#this took me 3 hours

#artober1: Run boy run!So this year I’m not doing Inktober, instead, I’ve decided to wor

#artober1: Run boy run!

So this year I’m not doing Inktober, instead, I’ve decided to work on something that’s very hard for me which is being fast. I really have a problem when drawing because I NEVER LET GO. I can work on a piece for weeks and still feel like it’s not right. So this October I want to focus on that. I’ll work one piece a day and I’ll publish it no matter if I only manage a sketch. The idea is to be less self-conscious about it and learn to move on. So don’t expect beauty

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Tumblr. Staff. Policies.

Alright, everyone has heard so far about tumblrs new policy about allowing no adult content. Even though I run this simply writing blog where my page will not be affected that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna say that I think the tumblr staff is full of assholes and I shouldn’t stand up and sign petitions against the ban and in support of pages dealing with nsfw. (Please sign the petitions against Tumblrs new policy)

Tumblr has always been known for being the type of platform where you can scroll through your feed and find explicit shit come on, whether you wanted it to or not, and you just quickly scroll past it like nothing happened. But let’s be honest, that happens on every social media platform, just maybe not a full on porno coming on your feed. There’s an argument about how parents shouldn’t have to deal and worry about their young child being on a platform and having to deal with that, yet we’re in age where you could monitor your child’s social media and phone time for their safety. And second of all, it’s important to already teach your kids about internet safety before they even get onto any media platforms. We’re all very self aware of the problems that we face online, but tumblr has always been the site to be considered more “Rated R” than any other site. And I don’t think I’ve ever considered Tumblr has a “child friendly” site to begin with, but it can be since installing the “safe mode” option.

The main problems with tumblr is how it’s been like living in a porn bot apocalypse. And tumblr hasn’t cleaned it up at all. Some of my most popular writing pieces get reblogged by these porn bots, but they erase all my content and keep my likes and reblogs. That’s one of my most annoying issues, because even though they aren’t stealing my work, they’re stealing my credit. Yet besides that, you get random bots messaging you and coming up into your feed and getting rid of that problem, would’ve been for the greater good for everyone.

You know, I genuinely don’t have a problem with adults running porn related blogs whether it’s just reblogging or posting their own explicit content. Some people do it for their own pleasure, and some people actually do it on here to help their line of work. There is nothing wrong with working in rated r content, it’s obviously not the most traditional thing to do, but there’s nothing wrong with it as long as people are being safe about it. Isn’t that what’s really important? Doing things with safety and protecting yourself from danger. Yet, there are still people that use social media to solicitate minors and tumblr isn’t a site that is an exception to that. There are several blogs on this site that demonstrate pedophilia and concerning behavior, that needs to be looked out and watched for. And as terrible as this is, whether you’ve encountered it or not, but child pornography is a definite and disgusting reality here that is still needed to be taken care of. I’ve read a comment from an old man saying how young girls are the best types because they don’t fight back, and I’ve been across a blog concerning their own incest relations. Illegal activity and putting other users in dangers is the real problem, not if people decide to post pornstars or sell their own brand of lingerie.

You can watch porn anywhere on the internet, but you can’t find every nsfw artists on some porn site or even any social media platform without having to censor their own work, so they don’t get reported. And there are people that create nsfw merchandise, and there are few sites they can promote it on and Tumblr was one of them.

The funny thing is that the other half of Tumblr is made up of nsfw, and there’s honestly nothing wrong with that or to be ashamed of, because sex and sexual appeal is a big influence in the society we live in (which can’t be helped). There were other issues that Tumblr needed to resolve first. With the intentions of trying to fix a problem, they created a bigger one. They’re robbing several fantastic artists of exposure, because they like to draw porn, or because they’ve drawn a character with clevage or a woman showing her nipples, as if no one on Earth has them. Tumblr is just quickly going downhill by flagging everything, even content of people hugging and holding hands. Tumblr is like any other site where you share what you like on, but there’s several people here that decided to make a living on what they like to do and tumblr is a part of promoting themselves. Tumblr shouldn’t deprive people and the other side of their fan base from nsfw content, because they decided to want to be considered more “safe” when this site has never been looked at as a “child friendly” place, and wanting to make it more comfortable for others - give me a break, people use tags for a reason. And the only nsfw content that shows up under tags that aren’t related to that are because of porn bots. And just because Tumblr got taken off the App Store, I figured this place would love to rebel more instead of doing this since they claim to be “wide open” with “creative expression.” The reality of their decision is Tumblr isn’t supportive of those that use nsfw as creative expression, who were never going against any guidelines before, because of the pressure and the offense they felt for being taken off the App Store.

So, Tumblr you either get your fucking shit together and re-evaluate your decision, because what you did was extremely inconsiderate. And I’m not even running a blog considered “adult content.”

You were cool and all, but fuck you for doing this. @staff
