#this is the cutest thing ever



This came out long, but it was worth it! Enjoy some chaos!

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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FURO YOUR FAMILY IS SO DELIGHTFUL!! I love the way you write!!

Blending the exposition of the weaver bird legend with the outfits read so nicely (and btw - Bo putting beads on Thais and Slyvan’s horns was just too sweet). I can’t wait for part three.

 Can your family adopt my ocs, please? They literally are a ‘clan/tribe’ and they all seem so nice! Furo’s father’s juggling act to entertain the kids after his colder introduction made me like the man immediately XD

kadeart: ref :Endeavor as catkadeart: ref :Endeavor as catkadeart: ref :Endeavor as catkadeart: ref :Endeavor as catkadeart: ref :Endeavor as catkadeart: ref :Endeavor as cat


ref :

Endeavor as cat

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Someone arrest these two for murder, this will no doubt be the cause of my death ≧◡≦


Blue blue singing along to her mommy makes my heart melt!



Liked by mommyjareau, doctorreid and 228 others

y/nhotchner:another day being my bitch 

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d.morgan:this feels a little too personal to be seeing
badass_em:agreed, especially with his tie untied

aarhotcher:*another day of adoring my wife
y/nhotchner:synonyms, baby


Liked by davidrossiofficial, babygirlpg, and 241 others

y/nhotchner:breakfast duty

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aarhotchner:somehow i’m always the one on breakfast duty
y/nhotchner:i didn’t hear any complaints this morning
  → aarhotchner:there was adequate repayment 
    → d.morgan:y’all know we can all read these comments, right?


Liked by d.morgan, doctorreid and 419 others

y/nhotchner:baby Theo Oliver Hotchner

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babygirlpg:I call dibs on babysitting

jessbrooks:congratulations. so happy for your family <3
y/nhotchner:love you <3

Liked by badass_em, d.morgan and 284 others

y/nhotchner:date night!!

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aarhotchner:you’ve got to stop taking photos of me, baby
y/nhotchner:sorry not sorry. you’re so handsome


Liked by mommyjareau, davidrossiofficial and 254 others


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aarhotchner:I’ve been looking at you like that for five years
y/nhotchner:and i’ve loved every minute of it <3

babygirlpg:we love to see our unit chief smiling
doctorreid:Yes, statistically the more times he smiles a day, the more likely we are to get the weekend off

Liked by doctorreid, badass_em and 285 others

y/nhotchner:the cutest Darth Vader ever… and some other dude

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jessbrooks:he was so excited before you two got back with the costume

mommyjareau:spiderman/ darth vader playdate
y/nhotchner:yes! and i’ll bring baby Chewbacca 


Liked by davidrossiofficial, babygirlpg and 301 others 

y/nhotchner:imagine the state of the bathroom floor

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sean_hotchner:big man is looking a lot like baby Aaron
aarhotchner:he’s got a baby Sean personality though
y/nhotchner:they want a visit from uncle Sean asap 

babygirlpg:those big brown eyes!
y/nhotchner:and long eyelashes… jealous


Liked by doctorreid, ablake and 312 others

y/nhotchner:the boys out in LA

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d.morgan:weren’t you guys meant to be at the crime scene?
y/nhotchner:i’m an opportunistic photographer 
aarhotchner:she made us, and get back to work on the files
  →d.morgan:yes bossman
  →babygirlpg:that smile doesn’t look forced


Liked by teelewis, sean_hotchner and 426 others

y/nhotchner:bring your kid to work day… but your parents travel on a private jet

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aarhotchner:*disclaimer* there were no usual BAU discussions

d.morgan:little man and Henry had a good point about web shooters
→ babygirlpg:agreed, and i’m not even in the field 
y/nhotchner:pressure is on @/aarhotchner


Jack has just finished carrying the last of the boxes labeled “bedroom” upstairs and is in the middle of pouring two glasses of iced tea — regular for himself, sweet for Bittle — when the doorbell rings.

“Can you get that, hon?” Bittle asks. He’s in the same room but his voice sounds far away. “I’m up to my elbows cleanin’ these cabinets before I dare put anything in them. I don’t think the insides of these have seen a sponge in three decades.”

Jack makes a face, one Bittle completely misses because the upper half of his body has been swallowed by the cabinet below the sink. “That’s what we get for buying an old house, eh?” The doorbell rings again. “I’ve got it,” he reassures Bittle, who grunts in response.

Jack is well aware he is, as Bitty says, “a sight.” However, the pizza delivery person probably doesn’t care that he’s dressed in paint-stained basketball shorts and slightly-too-tight (it’s Bittle’s, and is apparently “a good look” on him) SMH shirt, and covered in a sheen of sweat. Someday, when their personal lives aren’t dictated by the NHL’s schedule, they’ll be able to move in the winter. For now, it is what it is.

When he opens the door he is surprised to see, instead of a pizza delivery driver, a young girl. Her long brown hair is done up in two pigtails and she’s carrying a notebook and pen. When she smiles, she shows off a mouth full of braces and Jack is briefly reminded of Chris Chow.

There’s a woman standing at the end of the driveway. She catches Jack’s eye and smiles.

“Hi,” Jack greets her. “Can I help you?”

The girl takes a visible breath. “My name is Mary Sullivan-Torres. I’m 11 years old. I’m the editor and reporter for What’s Going On?, the official neighborhood newspaper for Maple Street. My mom, Kara Sullivan-Torres —” she waves her hand in the direction of the woman on the driveway “— is my assistant. I’d like to be the first to welcome you to our neighborhood. Do you have any news for our next issue?”

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@moonfireshadow convinced me to post this on tumblr… so here u go


Love At First Swipe

A first date with Javi which includes getting frozen yogurt and going to the arcade

Pairing:Javi G x F!Reader

Word count:1.5k


Warnings: online dating, first date which includes froyo and going to an arcade, mention of Reader using glasses and being bi, Reader has a favorite froyo flavor

A/N: This is loosely based on the date I went on Sunday, thanks to @littlemisspascal​ for letting me talk her ear offs about the date and the guy I’m dating and for choosing the Pedro boy for this fic, Javi ended up being perfect!




Swiping left is a reflex at this point. See the picture for half a second, maybe glance at the name, see if there’s a bio, and move on.

A guy with just his height in the bio?


A girl that doesn’t have her face in any of the pictures?


A guy explicitly looking for skinny girls?

Left. Left. Left.

Maybe opening a profile on a dating app had been a mistake, but then again there wasn’t much opportunity for you to meet someone in your daily life at the moment. Still, there must be a better alternative than lying on your bed judging if someone could be a potential partner by just a few photos. 

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This is so sweet!


i have a gumbie cat in mind :3c


koreankelela:Lee Kwang-soo behind the scenes of a photo shoot with a CUTE baby.


Lee Kwang-soo behind the scenes of a photo shoot with a CUTE baby.

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