#this is crazy


O. My. Gosh! ❤️

I can’t believe I have 120 followers!! You are all so AMAZING!! Seriously!!

I have a few more drawings ready to be posted & a few more one-shots & Hothead Hardship chapters to go!

I’d love to hear what you’re interested in seeing from me! More art? More writing? Rough sketches? Who should I draw next?

Should I mix it up w/ some Hellboy? Stories & sketches?

Tell me! tell me! tell me!

In these CRAZY and UNPREDICTABLE Times, I hope everyone is Safe and In Good Health. Always REMEMBER,In these CRAZY and UNPREDICTABLE Times, I hope everyone is Safe and In Good Health. Always REMEMBER,In these CRAZY and UNPREDICTABLE Times, I hope everyone is Safe and In Good Health. Always REMEMBER,

In these CRAZY and UNPREDICTABLE Times, I hope everyone is Safe and In Good Health. Always REMEMBER, even after the Darkest Storms, The SUN always Comes out :) 

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Funny how the new Deppaganda tactic is to label all Amber supporters radfems and terfs when Depp’s supporters and Depp himself have been purposely misgendering Amber’s former friend and witness IO Tillett Wright throughout the trial. They are perpetuating the “predatory trans” myth by insinuating he is a pedophile for “sexualizing” an underage Lily Rose Depp bc she was apart of his lgbtq campaign as a teenager.

The campaign in question:

The media misconstrued this post as Miss Depp coming out though she later elaborated that she actually preferred to not label her sexuality.

Johnny Depp later used this incident to cast doubt on IO’s testimony in The Sun libel trial and claimed that Lily Rose was “manipulated” into doing the campaign without his or her mothers knowledge.

Though articles from the time have Depp saying he did, in fact, know of her involvement with the project.

Remember this is the same father that let a 24-year-old man date and sleep over with his daughter when she was 16-years-old.

Obviously this isn’t Depp and his team’s most far-reaching use of conservative-style propaganda and moral panic tactics to discredit Heard’s claims but the insidious transphobic nature makes it all the more bewildering that this is the man that supposedly progressive zoomers on tiktok and youtube have decided to rally around.


261 followers? WHAT?

This has been one crazy year to start! I got back into writing and I have so many people supporting me! You don’t have to follow me but somehow you did and thank you so much. I’m not a good writer by no means but I try to get better so you guys can be proud to be following me.

Now I know most of the new followers are for cobra Kai and thank you guys so much for that! But almost all of my old ones are for MHA which I have gotten back into so might open my request back open when I open my requests again.

And yes it’s coming. I just wanted to get all the Valentine’s Day requests out, and then wright the requested fics and then I hope to be open again.

Thank you all of you. It means so much and I’m proud to call all of you my followers or as I like to say my butterflies.



















Abled Person: Hey man, can you hold this wad of $2,000 and this one penny for me while I open my wallet?


The United States Government:

(Watch how many people don’t get this.)

#raises hand #i dont understand #please explain? 

In order for disabled people to receive any sort of financial assistant for their housing, food, bills, medical supplies, etc., they cannot ever have more than $2,000 of resources to their name. Ever.

It doesn’t matter what it’s for.

You’re saving up for a new wheelchair?

For college?

To put a downpayment on a house?

Hell man, you just happen to budget for once in your life so that you can have some extra money in case something bad happens?

Your benefits immediately get cut off if you’re a cent over $2,000.

And, even worse, you usually end up having to pay back every dollar the government gave you that month.

So say you get $400. If they find out you’re twenty dollars over the resource limit, you have to give them all $400 back and you undergo an investigation of your funds to see if you will continue getting money.

“What if I spend the money that day?”

Doesn’t matter. In fact, from what I can tell, people who do this are actually put under investigation for fraud.

And yes, this system literally kills people.

Remember when “Guardians of the Galaxy” came out? one of Rocket Racoon’s creators, Bill Mantlo, suffered an accident in 1992 and has irreparable brain damage.

before the movie came out, Marvel gave him an exclusive preview screening. SOme people were upset because they felt if Marvel was really wanted to thank mantlo, they should have donated money to Mantlo’s family.

Bill Mantlo’s brother had to come out and explain: If Marvel gave them monetary aid, Bill Mantlo would lose his financial assistance.

That’s so utterly depressing.


I have friends on welfare who won’t pick up a penny in the street because they’d risk the welfare they struggled to get for 10 years.

oh look another fucked up thing in this world. let’s just add it to the list. number 63858b

My brother has been on California State SSI for autism for the last 10 years, and he absolutely has to (no joke, HAS TO) spend all 720 bucks of his SSI every month, because if he puts it in the bank he risks losing his SSI altogether.

Sometimes, at the end of the month, he has no idea what to do with his money because the whole month went by and he still has 400-ish bucks in his account, and he fucking panics because he doesn’t want to get anywhere near 2,000.

And here’s the funnest part of the story!

One day he did a huge commission on Second Life and wound up earning 1500 bucks off of it, and he told the guy to donate it 500 bucks at a time over 3 months. The guy didn’t want to, and just donated all 1500, which put my brother at 2,036 bucks.

The state IMMEDIATELY (I’m talking less than an hour) called him up to tell him over the phone that they were canceling his SSI, because they noticed he had gone over the 2,000 buck threshold. He had to tell them that someone had made a charitable donation to him and that this was not a common occurrence in any way shape or form, and upon not believing him, my mother had to call to talk to them as his legal caretaker and say basically the same thing until they called off the cancellation of his SSI money.

He also had to cancel his renter’s assistance because it put him to 1,062 a month, so if he went 30 days without spending any money they’d cancel his SSI altogether. Like, none of us in the family have any fucking clue why that regulation is in place and it’s the stupidest shit in human history.

