
You finally decided to tell your wife about your little fantasyFor more visit MY BLOG HERE

You finally decided to tell your wife about your little fantasy

For more visit MY BLOG HERE

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Waiting in the bar was such a turn on but watching whilst wearing panties would be hotter…

Waiting in the bar was such a turn on but watching whilst wearing panties would be hotter…

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OK, let’s start as we mean to go on…

OK, let’s start as we mean to go on…

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One of the older graduate students posted this near our sputter system.

One of the older graduate students posted this near our sputter system.

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Ella sat facing ahead and watched the woman out of the corner of her eye, wondering what her crime h

Ella sat facing ahead and watched the woman out of the corner of her eye, wondering what her crime had been.

It must have been bad if it warranted a public use sentence. They only handed those out for serious offences like wearing underwear or talking back to Men.

Was she fully aware? She seemed so peaceful, and yet so laser-focussed on the cock in her mouth, sucking and moaning with programmed pleasure.

He reached around and pushed her head down to the base of His dick, jerking as He shot His load into her throat. She continued to moan, as if she were deriving her own enjoyment from it.

Finally, finished, He pushed her off and sat back down. The girl thanked Him for cumming in her mouth and slid back onto the floor with her legs spread, smiling, ready for her next user. Her eyes glazed over as she waited. She would stay like that until the next Man came along and grabbed her.

Ella went back to looking at the street and realised she’d missed several stops.

Shit. It’d take over another hour to get into work now and she was already on three demerits. Two more this month and she could end up like the woman on the floor. 

She wished.

Author notes: I really like the fantasy of a dystopian future where a patriarchy reasserts control over the population. Not too dissimilar from The Handmaid’s Tale, the idea that women find themselves reduced to non-citizens (or mindless pleasure drones if they resist) seems incredibly hot.

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gustavocrata: “Jim put my stuff in jello again” The Office fanart Started watching The Office this m


“Jim put my stuff in jello again” The Office fanart

Started watching The Office this month. Im on season 5 this week.

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Sentado num banco, a uma distância segura, assisto minha amada deitada na toalha estendida sobre a g

Sentado num banco, a uma distância segura, assisto minha amada deitada na toalha estendida sobre a grama do parque. Não demora e o match dela chega caminhando e a cumprimenta. “Senta aqui: eu não mordo”, diz ela dando tapinhas no chão. Um pouco constrangido ele senta: “Seu namorado sabe que você tem perfil no Tinder?“ Aproximando-se do rosto dele, ela responde: “Ele não precisa saber, né? Fica sendo um segredinho nosso…” Eles começam a se beijar e as mãos começam a exploram o corpo um do outro; preciso cruzar as pernas para disfarçar a ereção. Rapidamente os beijos de quente ficam quase pornográficos e, sem que eu perceba, minha amada já tem o pau duro do rapaz em uma das mãos. E da mão à boca não há obstáculo: logo está chupando aquele rapaz que me conhece, mas não o suficiente para se sentir traindo um amigo ao pegar minha namorada. Em poucos minutos, ele já está fechando os olhos com a cabeça jogada para trás: minha menina é realmente boa nisso! Mais alguns beijos e eles se despedem. Ela recolhe a toalha e vem sentar ao meu lado. Olha-me nos olhos sem dizer nada e a seriedade vai se transformando em um sorriso: “Você, hein? Nunca imaginei que eu fosse fazer isso! Tá vendo a puta em que você tá me transformando?“ disse ela contente. Beijeil-lhe a boca quente e saímos de mãos dadas por aquela tarde de primavera. Sentia um orgulho novo: como se todos soubessem que minha amada acobou de engolir o esperma de outro homem. Que sensação deliciosa.

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