#the triangle


Happy Halloween ghouls!! Such a magical time of year when all the freaks come out to play - it’s me, I am freaks. For my last horror movie recommendation for this month, I rewatched one of my absolute favorites - 2009’s ‘The Triangle’.

This is more in the thriller genre but the storyline is interesting and also, shall I say, scary. Im doing my own plot synopsis today because I just adore this film. It opens with a group of friends (including a very sexy, young Liam Hemsworth) preparing to go sailing in the Atlantic on a yacht.  Our main character, Jess seems a little dazed and confused from the very beginning even having trouble remembering where her son is, who, we gather, she was supposed to bring on the sailing trip. She’s disoriented and we’re not sure why, but even her new friends think she’s acting more than a little bit weird.

All of sudden, in open water, they lose all wind in their sail and essentially get stuck in the middle of the ocean with an eerie storm brewing not too far off. It’s a strange scene watching the sail go completely limp and their boat become enveloped in the violent storm.  They get some strange interference on the radio when calling for help - also, according to the coast guard, there is no storm on the radar. Something is definitely amiss.

The yacht their sailing does not withstand the storm and capsizes forcing the group to board a mysterious ship that seemingly appears out of nowhere. However, after boarding they soon realize that the ship is abandoned, but that’s the least of their worries.

Fun fact: the ship is called the Aeolus, who was the god of wind. There’s a Sysiphus reference here - in Greek mythology, Sysiphus was condemned by the gods to push a rock up a mountain only to see it roll down again for all eternity. This is an important reference for the plot, so keep that in mind.

We soon start to feel that perhaps they aren’t alone. Perhaps their being stalked. They discover weird cryptic messages and always seem to be one step behind whoever is watching them.

The first time I saw this it really messed with my head and I was so blown away by the creative story. I really didn’t want to give too much away with my recap because there’s a pretty good twist here that I would hate to ruin. But this movie is exciting and keeps a fast pace from the very beginning. It’s kind of a mental mind fuck and I absolutely love it.  And rewatching after all these years, I think it still holds up and is really the type of film that’s going to keep you on your toes, start to finish.

Fair warning it can get pretty violent, so if you don’t like that, just move right along.  This is a thrilling adventure and it does not slow down. Enjoy! Happy trick or treating. And Happy Halloween!!!
