#this movie really came for my bi ass


I have never made headcanons in my ✨life✨, but for this man?

For this man, I will do my best ❤️


Bruno Headcanons That Live In Here Rent-Free

  • Do I think Bruno is asexual? Yes. Do I think he’s the clumsiest romantic on the planet Earth anyways? Also yes.
  • Bruno is good at parkour, yes. But the second he sees someone he likes, that goes directly out the window, goodbye skills
  • I can vividly and PHYSICALLY envision Bruno leaning in a doorway trying to talk to his crush and like slipping and stumbling forward a little and catching himself and trying to laugh it off
  • Bruno is definitely the kind of guy to hear about or deduce some small interest you’ve got and then run with it,,, romantic or otherwise, doesn’t matter, if he thinks you’re cool he’ll collect things for you like a bird
  • Like say you show Bruno a cool rock you found one time?? Expect to find a bunch more cool rocks just popping up, like just in your bag or on your windowsill or something; he might give them directly but he’s way more likely to just leave them for you to find
  • If someone did something similar for him he would probably try really really hard not to cry and only kind of succeed
  • He’s really happy to be here
  • If you directly invite him to something, to his face, he’ll probably go; if you send him a card he’ll probably assume it was a politeness thing and will only go if his sisters do some convincing
  • After living in the walls for so long, he’s developed a habit of having a stash of Julieta’s food just in case
  • In case of what, it’s not clear even he knows, but just in case
  • For the first couple months he’s back, if he’s been observing a conversation without participating for a while, Bruno will occasionally get a little startled when someone talks to him
  • Sometimes he just kind of forgets that he’s back now and he’s part of the conversation
  • I don’t know, maybe these aren’t super popular headcanons??? They’re just my personal little ones
  • I also headcanon that Bruno and Luisa get to be unexpectedly close
  • I don’t really have a justification for that?? I can just see it
  • Also this isn’t related to Bruno but I can totally see Camilo turning into Dolores to take some snacks even though she’s already had some and then Dolores going in for seconds and when they’re like “hey didnt you already have snacks” she’s like “oh no that was Camilo, I haven’t had any yet” and nobody questions it and they’re working together so they both get to have more than they’re supposed to lol

Idk maybe these are bad, what do y’all think??