Please, legal side of Tumblr, tell me what positive reasoning this law has?

Happy 4th of July everyone! This is what the “nation of opportunity” looks like.

There’s something called an ABLE account that can help. If you are on SSI and were diagnosed as disabled before the age of 26 you can apply for an ABLE account that will allow you to save up to $99,000. More people need to know about this!

thank you so much for this information. i’m applying for an abled account right now



I’ve been looking into SSI; I had no idea about this!

Read till the end for the important info

Reblog to literally save a disabled person’s life

According to wiki, 39 states + DC have ABLE accounts, so check with your state

This is so important.

Wow, can’t believe people can literally hide money from the government, but people receiving SSI assistance are being watched like hawks. Please share this!





“Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?“

Holy shit this fucking super power. The avengers did Quicksilver WRONG.

Holy shit

The brilliant thing about this isn’t just the CGI, it’s the clever little touches of humor– mussing the boy’s hair, saving the goldfish, drinking the soda can, the moonwalk, lining up the dart with the dartboard. I notice new details every time I see this clip. You can watch this scene with zero context and still fully enjoy it. You don’t need to know who he is or who he’s saving or why. There’s a guy who runs real fast and he’s saving people from an explosion, and he’s having a blast with it, and that’s all you need to know. It’s entertaining and fully comprehensible even if you know nothing about the movie. That’s damn good filmmaking.

can we just talk about how bat-shit crazy his body has to be? science side of tumblr , help me out.

i mean, first of- his neurons has to fire fast enough for his body to take these fast steps and for him to process what he´s seeing and make choices about “what now” in terms of direction and action.

 he even has time to goof off FFS. 

odds are he´s got galloping ADHD, beyond the scope LV.

his heart has to be able to pump enough blood to get oxygen around to his cells, likely beating faster than a hummingbirds wings. either that or somehow his body can use the oxygen far more efficient since he seems to breathe normally rather than gasp and heave.

 his feet has to be able to stand the friction they generate with every step.

his whole body strong enough to push through the air resistance.

not to mention the amount of calories he burns. i think that´s why he steals so many snacks, including the twinkie you can see.

and keep in mind, there is no “speed force” here. it´s ALL him! 

zandraart:an exploration in waves zandraart:an exploration in waves zandraart:an exploration in waves zandraart:an exploration in waves


an exploration in waves

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Well, looks like I need to go buy a pomegranate right now




it’s horrible that this exists but also remember to destroy the pregnancy test after you get your result. I hate this country 

If you do not have a car, DO NOT USE UBER, LYFT, OR A TAXI. TAKE A /BUS/. Because there is language in this law that makes a driver complacent. Bus drivers have a union, and they cannot be expected to know everyone on board. Buy your ticket with either cash or one of those prepaid gift cards from a credit company, and BUY THAT CARD IN CASH. If you need a hotel though, if you need recovery time, pay with a different credit company backed gift card. If possible, have a friend make the reservation, so your name is not associated with that check-in, and let them pay with THEIR credit card. If it’s a relative, make sure they have a different last name than you.

And the worst part is this:

Take pictures. Takes lots of pictures and post them to social media of you smiling, having the BEST time, and make sure they’re time-stamped. Fake it ‘til you make it. I’m talking pictures that could make an Instagram Influencer turn green, full on nature photos with #soblessed #meandmycousins

You’re not going to be in a good place, physically, but like I said, Fake It ‘Til You Make It.

That way, if anyone suspects, if anyone tries to bring it up, you can pull up these photos, smile, laugh and say, “Me and my cousins/friends were glamping on the beach, see?”

I did this when I got my abortion in 2017. I didn’t have to fear jail or legal consequences, but I knew I couldn’t tell anyone I worked with or my family. For all they knew, I was going to our neighboring state for a much needed vacation. We posted photos on Facebook of our trip - what we wanted them to see - even as I was still shaky and recovering the same day. We also stopped at points of interest on the way back, like a Billy the Kid museum, and took photos there too. I bought a set of earrings there just to wear at work after we got back as a talking point. Anything to distract. And it’s awful, because the fake cheeriness was the last thing I wanted to be doing, even though I was 100% sure about my abortion and felt nothing but relief afterwards. To have to hide something like that - a situation in which understanding and support would be helpful - even just for the ignorance of others is bad enough. I can’t imagine if there were legal consequences involved for a slip up in keeping it under wraps.

And y'all - if you get a surgical abortion (that’s what I had, I’m not sure if this is also true for medical abortion) and have to go straight back to work, plan to get “the flu” or a “stomach bug” about four days after your abortion. The morning of day four I was passing massive clots. It was so much worse than even my already horrible periods. It hurt so much I almost passed out before I could get enough Tylenol in my system to bring it down to a dull throb. I stayed home from work with “a fever” and kept a heat pack over my pelvis the entire day. So on day three, start acting sick towards the end of the day. Not bad enough to go home but enough to make it reasonable for you to call off the next day.

Take Tylenol before bed, and make sure that when you wake up with clots that you keep taking Tylenol to stay on top of the pain. Use a heat pack. Stay hydrated - water and apple juice are great. Peanut butter and crackers are a godsend. And sleep. You need the rest. You need to heal. And if you can afford to do so, stay home day five, too.

To everyone in states who think they know better than you about your own medical care: I’m sorry. Take care of yourself. Be safe. If you want to talk to me about my experience or just need affirmation, PLEASE message me. I love you all. You know what’s best for you. You’re so strong in the face of ignorance, and you can make it.


Pirate Husbands
