#reylo ao3


The deed split his spirit to the bone.

Kylo had felt, felt, the life force of his father leaving Han’s body. Could practically see the light dimming from his eyes. Han had trusted him. Had earnestly believed, after everything, that when Kylo said he needed help, that it wasn’t a trick. And it wasn’t supposed to be. When the son offered the father his weapon, it had been in earnest. Until it wasn’t.

All it took was the press of a button. And then Han’s Light was extinguished.

When Kylo said thank you, he meant it.

And indeed, his spirit was in two. Of Kylo Ren and Ben Solo.

He was dreaming. He had to be.

“This is from the Force,” Kylo assured himself. He himself replied-

Or rather, Ben did-

“So what if it is?”

“Then it isn’t real.”

“Or maybe then it’s even more real that way.”

There were two of him. Kylo Ren in his garb of the First Order. And Ben. Ben Solo, wearing the outfit of a smuggler. His father’s jacket. In their peripheral was nothing.

“This is some kind of sick joke,” Kylo spat, staring at the version of himself that never crystalized.

“If you want to call yourself a sick joke, then yeah, definitely”

Kylo extended his red saber then, finding in no time at all that Ben’s reflexes matched his own. Blue raised right back at him.

Kylo encircled his other self. “I killed Ben Solo,” Ren affirmed. “He’s dead.”

“Dead like his father?”

“Shut up.”

“Why’d you do it?” Ben stared into his soul. “You didn’t want to.”

“Of course I did,” Kylo raged, “He was weak and foolish. He made me weak and foolish. I had to kill it.”

“Yeah, and how did that work out for you?”

“I’ve - I’ve never been stronger.”

“Mhm. Sure seems like it.”

And so Kylo lashed out against the sarcasm, striking heavily with his crossed saber. Ben defended, though was definitely stepping backwards from the onslaught. After one bashing after the other, Kylo spat,

“See?! Even you can’t hold me back. I’ll destroy you. I’ll destroy you again and again until you’re truly gone, until you never rise back up in my-”

Then Ben tripped him.

Literally just tripped him.

With Ren lurching forward, seeing red, all Ben had to do was sidestep and hold out his leg for Kylo motherfucking Ren to fucking faceplant.

Ben held his blue to the back of Kylo’s neck.

“Wow yeah, I’m super impressed. Can you teach me?”

Kylo roared. A push of the Force sent Ben flying back. Ren then readjusted his attack. He’d been too aggressive; he needed more strategy. Couldn’t let the anger get to his head. He needed to fuel his strength through the Dark Side, but at the same time not lose his grip.

Ben deftly turned from the inertia of the blast, landing gracefully on his feet, even chuckling a bit. He thought this was funny?

“For all your accusations,” Kylo wormed, “for you to make me feel like shit - sure seems like you don’t feel so bad in all this.”

“Well, why should I feel guilty? I didn’t do it. That’s your weight to bear.”

“Wow, what a Light Side thing to say,” Kylo’s acid dripped from his chin.

And then Ben’s blue steadily lowered to the ground. His bright eyes lost their luster. And suddenly he wasn’t a thirty-year-old in thief clothes anymore. Suddenly he was some 15 year old kid with ears too big for his head in an ill-fitting Jedi robe.

“I miss Dad,” Solo’s voice croaked from pubescence.

Kylo wretched. He felt like he was going to puke. He was both so angry and so disgusted, and he was going to hurl.

“I’ve missed him every day since they sent me away.” The teenager looked like he was on the fucking verge of tears. Kylo couldn’t have that.

“Fuck you and your dirty tricks,” Kylo screeched. “I don’t miss him. I don’t need him. I don’t need anyone.”

“You don’t need me?”

That cadence. That sound. Kylo spun around. What the hell. It was her. Why was. Why was she here in his head?

“I’ve always been here,” Rey answered, as if she could hear his private contemplations. She looked fresh from Starkiller Base. Rey even had Luke’s lightsaber with her. “Ready to go, Ben?” she said.

“Yeah, sure thing.”

Kylo whipped back around. The sorry excuse for a Padawan was no where to be found. In his place was an adult again, but different this time. Ben was back, though now in the fine clothes of a Senator.

“Ready, my love? My queen.”

