#tiefling warlock


Just a little messy comic of a scene that happened in our gameee

Some messy concepts of Bree first learning to use her patrons magic~

Christmas present for my dnd player, Finny ( @crystalcorvid ) of their character, Layla! commission

Christmas present for my dnd player, Finny ( @crystalcorvid ) of their character, Layla!

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 Bathane; tiefling warlock/rogue. Another one of my players’ characters in Curse of Strahd. He consi

Bathane; tiefling warlock/rogue. Another one of my players’ characters in Curse of Strahd. He considers himself the most tief of lings. 

Canon Curse of Strahd NPCs he’s charmed/seduced so far:

  • Stanimir- old Vistani man who lures them to Barovia in the first place
  • Alenka, Mirabel andSorvia - Owners of the Blood of The Vine Tavern in Barovia village.
  • Vilniusthe madman in the Amber Temple…
  • A Nothic monster….in the Amber Temple
  • Baba Lysaga…yes. Bathane rolled nat 20 and brought her a basket of strawberries and wine from Vallaki.

He does not discriminate. Only brings seduceration and loveration to the realms! Would he pass the vibe check?

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Today is Verun’s birthday

he doesn’t mark it so I do

Cryptic warlock sketches incoming

 Sometimes I see an older piece of art and I think “yeah I’m gonna need to do something  Sometimes I see an older piece of art and I think “yeah I’m gonna need to do something  Sometimes I see an older piece of art and I think “yeah I’m gonna need to do something  Sometimes I see an older piece of art and I think “yeah I’m gonna need to do something

Sometimes I see an older piece of art and I think “yeah I’m gonna need to do something inspired by that” and this Ladies Home Journal cover from 1912- of all things- hit me in that way!

So here’s the drawing process putting my Dungeons & Dragons character, Ecstasy Goldentongue (who you may recognize) in the pose, casting a nice Scrying spell to peer in on someone. Something about the colors and the tight form of the original figure’s dress struck me as perfect for my Stacy.

Something done over the course of a couple days where I needed to wind down a bit.

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My Tiefling Warlock Ecstasy Goldentongue after swiping everything off his desk in frustration (excepMy Tiefling Warlock Ecstasy Goldentongue after swiping everything off his desk in frustration (excepMy Tiefling Warlock Ecstasy Goldentongue after swiping everything off his desk in frustration (excepMy Tiefling Warlock Ecstasy Goldentongue after swiping everything off his desk in frustration (excepMy Tiefling Warlock Ecstasy Goldentongue after swiping everything off his desk in frustration (excep

My Tiefling Warlock Ecstasy Goldentongue after swiping everything off his desk in frustration (except the spellbooks. Never the spellbooks).

He had just finished a conversation with his patron (who also happens to be his king, employer, and lover) that left Stacy extremely displeased to be so far from home. Home, where there’s apparently some shit going down. Shit that he would love to take care of. But cannot. Because he’s across the dang ocean, and conducting important business.

Drawn in ink, painted with ink washes.

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My dear, dear tiefling warlock: Ecstasy Goldentongue. Very long. Very prim and proper. Gilded hooves

My dear, dear tiefling warlock: Ecstasy Goldentongue.

Very long. Very prim and proper. Gilded hooves. Too good for chairs. This is practically a pinup. Look at that- his undergarments are showing. Unbelievable.

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