#tiktok text




Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader     

Word Count: 637

Warnings: Angst, language, stupid ass friends

Summary: You, Nat and Wanda are scrolling through TikTok when a new trend catches your eye. 

A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers


Natasha, Wanda, and you were scrolling through TikTok. You were laughing hysterically at the different videos you showed each other when Natasha suddenly started smacking Wanda’s arm and pointing to her phone. Wanda’s eyes grew large and she nodded giggling. 

“What are you two hiding?” You smile at the two. 

“Watch.” Natasha shows you the video. A headline reading “‘He’s just a friend’ ight then text him ‘lets fuck’ and see what he says” is followed with a video of the responses the TikToker got. Ranging from mean to funny to eager. 

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