In turning attention back to Rey, she appeared in royal makeup and a dress unlike any he had ever seen. The classic red stripe down her lip caught his attention.

Ben walked right passed him, towards her. They aimed to leave.

“WAIT!” Kylo screamed.

When they looked back at him, their appearance morphed yet again. Now they were in Jedi robes only meant for masters. Only meant for those that led in the grand council.

“Rey,” Kylo’s voice screeched. “You don’t… He’s not for you. He can’t help you. Not like I can.”

He blinked again. And now a girl in dark robes took her place. Her eyes seemed blacker. And now she held a saber of her own that crackled in red fury.

“This,” Kylo gasped, “Don’t you know this is what could be?”

Before them was an army. A people. A nation. Beside him she sat on her own throne. Kylo dressed like a king of the night, and she was his empress.

“We could have this,” he kissed her hand. “My doings pushed you out of Jakku. It brought you to me. And I could give you even more.” His eyes razed her.

But yet again there was another change. No more was he speaking to his Dark Side apprentice, lover, ruler. He was speaking to a girl in everyday clothing. The switch to the casual nature surprised him. Rey answered,

“But that isn’t what I want.”

A small child scurried by Kylo’s legs. And then another. A boy and a girl chasing each other, their singsong laughter filling his ears.

“Heyyy!” Ben laughed with him. He wore dirty clothes like that of a farmer. He had blue stains from all the milking he’d just finished. He scooped up the little girl in his arms - “Is someone not doing their chores like they were so politely told?”

“But Daaaad, I don’t want to!”

“Nobody wants to, Leia.”

“Leia?” Kylo gasped. Had that been what they named their daughter?

“You too, Anakin,” Rey scolded. The little boy rolled his eyes.

Kylo broke.

“I… I can’t.”

Rey the ship mechanic replied to him: “Yes you can.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes you can,” replied Ben the calligrapher.

“I can’t,” Kylo yet again replied. Tears began welling at his lids.

“Yes, you can,” replied Leia the daughter.

“No…,” the tears fell. He dropped his saber. It clanked to the ground.

“Yes… you… can,” replied Anakin the son.

And Kylo wept.

He completely crumbled to the floor. The First Order outwear fell away to a simple black sweater and pants.

“I’ve done too much,” Kylo cried between sobs. “Especially after Han. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”

And Ben came to him. And Rey came to him. And Leia, his mother. And Akakin, his grandfather.

And Han, his father.

“We just want our son back,” his mother said. “Please. Come home.”

And Kylo woke up.

If he had lost it in the Force dream before, then he was utterly gone in reality.

And a panic struck in him. He knew that he knew. That Snoke knew. Snoke had seen it all. There was no convincing his master after his. His spirit had been split to the bone.

And now it rejoined.

Ben Solo rose from the loneliness of his bed. He rose as one of the last Skywalkers. He rose as a being of the Light. Of the sun. A Jedi. No Sith to be found.

And he was ready.

When he summoned his lightsaber from his bedside, he didn’t even take a double glance at its new color.

He didn’t even have to think about what to do next. When the moment came, he didn’t hesitate.

Whether it was Stormtroopers, the Knights of Ren, Hux, or even Snoke himself. Nothing stood in his way. Even as he lost his right arm and gained more scars than he’d ever dreamed of having, he didn’t stop. He kept pushing. And pushing. And pushing.

Until he was on a TIE fighter with only fire left behind him.

And he was going home.






Post-TLJ. Kylo is forced out of the First Order, and Rey catches up with him. He has some interesting information about her parents that will lead her on a quest for revenge. And Kylo will help every step of the way.

Rated T for Teen
Chapter 1/?
2.2k words so far


Kylo’s grip was waning.

After the fiasco at Crait, he heard the whispers behind his back, that which echoed throughout the First Order. It came from no one source; everyone was thinking it: that Kylo was unhinged. A terrible leader. Distracted. Incomplete in his training. Too involved in personal affairs. He’d cost them the victory. Now the Resistance ran free, right when they were in their grasp. He failed. Nothing like Snoke.

Snoke? Did Rey really kill Snoke? And the guards? Alone?

Kylo could feel his army turning on him. He made examples where he could, to reinstate fear, but it wasn’t enough. In fact, it only made them hate him more.

Even sitting alone in his room, he could feel the outside turmoil of the First Order. The rumors and twistings. He was devising what new ways he could arrest their obedience, when she appeared.

