#they are precious



*sobs* them

I loved them both in the books, and now, I love them even more in the movie.My new comfort characters

Once again, thanks Tumblr for not allowing big file. Had to compress a few times :/

Babies grew up so well (ू′o‵ ू)*✲゚

Webtoon name: I raised the beast well (곱게 키웠더니)

Awwww they are so precious ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡

Webtoon name: Who made me a princess (Suddenly became a princess one day, 어느날 공주가 되어버렸다)

Gyroids are love.

Gyroids are life.

Gyroids forever.


Love in the Written Word

“Jude and Cardan had a tangible reminder; that they were thought of, that they were loved, that they were safe.”

Summary: Another short, soft & fluffy fic. This is a hybrid of the prompts “we leave notes for each other on our shared desk” and “Jude and Cardan leave each other notes when they have nightmares. 



Links:My other tooth rotting Jurdan fic|Read on AO3 

A/N:This is prompt is yet another given to me by @jurdanhell who is just, doing the lord’s work to keep us all supplied with optimum Jurdan content. I stared down the barrel of this fic for like three weeks, I don’t know why I struggled with it so much but I really hope everyone enjoys it!


Most habits begin by accident. One broken nail leads to a lifetime of chewing on your fingers, one errant strand of hair leads to hours idly twisting locks through your fingers. So too did the habit of leaving notes begin for Cardan and Jude; by accident.

It was pain that brought about the habit of leaving missives for one another, but though it was hewn from the darkest parts of their past Jude and Cardan had come to cherish this small intimacy.

The first note came from Cardan. 

Keep reading
