


Holding onto my optimism with two hands here people. In some ways, what happened in last night’s episode (re: Fez) HAD to happen for the story to move forward. People have been complaining about how static this season has felt, and I think it often comes back to the cyclical nature of addiction. Rue doesn’t seem to be moving forward, and neither does anyone else. They are all caught in their own webs.

But last night, Rue had a revelation about her life and how tumultuous and difficult it’s been. She has seen it’s not all just because she’s an irredeemable, terrible person. It also reminded her of the wonderful relationships she had before addiction started to erode who she is (with Lexi and Fez). It gave her hope.

One of the challenges she’s faced in attempting to stay sober is being surrounded by people who are actively NOT trying to stay sober. We’ve seen this with Jules and Eliot. Not to mention, one of her best friends was a drug dealer, and even though he stopped dealing to her, their relationship often put her in proximity to the substances and people she needed to be avoiding (fentanyl, Laurie, etc). They couldn’t have stayed close if she was trying to recover and he remained in the game.

Now, Fez has suffered this traumatic experience. He might do time (though proving anything beyond a reasonable doubt will be challenging). He’s lost his brother and his stability to the violence of the drug trade. We know he has other hopes for the future (a simple life with Lexi), and right now he NEEDS to find a new path for himself and so does Rue. And you know Lexi has been there trying to help all along. If they try to move forward together, they can share the challenges and triumphs of it all. They can really lean on each other as they try to build new lives for themselves. That’s my hope for season 3 ❤️


i love to learn. unfortunately my brain doesn’t like to remember



Idk why, I see this corset and I wanted him with it.

@cawe-sama I told you I would draw him too like this, even if you make him sexier than me 

Seguir leyendo

chekhxvsgun: so why are phil’s keep sakes okay. ghostbur’s blue, friend’s first coat, the friendship


so why are phil’s keep sakes okay. ghostbur’s blue, friend’s first coat, the friendship emerald, tommy’s helmet, all of ranboo’s gifts, the sword he killed his son with. why are those okay. 

but tommy’s discs, his books, bedrock, remains of pets & schlatt, the axe of peace, drista’s knife, etc  considered unhealthy, the source of his problems, and not okay to have. why are they ‘just items’ that can be replaced. 

but phil’s are valuable keep sakes?

you’re telling me he wouldn’t be upset if suddenly someone stole the friendship emerald? or used it as something against him?

Post link



someone else said this in passing but i do wanna draw attention to the fact that c!phil’s example item that he burned to prove “material things didnt matter” wasnt one of his own items LMFAO

like yeah of course you perceive the loss of the god apple to not matter cphil… it wasnt yours. the concept of his “advice” wasnt completely flawed but i think it woulf have been a lot more impactful and less hypocritical of him to have burned his own item in the example, rather than something ctommy could have potentially used to help himself in a troubling situation

like sorry this is hilarious to me cphil was really like

“items do not matter! to demonstrate this idea i will burn one of your items in front of you and then tell you not to get mad about it! …oh? this full netherite armour im wearing and all my netherite tools and my huge underground training area made with expensive materials? dont worry about that. its okay when i have items” LIKE HELP?????


Honestly watching Ozan be more numb than angry in this episode with every time he told Esra he never loved her and it was all a lie despite her protests it seemed more and more like self-preservation than really revenge and even the revenge part he seemed far more inclined to inflict on himself. He wanted to convince her about that because as long as she believed he loved her, it’d be easier for him to give in.

Don’t get me wrong. He did take it too far but he doesn’t even realise it because he doesn’t understand their past. Esra has every right to not trust him now - even if she understands his abandonment issues drove him to this point.

But he was doing all this nonsense and then asking her if Esra was okay, taking care of her while she was drunk, making sure to grab her purse, taking off her shoes and tucking her in carefully, immediately kissing her back when she kissed him but not even being able to when Cagla tried to or even bothering to offer Cagla anything but platitudes while looking robotic and miserable.

He wanted to enter a loveless marriage where he was bound by commitment so he could apparently forget Esra in a week, even though he practically cheated on said fiancé when he kissed Esra back. He told the twins and Arif Bey he and Esra were exes simply to prove to her that he wasn’t in love with her anymore and he wasn’t stringing Cagla along (which he is but Cagla knows he’s involved with Esra still and randomly proposed to her + won’t show any affection so I mean she’s not innocent). He’s just trying to burn all bridges that would let him go back to her or even tie him to her because he is just tired of trying to make sense of what was real and what wasn’t.

Already knew he was on a path of self destruction where he’s completely lost sight of how he could lose everything - sure Esra and the company but also he didn’t really seem to care if he drove Musa away even. He’s not justified and doesn’t even realise how much he’s hurting Esra in a way that will be very difficult to come back from but I can’t help but pity him while he’s writing his own ruin. If someone tried to shoot this man right now, would he even care?


HOWEVER to put on a positive spin on this whole thing…this is why things like the wedding are so fun and impactful. call it cringe if you have to I really don’t care. because what it says, the statement it makes, is that yeah, people are gonna keep hating people like us, our stories are gonna continue being beaten down and ignored and invalidated and people are gonna continue calling us disgusting and perverted for being who we are; and yet, we come out the other side of that kind of treatment (from the creators of the stories we care about, no less) and say actually, I choose to make this about love, I choose to let other people like me see themselves being celebrated, I choose to reclaim this and when I reclaim this I reclaim the power you thought you had; your hatred doesn’t define this story any more than it defines me, and people like me deserve to be celebrated. We deserve to be celebrated and if you won’t provide that for us, fine, we’ll do it for each other. We shouldn’t have to but we do it anyway. That’s why the wedding matters. send post