She always appeared at the worst fucking times.

Keep reading

“Where are you going?” Kylo asked her.

“Where do you think,” Rey quickly threw on her tunic, “Back to Jakku.”


This fic will be between 3-5 chapters and will finish by the end of next week (9/6/2020)

“Welcome home, Rey.”


What do you want, Rey? Kylo thought to her. What do you want to do?

He asked that question like they had any other option.


ONE MORE CHAPTER TO GO! Last one will have SMUT.


Reylo smut ahead❤️

Chapter Five

Thank you for reading ❤️

@morphobluetravels has done it again!!! In their kindness, they made another moodie for a chapter of

@morphobluetravels has done it again!!! In their kindness, they made another moodie for a chapter of my story: “The Redemption of Kylo Ren”

WHY ARE THESE JUST SO PRETTY!!!??? Link to full story:

Excerpt - Kylo Ren dream-shares with Rey and draws her into his memories of water.

The sky blooms purple-black above them as pin prick stars twinkle in the veil. There are two moons, one orange and one white, both in deep crescents as the planet blocks them from their sun.

They stand at the lip of a pond, hands clasped together. The water seems dark under the night sky… until they see it. Bright flickers of neon green. Her gasp is audible, and it makes him wonder if she’s ever seen this shade of color before. If not, perhaps he’s given her something new to look for in the rainbow.

The phosphorescence licks its way up the lake in a stripe before dimming down to nothing. After a moment it happens again, but in a different pattern this time, making the water look like it’s pulsing. Breathing in blazes. Even he feels reverent in this place.

“I don’t know how I got here the first time,” he admits. “I had just been sent to Skywalker. My family left me at the Temple that night without telling me I was staying behind. I got… intense… things were floating everywhere – shattering. I was losing control and terrified that I would get in trouble again, so I knew I had to hide it. I had to get away.”

Surprising her, he gets down on one knee and starts to slowly loosen her boot.

“So I ran. I ran until my body was on fire. I ran until I didn’t know how to breathe.”

She allows him to lift her foot, unearthing her toes before moving to the next.

“And then I ran some more…”

Still kneeling, he begins on his own battered footwear, politely placing both hers and his beside one other, standing at attention. Rising and looking distant, he pads his way over to the lake across the soft, dampened sand. The water that ripples over his feet is only faintly cool, refreshing more than anything. The green shimmer lights up in arcs while he watches, making him feel both lost and found all at once.

Splashes echo behind him and he turns to see her awe as she takes in this meaningful place. Closing her eyes, she listens to the nighttime chirps of life all around her as she tiptoes ahead of him and deeper in. To her ankles. To her calves. Her knees. Thighs. Clothes soaking through while her lids remain shuttered. He sees her breathe in the sweet floral air and it reminds him to take a moment to do the same.

“Will you teach me something, Ben?”

He wants to say, ‘Politics?’but, instead he answers, “Anything.”

She looks at him in three-quarter view and her face is mischievous. “Teach me to swim.”

He shyly tips his head down, his lopsided grin dimpling his cheeks. “Clothes on or off?” he challenges.

She rolls her eyes, her answer being to simply walk deeper into the water in her full regalia. Sans shoes, of course.

He remembers the night he’d silenced her fury by accident when the Force connected them. Roguishly, he decides to repeat the moment and quietly slips off his shirt, placing it in the water and letting the damp seep in and sink it out of sight - after all, this is only a dream.

Leaning forward, he lifts his feet from the bottom, shoulders working in the water to pull himself closer to her. She’s up to her breast line now and adorably wincing over the coolness that laps at her skin. Touching down to the ground again, he stands closely behind her. Slowly, he lifts his large hands to place them over her forearms, coming dangerously close in doing so. It makes him feel something in his body. A kind of anticipation. An instinct telling him to hold her. To touch her. To have her touch him.

Instead, he lifts her hands above the water. “Move forward until your shoulders are all the way under. Then, I want you to lift your feet.”

He can sense her apprehension, even without the Force. Reassuring her, he reminds, “I’ve got you.”

She moves forward a step but stops short. “There aren’t any, um… fish… in here, right?”

He lets out a short, quiet laugh. “No, no – you’re fine.”

