#this means a lot



Today I’m lifting up the enourmously talented tacky ( @tackytigerfic​ | tackytiger on AO3). I’ve been so lucky to get to know tacky a bit over in discord-land, namely by going into their DMs and screaming incoherently about a fic that they wrote that I loved. As one does.

Today’s fic is In the Hallway (Drarry, 1960 words, Mature). This fic is just devestating in the most beautiful way. Tacky’s writing is always gorgeous, they have such a sure, steady way and a lyrical voice. This fic drops us in to a particular moment in time, it doesn’t explain how we got to where we are, it just transports us there beautifully. This is a fic about trauma and how healing is long and slow, and imperfect. How we’re not always our best selves when were hurting, but we have to keep trying. Keep working on it. Ultimately, this felt like a very hopeful fic, and I definitely was crying at the end of it, so there’s that.

I loved meeting this fic!
