#time travel fix it


Summary: The green blade hummed close to her face as she scrambled to parry the Jedi master. “Wait!” The blade buzzed past her ear and she yelped, leaping over the toppled columns and trusting the Force to buoy her up and over. “I’m a Jedi—Master Skywalker, please.”

He continued to advance, though he quirked an eyebrow, his gaze falling on the crackling saber in her hand, the red reflected in them cast his cerulean eyes in purple. “You’re not very good at this whole Sith thing, are you?”

Rey felt her every atom being torn apart until the nothingness engulfed her. The universe and the Force had other plans.

Chapters: 12/?

Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, background Luke Skywalker/Ezra Bridger, background Cal Kestis/Merrin

Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis, Jace Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Pos Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Jannah (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss, Original Jedi Characters

Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Skywalker Family Drama (Star Wars), Skywalker Family Therapy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Self-Indulgent, Not Canon Compliant(aka not TROS compliant but borrowing some elements), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alderaanian Hair Braiding (Star Wars), Alderaanian Culture (Star Wars), Alternate Universe - Jedi Academy (Star Wars), Jedi Academy (Star Wars), Jedi Training (Star Wars), Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), Families of Choice, Redeemed Ben Solo, i mean is it redemption if he doesn’t go bad in the first place? Slow Burn, Slow Build


The Process of Acquiring a Padawan: Part Two

(Read on AO3)

Fic Summary:

Depa’s probably in way over her head, but this feels right.
Unfortunately, her hope for a padawan is a formerly adult, formerly Master, formerly General Jedi from several decades in the future, and that’s… complicated.

Excerpt from Chapter Two:

When Depa is newly twenty-one, she is knighted. A scant few months later, the Skywalkers come to the Jedi Temple, and remain. She doesn’t run into them immediately, but it’s not long before she does.

They look much the same as they had when she first met them. Ben has grown a little taller, filled out a smidgen. Soka has done so as well, with added notes of having more defined markings, and longer lekku. Master Skywalker himself looks absolutely unchanged.

Some of the padawans a few years younger than her consume themselves with giggling over how attractive the man is. Even Komari, who’s older than Depa, seems distracted.

(If Depa’s ever needed proof of her own lack of attraction, especially to men, this would qualify.)

“Hello, Knight Billaba,” Ylliben says when he finds her. He is prim and proper, the very picture of a deferential Initiate if not for the armor he still wears. It doesn’t make him any less polite, but it does jar the image away from being a cliché. “I met my cousin. Did anything interesting happen with you? Besides getting knighted, I mean.”

“Oh? Is knighting not interesting enough for you, Initiate Skywalker?”

He eyes her as if he’d like to make a joke to that effect right now. She waits, and does not even try to hide the glow of her amusement when he visibly decides against it.

“I have a baby cousin now,” he tells her instead. “Shmi and Jango had a daughter. Buir had a lot of emotions about it.”

“I can imagine,” Depa says.

“Would you to like to see pictures?” Ben asks. He smiles, brighter than she remembers. “If you aren’t busy with important knighthood things, of course.”

“Brat,” Depa accuses. It’s almost unwillingly fond. “Yes, I would love to see pictures of Shmi’s baby.”

His grin widens.

Keep reading


The King, the Soldier, and the Spy: Prologue

(Read on AO3)

In which Ahsoka is a time-traveler, Jango narrowly avoids leading his own political faction to death, and Quinlan’s got a massive crush on a pair of aggressively hypercompetent weirdos.


When Ahsoka wakes up on an unfamiliar planet, dressed for the wrong weather and with no memory of how she arrived, she is… not as surprised as she could be. She’s been through even more weird Force things than most Jedi, and she’s not going to pretend that sudden transportation is even a first.

Okay. So. Snow. Trees. Maybe a temperate planet in winter, maybe a mixed-climate planet with a mostly snow zone. Maybe a snow planet just warm enough for certain kinds of trees. Daylight, so she can’t see the stars to help her figure out where she is, but it does tell her there’s only one sun. Atmosphere is breathable, gravity similar to Coruscant.

That doesn’t tell her where she is of course, barely narrows it down, but it’s good to catalogue these things.

She leverages herself to her feet and bounces a few times on her toes, trying to get her blood pumping. It’s frippin’ cold,and if she’d known she was ending up here, she’d have been able to use the Force to keep herself warm, instead of warming herself up.

No visual or auditory sign of civilization, but she can smell the faintest trace of speeder fuel waste gasses, and burned tibanna. There’s a city, probably klicks and klicks away, but reachable.

So… she needs to find it. Figure out where she is. Get a ride out. Let Bail know.

(She gets to call him Bail, now. That’s incredibly cool.)

(She is nineteen and a survivor, and so she takes her joy where she can find it.)

Finding civilization first. She closes her eyes. She reaches out to the Force. It sings back, lighter than she’s grown used to in the Core.

There are Jedi here.

There are dozens of Jedi here, and they are ready to do battle.

She takes off sprinting.

(Continue on AO3)
