#thranduil headcanon



Thranduil personally writes down every single name of any elf who dies in his kingdom.

The names arnt in alphabetical order, but by date. He writes the name, the cause of death (usually) and then something everybody loved about them.

He’s certain that others are in charge of far more thorough record keeping but that isn’t his concern. He keeps this list for himself, and flips through the pages often enough he has started to memorize some of the names. Perhaps most of the names by the time he leaves Middle Earth.

He does this for two reasons.

1) inspiration and motivation. Trying to keep going relentlessly forward is difficult, but it’s a lot easier for him if he can look back on how far his people have already come. How much they believe in this fight. How much they need him to keep fighting it.

And 2) He plans to personally thank each and every one of them once they come back from the halls. He will not be satisfied until every single name is crossed out.

In the bottom corner of the cover page is a tiny little note written in code; A sort of enchantment thats meant to bring the attention of Lady Yavanna, and a plead (not a prayer, Silvan elves as a rule didn’t pray.) that his sons name would never stain the pages.

*Tour guide voice* And if you look above us, you’ll see the headcanon that led to this user writing perhaps the most heartbreaking fic she ever has

One of the many, many, things that confuses people about Galion and Thranduil’s overall relationship -  and perhaps the most jarring of them all - is usually the way that Galion speaks to and with Thranduil. He isn’t aggressive or anything, but he also certainly doesn’t speak  to Thranduil the way that somebody who’s entire job is to LITERALLY be at his beck and call. Around company he formalizes a bit, addresses him by a few fancy titles here and there, maybe a bow or two. 

But when there is no company the only time that he refers to Thranduil with officality is when he’s mad at him. Like when couples fight and call each other by their first name instead of nicknames.  

Also, generally speaking he is basically the only one who can speak to Thranduil with an attitude or disrespect. Except for Ferdan, but it’s physically impossible for him to NOT say something with an attitude. 

Some of the various sentences Elrond has heard over time that nearly made him explode with anxiety at what Thranduil’s response would be only to be extremely underwhelmed each time include but are not limited to: 

“What? Why would you do that? You’re so stupid sometimes.” 

“Excuse me? Speak to me like that again and I’ll pour this entire pot of tea over your head.” 

“Stop talking, I don’t care what you have to say.” 

“You’re not the boss of me.” 

 “What is your problem? Huh?” 

“Absolutely not, and if you try anything I’m gong to get your own army to lock you up in your own dungeon until you come to your senses.“

"If I didn’t hate starting new jobs so much, I would have poisoned you long ago.”
