#thrift shopping

Had the best find at goodwill. Welcome to the family Pinky Pie.

Had the best find at goodwill. Welcome to the family Pinky Pie.

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Bought a Hawaiian shirt, totally into it.

Grows up in Boston. Somehow wound up in this boot and jeans combo.

Can’t go wrong with blue and white

Barbour :: bandana :: sweatshirt


overalls or dresses? garden or meadow? fruit juice or smoothies? rainbows or gentle rain? roses or sunflowers? chilly sunrise or warm sunset? platonic kisses or hugging? 80s pop or 70s funk? paris or thailand? ocean waves or active rivers? peaches or blueberries? hiking or skiing? amusement parks or thrift shopping? black cats or golden retrievers? late fall or early spring? neon signs or city lights? nature or space? tea or iced coffee? bold lipstick or clear lipgloss? laughing joyfully or smiling softly?
