#there is no balm in gilead


I do not want to hear one fucking WORD from catholics about “contraceptive mentality” or “culture of death” blah blah bloobity bloobity

some people do not want kids at all under any circumstances ever and none of your moral authoritarian handwringing is going to change that, and trying to force it on unwilling people is only going to create more pain and suffering and violence and death

also the idea that we don’t own our own fucking bodies is literally the foundation of rape culture and it comes as a surprise to exactly nobody that your church routinely enables the rape and abuse of literal fucking children and then has the audacity to blame it on consenting adults having sex with each other and women using birth control and trans people being themselves and other ways people exercise their bodily autonomy and refusing to hide in shame

you actually think the answer to society’s problems is forced pregnancy and childbirth even for little ten year old girls who were raped by their own fathers because you think the only purpose of human existence is to make babies because your god who jerks off to human suffering says so

because “life”

you pervert the “sanctity of life” by reducing human beings to livestock and denying us the choice of whether or not to participate in the act of creating life

the choice is what makes it sacred. we have the agency of sharing the creative act with the divine, and in fact we should not be mindlessly and wastefully creating lives we don’t have the desire or resources to sustain.

we are not just flesh puppets for god to play the sims with

and you are the disease, not the cure.
