#these tags are different


oblivious || Damian Wayne

Hallo! I’ll get straight to it. XDD Is it fine if I would ask for some Damian Wayne x Reader. Where the reader has an alter ego but Damian doesn’t know it. Damian, as Robin, is always teasing and kinda insulting the reader but doesn’t realize that it’s the same girl he likes. And the reader is kinda chill with both of their personalities that they’d be really fcking similar XDD and they don’t even try to cover it up. But she’s smart enough not to let it through. I hope you get the idea. You can just say no tho hahaha. Anyways, have a great day!

A/N: I hope this turns out okay! Do you notice I put pictures of the boys now? Yeah, bcs I’m not writing on my tablet and yes, I always write on my tablet for most of the times :>

Have I done this title before yet?


“Really, Robin?” You stared at the boy wonder in front of you, he had his booted foot on top of a criminal that you both had defeated- it was mostly him because apparently, he loved to steal your spotlight- the bulky man was probably unconscious since he hadn’t moved at all, he hit his head pretty hard on the ground after all.

“You were too slow,” he bent down to tie up the guy’s wrists, then flipped him over to his back before tying up his ankles and thighs.

“I arrived here first, you ass,” you huffed, sighing in defeat. There was no point arguing with the boy, he was always like this when he was doing his hero duties or not.

Oh, of course, you knew who he was at school. Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne, one of the possible heirs. He was good looking, had quick reflexes, smart but despite all that…

He still didn’t know who you were.

You did nothing much to hide that you were, well, you.Save for the mask you wore and the suit- of course, you did nothing- you let your hair just the way it was, the way you act was just the same like how you acted in school.

He still didn’t notice.

“Too bad, too sad,” Damian- Robin- stretched his arms up, he was young but damn if his body didn’t already sculpt, you had seen it first hand too on gym class when he had to wipe the sweat off his face with his shirt. “Is this all?”

“Uh, yeah,” you looked around the building, it was empty and eerie, the sound of wind could be heard because it was just that silent save for the two of you. “Let’s get out of here, I’ve called the GCPD. They should be here right about,” you heard sirens blaring from afar, the red and blue glimpses of light accompanying the sirens, “now. Let’s go.”

The two of you grappled up, away from the polices’ eyes. Their flashlights were aimed all over to look for you and Robin but they were already too late since you two were already far from the scene, heading for a nearby fast food restaurant.

The person behind the counter wasn’t surprised to see two young vigilantes strolling into the place casually, talking like you were just regular customer- which you technically were- and ordered some food then went out again to eat on their rooftop.

“It’s not like you to be late, Robin,” you commented, chewing on your curly fries, legs rocking back and forth as you stared at the ground where civilians were passing.

“Had to finish my homework first,” he looked at you, emerald eyes narrowing behind the glasses of his domino mask, “swallow before speaking.”

You didn’t pay any heed to his words and continued speaking, although, this time your food was already swallowed, “we have homework?”

“Yeah,” he paused, “wait, what do you mean ‘we’?”

“Oh shoot, we have homework,” you crumpled the paper bag, tucking it into your pocket- had to give a good example as a good vigilante- and grinned at him as you stood to leave, “do you seriously haven’t noticed who I am, Dami?” You snickered.

You watched as everything seemed to process in his head and when you knew the obvious realization washed over him you left without a goodbye but laughed loudly into the night. The poor boy was left there alone, mortified.

“Shi” his mother’s voice echoed in his earpiece, daring him to finish that word, “crap,” he corrected himself.

After all this time he had been telling you about his feelings, asking for help and advice, ranting on how much he adored you to…you?

Needless to say, Damian didn’t come to school for a couple of days and when he did, he didn’t dare to talk to you until youapproached him.

another Damian?

Yes, there’s another one coming.