She turns to smile at him but, when she spots his bare chest, her eyes widen and snap away faster than anything, making him smirk. When she turns to look again and whips away just as fast, he downright grins. If this was a game, he just won. “Nice to see that some things don’t change.”

“You like embarrassing me?” she says, her voice a little pitchy.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he taunts. Smug and completely satisfied, he releases her to regain her composure while he dips under the water, tipping his head back and soaking his hair for a moment. The non-silence of being underwater fills his ears with his own heartbeat while imaginary stars dapple the sky. He silently vows to find this place again someday… and to bring her. Once he succeeds. Once he wakes her up.

Remembering her request, he lifts himself from his thoughts and stands once more, catching her looking at him. Her expression is intense. It’s like she’s watching every droplet run down his neck and shoulders. When he lifts himself fully, her eyes light on fire, gaze flowing up and down over his skin as her bottom lip pulls between her teeth, catching there for the briefest of moments. Her face is flushed pink, and the sight of it does something to him. No one has ever looked at him like this before. It makes him feel powerful in a completely new kind of way. Strong. Bold. When she moves to turn her face away again, he reaches out and catches her jawline.

Tipping her back in his direction, he murmurs, “Eyes on me.”

Facing each other this time, he holds her hands once more, leading her in deeper but never looking away. In the darkness of the water, a gleam of green shoots between them, though he doesn’t even see it. He just sees her.

“Now, knees up.”

Rey’s weight shifts in his grasp as he steadies her, letting her flutter her legs. Her eyes are wide open as she glances to the water and then to his face repeatedly before letting out a sound of incredulity.

“Is this floating?!” she chirps.

His smile is unending. “No. Not yet, anyway.” He shifts his position slightly and brings them shallower. “Hold on to me like this for a second…”

Lifting her hands, he places them to grip against his bare shoulders and her nails dig in slightly, a heady sensation that’s now burned into his mind. He moves a palm behind her back and places his other one feather-light against the front of her hip.

“I need you to trust me.”

The words carry weight. Her eyes meet his and she nods. “I trust you.”

And he dips her down. The back of her head parts the water all the way to her hairline and he brings her hips up towards the sky. “Straighten your legs out and let the air fill your lungs all the way.”

Shegrins.When he hums a question mark at her she squints her mirthful eyes to the sky. “Your voice sounds funny.”

He realizes her ears are under the surface. It must be another first. Smiling down at her, he can’t help but ask, “Do you like what you hear?” and her grin widens.

They stay like this, her floating in his arms, eyes closed to the night sky, while he keeps finding her in his field of vision no matter which way his face is turned.

A smirk tugs at her lips as she opens one eye to peek at him. “Stop watching me, Ben.”

He grins unabashedly as the water nudges her hair into a halo. “I find I rather like watching you.”

The water breaks as she lifts a cool hand to press against his cheek. She says nothing, but he doesn’t think she needs to. Instead, her fingers slide up to wind themselves in the hair at his temple, her palm sliding against his unmarred face. He closes his eyes and tilts into her, lips parted ever so slightly.



“Come to me next time. Come into my mind. Then, you’ll never have to see Jakku again. Come to me.” His plush lips caress the softness of her palm before catching at the calloused ridges where the base of her fingers come together. “Please.” And that word is an ache. A wound. His brows are twined together in insecurity as he bares himself to her once more.

Her thumb traces over his parted mouth and he opens his eyes to her. The longing he sees there must reflect his own.

“I will.”

And like that, she’s gone.

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A redeemed Ben Solo rushes to Exegol to aid Rey in her confrontation with Emperor Palpatine. To his horror, however, he finds that Rey has turned to the Dark Side as the new Empress of the Sith…


“The ritual begins!” Emperor Palpatine cried out, and the mass of his devoted followers surrounding them responded with a ceremonial chant so loud and deep that the cacophony shook the very ground and resonated within Rey’s bones.

Rey had no choice. Strike him down and take her place as the new Empress of the Sith or watch her friends in the Resistance die. She may become a vessel for the Sith, but at least her friends would live another day. She’d spare them. They were nothing compared to Palpatine’s Final Order anyway.

"She will strike me down, and pledge herself as a Sith!” The lightning in the cavernous cathedral intensified and reflected against the ghoulish Emperor’s milky eyes, as if the ritual itself was producing the effect.

