#they’re so cute



and we danced all night to the best song ever

(wanted to draw the teens in their dance outfits and then immediately regretted that decision when i got to taylor’s outfit haha.)


More of the Disaster Kids ™ ⭐
I am Currently rewatching Stars with my Sister!

Charlie: let’s get one thing straight- just bc you’re taller and stronger than me doesn’t mean you’re gonna be the guy in the relationship. You’re way more gay than me, so I should be the guy.

Mac: Charlie we are literally both gay and both the guy in the relationship it’s 3am please go to sleep




Oh my god. There’s an animal rescue on Twitter currently auctioning off naming rights for two kittens to pay for their upkeep

Current bids at time of writing (2am EST June 28 2021)

  • $55 to name the black and white girl “Harrowhark” (Nonagesimus, one assumes)
  • $55 to name the grey and white boy “Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All”

Personally I think these are perfect names, but God knows what will happen if someone slaps down $60 to name Harrowhark “Rizzo”

More updates on Twitter

Good morning! Bids are now currently

  • $57 for “Karen”
  • $60 for “Wilfrid”

Good afternoon

  • $61 for “Anything but Karen” was beaten out by $65 for “Harrowhark”
  • Still $60 for “Wilfrid”

Don’t you want to name a kitten???

They spent their first week with us, so I can confirm that they are very soft and wriggly and sweet!

Their mama Bear needed an emergency c-section and for a brand new organization that was a pretty big expense.

Worth it though.


OMG, THESE TWO!!! ❤️ ❤️ posted by @ surannexsophie on Insta.

I had an AMAZING Valentine’s Day! That night I asked Sara to go for a walk with me to the plaza&hellI had an AMAZING Valentine’s Day! That night I asked Sara to go for a walk with me to the plaza&hellI had an AMAZING Valentine’s Day! That night I asked Sara to go for a walk with me to the plaza&hellI had an AMAZING Valentine’s Day! That night I asked Sara to go for a walk with me to the plaza&hell

I had an AMAZING Valentine’s Day! That night I asked Sara to go for a walk with me to the plaza…it was dead at that point so we were the only ones there but the gazebo was still lit up so I got up all my courage and played “Poco Loco” for her! I’ve never seen her smile like that! She ran up to me and hugged me and I told her that that’s how I feel about her, that she makes my heart crazy! She kissed me on the cheek which nearly made me fall over and we walked home, her arm laced around mine and her head on my shoulder! It was a magical moment in my life and that’s saying something!

(Sorry this is incredibly late guys)

Post link

Someone needs to take the official nijisanji en store away from me holy shit I am fighting for my life rn

Flower the wet kitten



Chapter Two

“You can smell the shit from five miles away.” Petyr took a slow and deep breath, watching as his mother descended from the carriage. She had always been small and frail but there was a strength in her that he found most others lacked. There was an understanding and a wisdom behind her gray-green eyes that made him stand just a bit straighter when she was angry. Petyr remembered peering into them as a child, taking in each lesson that she gave him while Mace discarded them. “Well, at least one of my idiotic sons is here to greet me.”

Lady Olenna Tyrell was many things but timid was not one of them.

“Always a pleasure Mother.” Petyr greeted, his lips curling into a smirk and held out his hand. Despite her sharp tongue and criticism, he would not deny that he missed her. Where his father had often found Petyr’s lack of skills in combat concerning, Olenna fed his desire for knowledge, nurturing his mind and schemes. She would scold him for his mischievous deeds but there was always a hint of pride in her when he showed his intelligence, even if he had misbehaved in doing so. “I hope the journey was smooth.”

“Take that smirk right off your face.” She snapped, but gripped his arm tightly and allowed him to guide her towards the Red Keep. As they walked, Olenna’s headpiece floated behind them, pale blue chiffon flowing in the sea breeze. “Here I thought you were the smart one of the two idiots I birthed. Lannisters. Have you taken leave of your senses? I expect such foolary from Mace but from you?”

“When I left Highgarden, my intent was to ensure our family was safe and secure in the upcoming war. When I got wind that Mace married Margaery to Renly and followed him around the Reach as he paraded himself as King, I knew I needed to control the mess. Promising the bannermen from Highgarden to Tywin Lannister after Renly was killed and bethrothing Margaery to the King was the most logical conclusion to prevent all our heads from ending up on a spike.”

Read the Rest on A03

perlyan sharing a ride, as requested @sneakyboymerlin
