#theyre amazing

Photo of Maya and Claudine nendoroid figure! (the rest of the images as well)

Forever and always I want to cross swords with you

Been working on my own mayakuro nendos for a while now and finally finished! I love them so much, ahhhhhh!!!

(More photos and progress pics below)

I was really lucky I could get this sick uniform, it even has the little bow in the back. And the hairstyles are just perfect. Maya’s hair was a pain to color regardless. As for her bow, one of my friends was nice enough to make it out of paper clay!


Me and my friendAmber are looking to cast voice actors in our upcoming animated thesis film!

There are a wide range of parts available and anyone is welcome to audition! If you’re interested this link provides more info

Reblogs are appreciated! Thank you!!


Modified the mermaid dresses to have a more mermaid-like shape


An illustration featuring from left to right Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi Wan, and Maul from the thigh up. Ahsoka can be seen talking to Obi Wan animatedly while he looks in deep consideration. Anakin is looking exasperatedly between the two, while Maul can be seen rolling his eyes off to the sideALT
An illustration featuring from left to right Din, Luke, Leia, and Han from the thigh up. Luke and Leia are walking side by side, smiling at each other. While Han is glaring at Din above the two, without Luke and Leia noticing. ALT
An illustration featuring from left to right Poe, Finn, and Rey from the thigh up. Finn can be seen holding both Poe and Rey's shoulder while all three of them are smiling at each other. ALT

Happy May the 4th everyone! Featuring the disaster trios of every trilogy (and reluctant members) :]



September 3rd has arrived and I am Here to celebrate Joan for Joan Appreciation Day! Because they are so talented and intelligent and deserve all the love and appreciation.


Joan works so flipping hard?? They do so much background work for the videos we know and love, and I am constantly amazed by them. 

  • They have a great understanding of quality story-telling. Their encouragement to Thomas to “trust the audience” when they were writing the script and filming Moving On parts 1 and 2 is something I am still learning how to do but they did so, so well?
  • A lot of what we currently love about the Sides wouldn’t even exist without Joan having joined the writing team with Thomas: the Sides having names being just one example of many.
  • Joan is to thank for some of our favorite lines, too! (”E equals MC Scared” I know is definitely Joan’s doing haha)
  • On top of that, they write songs??? And they’re amazing. Both “The Things We Used to Share” and “On the Borderline” were written by Joan and I honestly can’t flipping wait for the EP Thomas has been hinting at because their music is so good?? (and also can be hilarious; Joan wrote the songs in the Tweet Tunes video)
  • JOAN IS HILARIOUS in general I mean any video they’re in they usually make me laugh at least once they are a gem
  • Joan took the lead, I believe, on the design of Deceit. And to be honest, regardless of how you morally feel about Deceit as a person/concept, Deceit’s character design is brilliantly nuanced. I mean, the whole concept of him being about the lies we tell ourselves even more than the lies we tell others?? I wrote a whole rant about how much I think Deceit’s character is just brilliantly executed but the amount of thought that went into him just still amazes me and I love it?? I can’t wait but am also scared to know what other Dark Sides they’ve got in the works, because I know Joan said their favorite is yet to make an appearance.
  • Joan’sacting holy smokes. Elliot is such a complex character with snark and depth and emotion and I love them (Elliot) but so much of that is because of how wonderfully Joan is able to convey those complicated feelings and thoughts as Elliot like whoa
  • Also, they’re so reassuring and kinda inspiring in some of the things they say. Example A: “If the people around you tell you that you’re wrong for identifying the way that you do, they have no right to say that. You are the expert on yourself. You get to tell people who you are. They don’t get to tell you who you are. You’re human. And if wherever you’re from is going in a direction that doesn’t agree with who you are, that doesn’t erase you. Your voice still matters.”
  • Also, they’re so incredibly dedicated. Like, can we not forget that they helped edit “Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?” (animating Roman’s part of it on top of all the other edits and such that they had to do for such an edit-heavy video) while recovering from invasive surgery? 

So, in summary:


I love them.

Hell yeah