“She will come to me!” Palpatine boomed, and the crowd responded with a collective yell as Rey stepped closer still… 

"She will draw her weapon,” the Emperor intoned. Rey’s face was a blank mask. She unhooked the Skywalker lightsaber from her belt.

"She will ignite the blade,” Palpatine continued.

Rey continued to approach. His power was hypnotic. She found herself igniting the lightsaber and raising it, unbidden, against her will.

"And with the stroke of her saber, the Jedi are dead! The Sith are reborn!”

Rey lifted her saber as if to strike—

And she struck…

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Based on a prompt sent by@preshprinceofstarkiller


Summary: Ben convinces Rey to watch a cliché porn video with him in this modern Reylo au one-shot.

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Synopsis: Unable to focus on her Jedi training, Rey de-stresses with a little help from BB-8. Little does she know she’s being watched…


“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force…” This was the mantra that Rey repeated to herself as she sought to connect deeper into the Force. 

Rey sighed. Meditation was a bust. It was always a bust. She couldn’t focus. She was never at peace and in tune with the Force enough to focus. Everytime she did, her thoughts would inevitably drift to him, and then she’d find herself trying to search for him.

Ben…Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the military cult she was fighting against as a member of the Resistance.  She knew she should hate him, but for some reason she couldn’t. Maybe it was just the bond they shared through the Force. Maybe it was just the connection they shared in the hut that one stormy night on Ahch-To. Maybe it was just purely physical: he was a man, she was a woman, it was just nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever it was, it was complicated.

It had been months since their last meeting, even after all those months, on opposite sides of the war, on opposite sides of the Force, Rey still found herself thinking of him, dreaming about him, worrying about him.

At times she’d find herself in the same room as him, and then she couldn’t get enough of him when they were together, and yearned for him when parted. She missed the flesh against flesh, the smells and tastes, the sights and sounds. She knew it was wrong, but the way he made her feel…

Opening her eyes and uncrossing her legs, Rey unhooked the her lightsaber from her belt and decided to run the training course that she had set up in the expansive forest terrain of Ajan Koss.

BB-8 beeped in curiosity at her feet. Rey smiled at her little droid companion. The orange and white ball-shaped droid had been quite taken to her ever since she had rescued it on Jakku over a year ago, and had frequently accompanied her as she trained and meditated, beeping encouragement at her.

“Ready to run the course with me, BB-8?”

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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Chapter 1: The Capture


Kylo leaned closer. “I know you’ve seen the map. It’s in there…and now you’ll give it to me.”

He smiled softly. “Don’t be afraid. I feel it, too.”

“I’m not giving you anything,” Rey defiantly replied, despite her own trepidation at the spector of another mind probe.

“We’ll see,” retorts Kylo as he peers into Rey’s eyes intently to resume the probe.

She met his gaze, and his confidence begin to waver as he slams into a barrier in her mind. She does the unthinkable and enters his mind, and in that moment their minds merge as one, their innermost feelings and intentions laid bare.

A blaze of faint memories, emotions, fears, and deep desires. 

Staring at each other in stunned silence, it was Kylo who spoke first.

“Perhaps…there’s more than one way to find what I seek…”

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(Art from @hotside. Used with permission)

Complete! Likes ❤ and Reblogs are much appreciated


Rating : Explicit

Part I Dark Reign After narrowly defeating Rey on Starkiller, Kylo Ren sets out to seduce her to the Dark Side and conquer the galaxy

Part II Dark Reign: Dark DecadenceAfter the events of Dark Reign, General Phasma travels to the Fortress Ren on Mustafar to answer the summons of Empress Kira Ren (WIP)

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Synopsis The Sequel Trilogy reimagined with smuggler Ben Solo reluctant to take on the family mantle of Jedi in the fight against the mysterious Kira Ren and the diabolical First Order

Chapter 1: Raid on Jakku Resistance pilot Poe Dameron collects a mysterious artifact from the wise Lor San Tekka as the First Order arrives in search of the same thing…

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Chapter 2: Escape from The Finalizer As Poe is interrogated by Kira Ren, disenfranchised stormtrooper FN-2187 embarks on a daring plan to free themselves from the First Order

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Chapter 3: An Unlikely Rescue Kira Ren sends out a search party to capture the droid BB-8 and the traitor FN-2187

