my Society 6store

(Be sure to click on the print option and then select ‘cards’)

I also have the designs on cute things like mugs and totes on Society 6, because aargh, so cute I couldn’t resist!


-Updated with a new 50th Anniversary Who card :)

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Even though I’d already finished all my Christmas cards, I was so excited for the 50th Anniver

Even though I’d already finished all my Christmas cards, I was so excited for the 50th Anniversary and rewatching old who (The Five Doctors), that when this idea popped up…I couldn’t say no. Especially when 10’s lyric was ‘leaping’.

So, enjoy, one last geeky Who card from me, the Twelve Doctors of Christmas.

(For anyone wondering, my favourites in this pic are Two and Three…and Ten.)

Get it as a xmas card here: Redbubble/Society 6

(See the other cards here)

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And it was INCREDIBLE!

And it was INCREDIBLE!

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 “What is it actually called?”“Give that wolf a banana.”“Oh god. Now I

“What is it actually called?”“Give that wolf a banana.”“Oh god. Now I’m getting flashbacks.”

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Started work on Gallifrey map v2, now with more visual references. >:)

It’ll also be much more detailed - I’m hoping to try using fictionalmaps.com to make a zoomable version, even though most of the planet other than the Capitol/Prydonia and Arcadia will be empty of detail, unless I or someone else does some fanon worldbuilding for regions like Anarcos or Capari where we have little more than a name.

Background is my previous version, which I’ve been using as a reference for working out placements and stiching parts together. Main goal is to use the new sources to help fill in the parts where I had to rely purely on descriptive sources (ie. most of Wild Endeavour).

Here’s my original sketch map for v1, for comparison:

If you’re wondering why I’m not using End of Time or Tecteun’s story in The Timeless Children, at this point I’m working on the assumption that the ‘surface’ seen in those is the Transduction Barrier (which has some interesting timeline implications for Rassilon’s era). Hence why it glows so much in both, plus why Gallifrey’s so huge in the prior when most sources suggest it’s roughly Earth-size. This is also why neither show visible oceans/landmasses but other sources do.

I could use the ship-approaching scene from Invasion of Time, but based on the star movement we only actually see a very small part of the surface in that.


Something rather interesting from The Day of the Doctor draft with Eccleston! While we wouldn’t learn that the Barn™ was a place from the Doctor’s childhood untilListen(and not seeing that it’s still useduntilHell Bent), this Ninth Doctor draft actually has the Moment take a moment (heh) to explain the bizarre location (the middle of a goddamn Gallifreyan desert): 

Interesting to keep in mind, as the finalized The Day of the Doctor certainly shows a much different location for the Barn™ than the later Hell Bent:

Middle of the desert vs roughly at the base of a mountain.

And I’ve half-jokingly (and half-completely goddamned seriously) discussed how I like thinking that mountain is Mount Lung/Plutarch, the crater in its side representing House Lungbarrow’s former spot, and the Barn™ being one of the shelters for the few remaining Cousins not sucked into other Houses or Faction Paradox. 

Now,granted (before anyone takes this too seriously or tries to be pedantic), NuWho’s Gallifrey has never been geographically consistent or maintained the same look/elements through the seasons, mostly due to ever evolving special effects and filming locations. Also, the draft with the Ninth Doctor seems to strongly imply the Doctor actually has no familiarity with the Barn™ at all, and given that it is very much a draft (with both Eccleston and a non-Billie Piper version of the Moment), literally none of this means anything serious. 

But, the idea of the Moment creating Lungbarrow’s old ramshackle barn from the Doctor’s memories in a different location, the real Barn™ barning somewhere at the base of Mount Lung/Plutarch, with his perceptions either impaired by the Moment or the severity of what he was about to do, is now 100% and adamantly my new headcanon. 

Made a little discovery looking back at some old DWM articles that immediately pulled my mind back to this post.

FromThe Essential Doctor Who - The Time Lords: there’s an interview with director Douglas Mackinnon talking aboutListen, where he reveals that in the first draft there wasn’t an explicit connection between the barns of Day of the DoctorandListen - in fact they were location scouting for other barns to use for filming. It was only when Michael Pickwoad mentioned that the old barn was still available in storage that Moffat, Brian Minchin, and Mackinnon made it explicitly the same one.

Obviously the one the Moment created was meant to echo the Lungbarrow barn, but originally they were going to look completely different.

To me, this really serves as a sign that the barns could STILL have been in two different locations, even with changes from the early drafts of both episodes. It certainly seems that was Moffat’s intention even after the edits to Day of the Doctor.

Remember my Gallifrey maps I did some time ago?

I’m looking at redoing them, adding lots of new locations from new sources, or ones I didn’t orginally include (Trigovia, Gin-Seng, Capari, Anarcos etc. - also hopefully using the book image from Good Omens to improve on the continental map) and fixing some issues (eg. I originally had Olyesti on the western coast of Wild Endeavour when The Infinity Doctors says it was to the East).

Rather than just judging by eye based on photos, I’m also looking at using techniques like photogrammetry to help map out locations like the mountains around the Capitol, so the distances and heights are as accurate as possible (the exact size of the Citadel dome is very important for working out, for example, the distance between the Capitol and the Lungbarrow barn). Above are screen captures for the two iterations of the Capitol I’ve looked at so far: The Name of the DoctorandDay of the Doctor, which I thought I’d share!

The models are mostly unedited, except for some messy details around the dome I manually removed, since this software doesn’t work very well with the glass distortions (hence why the space directly behind the Citadel in both cases is much emptier).

The blue cones are the camera perspectives for each of the screen shots used to construct the 3D models.

Haven’t been this excited for the same 3 characters to meet themselves since…well, I’m sure y

Haven’t been this excited for the same 3 characters to meet themselves since…well, I’m sure you can tell

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Time is on her side - It’s hard to believe that eight years have passed, but Jenna Coleman – t

Time is on her side - It’s hard to believe that eight years have passed, but Jenna Coleman – the one and only – ‘Impossible Girl’, truly appears to be living up to her name. Time seems to have stood still for Jenna and, if anything, she looks BETTER today than she did while filming “The Day of the Doctor” in 2013. It’s uncanny!

P.S. I thought for a minute that Jenna was wearing her jacket from the 50th in these new photos. We know that she did “steal” it from the set. Hahaha.

P.P.S. Thanks to @oswincoleman for posting the pics from France

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