

I’ve been trying to do Unknownspy’s Dresstober prompts! I’m super behind, but these are my guys, gals and enby pals I’ve done so far ❤

(Yes you can tell where I started getting lazy, it was taking me too long to get them done lol. Lineart my beloathed)

In order, character names are:

Aisa (she/her)

Thielva (she/her)

Lachesi (she/her)

Keo (she/her)

Kjelle (she/they/any)

Kiirith (He/Him)

Yon (She/Her)

Valsera (She/Her)

Bediwynn (They/Them)

Coven Mother Thielva would like to battle!

My tiefling witch Thielva having a potion-making day~