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Chapter 4: Niima Outpost Finley (Finn) and BB-8 venture to Niima Outpost in search for a way off of Jakku and find trouble instead

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Chapter 5: Trouble on the Millennium Falcon Finley and BB-8 learn the identity of their mysterious new friend, but they are not out of trouble yet…

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Chapter 6: Wrath of the Rathtars Negotions with invading space gangs go awry on the Millennium Falcon…

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Chapter 7: The Map

BB-8’s secret is revealed, and so is Ben Solo’s…

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Chapter 8: Takodana Finley and the Solo’s seek help from the ancient Maz Kanata; Ben Solo learns the true legacy of the Skywalkers…

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Chapter 9: The First Order Descends Ben Solo runs from his past as the First Order unleashes their attack on the galaxy

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Chapter 10: The Battle of Takodana Ben Solo encounters Kira Ren as the battle rages at Maz Kanata’s castle…

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Chapter 11: D'Qar The Resistance reconvenes on the planet D'Qar to retrieve the map from BB-8

Chapter 12: The Interrogation Kira Ren attempts to interrogate Ben Solo

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Chapter 13: Preparing for Battle The Resistance prepares to attack Starkiller Base as the First Order charges up their superweapon

Chapter 14: Starkiller Base The First Order searches for an escaped Ben Solo as Han, Chewie, and Finley arrive at Starkiller Base

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Chapter 15: The Battle of Starkiller Base The Resistance Squadron descends on Starkiller Base in an attempt to destroy it before the First Order fires their deadly weapon

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Chapter 16: The Duel Ben Solo and Finley face off against Kira Ren in the snowy forests of Starkiller as the Resistance Squadron continues to try and destroy the base

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Chapter 17: Celebration and Mourning The aftermath of Starkiller is explored

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Chapter 18: Evacuation The Resistance must flee D'Qar as the First Order comes for vengeance

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Chapter 19: Disappointment Finley wakes up from her injuries on the Raddus and Ben arrives on Ahch-To

Chapter 20: The Supremacy Kira Ren must answer to Supreme Leader Snoke and the Knights of Ren

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Chapter 21: Frustration Ben continues to try and convince Luke to join the fight against the First Order while Poe tries to reconnect with Finley

Chapter 22: Attack on the Raddus Poe is reprimanded by General Leia while the First Order emerges from hyperspace to attack

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Chapter 23: The Uneti Tree Ben happens upon an ancient tree on Ahch-To

Chapter 24: Stunned The Resistance deals with the aftermath of the First Order’s attack on the Raddus

Chapter 25: A New Plan Finley, Rose Tico, and Poe discuss a plan to strike back against the First Order

Chapter 26: Bonds Luke has second thoughts about Ben and the Jedi Order

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Chapter 27: Conflict Poe confronts Holdo; Finley and Rose travel to Cantonica; Ben awaits news from the Resistance

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Chapter 28: The First Lesson Luke gives Ben his first lesson on why the Jedi should be allowed to die

Chapter 29: Canto Bight Finleyand Rose arrive on Cantonica in search of the Master Codebreaker

Chapter 30: Hubris of the Jedi Luke gives Ben a history lesson on the Jedi and what happened that fateful night at the temple

Chapter 31: The Master Codebreaker?: Finley and Rose finally find the Master Codebreaker

Chapter 32: The Cave Ben Solo ventures into the Dark Side cave

Chapter 33: Fathier Chase Finley and Rose stir up trouble on Canto Bight

Chapter 34: Communion Kira Ren reveals what happened the night of the temple’s destruction

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Chapter 35: Sins of the Father Ben confronts Luke about the night of the temple disaster

Chapter 36: Don’t Join Finley and Rose are suspicious of their unlikely new companion, the grungy thief DJ; Poe tries to get through to Holdo

Chapter 37: Burn it Down Luke takes drastic measures to end the Jedi Order

Chapter 38: Boarding the Supremacy The unlikely team of Finley, Rose, BB-8, and DJ prepare to infiltrate the Supremacy; Ben offers to help Kira Ren turn to the Light, but Kira delivers a shocking revelation

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Chapter 39: Mutiny Poe stages a mutiny against Admiral Holdo while Finley, Rose, and DJ infiltrate the Supremacy

