#thirsty for haderade



One year ago I started sharing my fan fiction online. I was terrified, but I did it, and now I’m so supremely glad. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the response I received. I’ve made friends, where before I only had one. I receive beautiful praise from lovely folks all around the world. And miracle of miracles, I’ve found the love of my life in @martymcdie88mph

Now, 252 stories later, I’ve reached a major goal. Last week I crossed 1.5 million words. And I have to say, I’m pretty damn proud of myself. Before returning to fan fiction last year I did nothing. I sat around and watched Conan and Bill content to slog through my days because I was so fucking miserable all the time.

But writing has transformed my life. I now have people. Real, actual people who care about me and ask how I’m doing every day. And I feel like, for the first time, I might even have a purpose. It may seem silly to some, writing explicit stories about tall, blue-eyed, assless comedy men to pass the time. But I have used fic writing to process my own trauma, to work through various heartaches. And I’m amazed at the responses from my readers. I feel privileged that people trust me with their own private struggles and ask me to write difficult things for them as well. I don’t know how to express my gratitude to everyone who has read my work, left kudos, commented, or made a request. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!

Now, as Bill says…

Here are 25 (or more) fuckin’ hard ass, well run blogs I would like to thank for supporting me along the way this past year. I’m sure I’m leaving some folks out, and for that I apologize. Know that I love all of you more than I can say



New Fic: Happy Tears (Explicit)

Fandom: Bill Hader, Hot Rod

Relationship: Dave/Original Female Character

Summary: As Dave and Sunny get together for their weekly movie night, both reflect on the saga of their relationship.

Written for @martymcdie88mph

Happy Tears-DRHPaints on AO3-Link to collected works in bio!


Rage Barry sketch for my love @martymcdie88mph

Oh my darling I love it so much!!! You are so incredibly talented Thank you so much for always creating such beautiful art for me, in all of it’s forms. I love you so much


Check out the third Google image result when you search ‘Robbie Wheadlan’!

@martymcdie88mph and I freaked out! Also it inspired me to make this…

Love that arrestingly sexy smirk. Watercolor pencils on paper.

My dear it was only a matter of time before we became a power couple. *prayer hands* hashtag blessed

Also PS how dare you be so talented?? I’m sorry but can you just kind of like knock it off? Like could you give us plebs a chance for once??

JK I hope you never stop I love you so much


Early anniversary present for my beloved @martymcdie88mph All her favorite Bill’s

I love it so much darling!!! Thank you for creating something so amazing for me You are so incredibly talented in all things I love you so much❤️❤️❤️


New Fic: All Of Me Loves All Of You (Explicit)

Fandom: Bill Hader RPF

Relationship: Bill Hader/Original Female Character

Summary: For Bill’s birthday his partner Gwendolyn decides to give him a special surprise.

All Of Me Loves All Of You-DRHPaints on AO3-Link to collected works in bio!

Happy birthday to our brilliant and beautiful Billiam

Also, it’s pride month! So any queer fic requests will be given priority. Happy pride, everybody ️‍ ️‍⚧️


Barely Bangable Bill’s

Special thanks to my beloved @martymcdie88mph for helping me compile this list

It is with reticence, reluctance, remorse, and regret that I am reblogging this incredibly well done and unfortunate gif set. Made by my beloved.

I will never forgive him for exposing me as a complicit accomplice.

As Jesus would have said: Father DO NOT forgive us because we DO know what we have done…


If some asshole thinks accusing Bill Hader of being queer is going to make anyone think less of him, they’ve clearly never met one of Bill’s fans


Bill Hader Television Parallels

Distress in the Wings


Clark Honus-Documentary Now!-Gentle and Soft: The Story of the Blue Jean Committee

Teddy Redbones-Documentary Now!-The Bunker

Richie Tozier-It: Chapter Two


So I got here and…

We did not plan this Just two dorks who love Dave and surprised each other.

I got her a Team Rod visor as well. Aaaaand…

Needless to say @martymcdie88mph loved the custom Dave Hot Rod Funko Pop made by the incredibly talented @jadisart. I cannot say enough good things about this artist. They are a joy to work with and really went above and beyond to do every one of my specifications, making this an amazingly awesome gift for our first meeting.

I love our dorky selves so much

The most incredible presents from the most wonderful human

But the best present is you my love


YOOOO! I’m on my way down to Illinois and LOOK!

I had no idea there was a town in Minnesota called Hader! And even better? Guess what song was playing when I screamed and pulled over to take this pic??

@martymcdie88mph I suggest we move here immediately! IT’S A LITERAL SIGN!




Happy anniversary to my sweet love @fandomtransmandom

And thank you for making me this heartbreakingly gorgeous edit. I love it and you so much

Thank you for always making me so happy and my life so bright

And I cannot WAIT to see you tomorrow so we can celebrate in person


Bill Hader Movie Parallels

Check Signing Motion ✍✔️

Inspiration thanks to my beloved @martymcdie88mph

Look at what my darling Dean made for me

I love these gifs/parallels so muchhhhhh

Now get ready for my classic tag stealing. It’s my brand™️


Revised Fic: Adore You Til Eternity (Explicit)

Fandom: Bill Hader, Documentary Now!-Sandy Passage

Relationship: Vivianne ‘Little Vivvy’ Van Kimpton/Original Transmasculine Character

Summary: Vivvy reflects on the saga of her relationship with her transmasculine lover, Henry.

Note: This is not a new fic, but a story I revised for the Trans Day of Visibility (sorry I’m a bit late, editing takes forever) but I wanted to post some trans4trans content to celebrate

Adore You Til Eternity-DRHPaints on AO3-Link to collected works in bio!

Custom edit to 'Be My Baby’ by The Ronettes thanks to the amazing and talented @stunninconan. Check out more of their work on Instagram at stunnin.conan

Happy Trans Day of Visibility!!


When you leave ya gurl on read and someone new and hot slides into her DMs

AKA if I need to temporarily abandon my beloved @martymcdie88mph during a video chat, I prop up the phone because I know sweet Bill will take good care of her in my absence


Bill Hader’s scenes as Dwight Difference from S1E2 of Toast of Tinseltown- ‘LA Story’