Chapter 40: The Evil of Snoke Kira Ren brings Ben Solo before Supreme Leader Snoke

Chapter 41: Betrayal The plan to shut down the Supremacy’s tracker goes awry

Chapter 42: Fulfill Your Destiny and Kill Your True Enemy! Ben Solo continues to defy Snoke, and the Supreme Leader tasks Kira Ren with finishing him off

Chapter 43: Rebellion Finley muses over what it means to be a rebel in the face of tyranny

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Chapter 44: Let the Past Die Ben and Kira face off against the Knights of Ren

Chapter 45: Nowhere to Run The First Order begins to wipe out the remaining Resistance escape transports

Chapter 46: Rebel Scum Finley faces off against Captain Phasma and Ben makes a decision about his future with Kira Ren

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Chapter 47: Aftermath Kira Ren makes a stunning grab for power and Chewbacca offers Ben advice

Chapter 48: The Siege of Crait The First Order seeks to destroy the last of the Resistance on the planet Crait

Chapter 49: Against All Odds The Resistance takes a last stand against the First Order

Chapter 50: A Renewed Hope Luke Skywalker provides hope for the Resistance in their darkest hour

Chapter 51: The Spark That Will Light the Fire Luke Skywalker confronts his dark former pupil as the Resistance seeks to escape with the help of Ben Solo

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Chapter 52: Regroup The Resistance licks their wounds after Crait

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Chapter 53: The Vision Ben experiences a strange vision as he continues his Force training after the Resistance resettles

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Chapter 54: Dark Clouds and Cleared Air Ben reveals to Leia that he is Force Bonded to Rey, who abandoned the name of Kira Ren and is now the Supreme Leader of the First Order

Chapter 55: The Eye of the Webbish Bog Rey ventures to Mustafar to find the source of her mysterious visions

Chapter 56: The Phantom Emperor Rey confronts the phantom Emperor Palpatine on Exegol

Chapter 57: Flashback: Palpatine’s Story Palpatine’s existence after the Battle of Endor is explored

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Chapter 58: Space Chase Finley, Poe, Chewie, and Rose receive more than expected on a supply run at the Sinta Glacier Colony while Ben tries to focus on meditation

Chapter 59: Connected Rey reaches out to Ben through the Force

Chapter 60: Threat of the Final Order The Resistance begins their new mission as the Millennium Falcon returns with a holodisk containing top-secret intel

Chapter 61: The Supreme Council Supreme Leader Rey confers with her generals as she begins her next step of galactic domination

Chapter 62: PasaanaTheMillennium Falcon arrives on the desert planet of Pasaana

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COMPLETE! 90 Chapters, 160k+ Words

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Summary: After Ben SolocatchesRey playing around with his prized Star Wars replica props, he gives her a tough lesson in obedience in this modern au.


After a morning shift at his father and Uncle Chewie’s car shop and an afternoon trip to the gym, Ben went into his man cave for a game of Star Wars Vol. 3, and much to his surprise, he was nearly hit in the face with his Kylo Ren lightsaber.

If it was anyone else, he’d probably rip their head off, but it was Rey. Denim Daisy Duke’s that rode up her ample ass, a white tank top that accentuated her athletic curves, and now from his surprise his to his irritation, she was wearing his fucking Kylo Ren helmet.

“Hey look at me!” Rey giggled as she swung the prop Kylo Ren lightsaber around, her voice muffled by the helmet. “I’m a big git with a laser sword!”

Ben scoffed at her. “Hey! C'mon! Those are expensive! Put them away!”

“Afraid I’m gonna break your toys?” Rey laughed, twirling the lightsaber around, humming the ubiquitous hum of the lightsaber as she did so.

Ben ducked another errant swing of the hard light tube that comprised the red blade. “They’re not fucking toys! They are highly collectable replica props!”

“I’m not gonna break your stupid props, Ben. I’m just –” Rey aimed another playful swing and Ben caught it.

“Having fun?” Ben snapped, raising his eyebrows. “Fun that costs a lot money. Just leave my shit alone, huh?”

Rey petulantly jerked the lightsaber out of his grip. She was annoyed at his attitude. He was being such a fucking dick over his stupid toys!

Excuse her. Collectable replica props. Air quotes, sarcasm intended.

How about you make me?” she replied flippantly, continuing to twirl his lightsaber prop around carelessly.

Anger flashed across Ben’s face and he crossed the room in a flash, knocking the lightsaber out of her hands and to the sofa.

“What the–” Rey began as he yanked the Kylo Ren helmet off her head, tossing it to the sofa next to the lightsaber.

“What the fuck is your probl–” Rey screeched before Ben pushed her against the wall, his hand around her jaw, his towering body pressed against her’s. 

Rey was reminded just how enormous he was compared to her. Her jaw just met his collarbone. He had to outweigh her by almost a hundred pounds. 

She pressed her hands to the front of his chest to push him away, but something in his eyes stopped her. He had a temper, but he was never violent towards her. No, this was something else. Something…exciting…

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Summary: Rey and Kylo Ren share a night of passion and intimacy with the power of their Force Bond


One night in a blur of days, Kylo Ren shifted uneasily in his bed, tossing and turning. He rolled to his side, and his large arm bumped into a form.

A sigh and a soft snore.

He flinched awake. He was still in his quarters, but he was not alone.

It was her. It was Rey. She slept on her side, no blanket. Wherever she was, it must have been warm enough that she didn’t need it.

She was dressed simply: her off-white sleeveless shirt, her calf length pants. She was barefoot, her belt and torso scarf elsewhere, beyond his sight.

A breeze gently blew her hair from where she lay. It wasn’t from the stale air of his chambers: she must have been outside or somewhere similar.

Not for the first time, Kylo wondered to himself why the Force was connecting them, especially when they were sleeping. Well, while she was sleeping. Kylo never rested soundly enough to sleep properly.

Or perhaps he was sleeping, and this was all a dream…

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AStar Wars: Duel of the Fates/The Rise of Skywalker mash-up and rewrite

As the Resistance mounts a last ditch mission to break through the transmission blockade on the First Order Capitol on Coruscant, the last Jedi Rey races towards the hidden planet of Exegol to stop the return of the Sith…

*There Shall be Two Halves of a Whole One to Embody Power and also to Crave it*

Chapter 1: Title Crawl

Chapter 2: The Hidden World of the SithSupreme Leader Kylo Ren travels to the red planet of Mustafar to find a Sith artifact belonging to his grandfather, Darth Vader…

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Chapter 3: The Orbital Ring of Kuat The Resistance attempts to sabotage the Kuat Drive Yards to undermine the First Order

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Chapter 4: Empire of the First Order The Knights of Ren visit the Kuat Drive Yards; young Dade navigates the decrepit streets of Coruscant under the First Order’s oppressive rule; Chancellor Hux and the Supreme Council meet with the Warlord Cabal

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Chapter 5: The Beacon of Hope Rey struggles with her role as the last Jedi

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AStar Wars: Duel of the Fates/The Rise of Skywalker mash-up and rewrite

As the Resistance mounts a last ditch mission to break through the transmission blockade on the First Order Capitol on Coruscant, the last Jedi Rey races towards the hidden planet of Exegol to stop the return of the Sith…

*There Shall be Two Halves of a Whole One to Embody Power and also to Crave it*

Chapter 1: Title Crawl

Chapter 2: The Hidden World of the SithSupreme Leader Kylo Ren travels to the red planet of Mustafar to find a Sith artifact belonging to his grandfather, Darth Vader…

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Chapter 3: The Orbital Ring of Kuat The Resistance attempts to sabotage the Kuat Drive Yards to undermine the First Order

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Chapter 4: Empire of the First Order The Knights of Ren visit the Kuat Drive Yards; young Dade navigates the decrepit streets of Coruscant under the First Order’s oppressive rule; Chancellor Hux and the Supreme Council meet with the Warlord Cabal

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Chapter 5: The Beacon of Hope Rey struggles with her role as the last Jedi

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AStar Wars: Duel of the Fates/The Rise of Skywalker mash-up and rewrite

As the Resistance mounts a last ditch mission to break through the transmission blockade on the First Order Capitol on Coruscant, the last Jedi Rey races towards the hidden planet of Exegol to stop the return of the Sith…

*There Shall be Two Halves of a Whole One to Embody Power and also to Crave it*

Chapter 1: Title Crawl

Chapter 2: The Hidden World of the SithSupreme Leader Kylo Ren travels to the red planet of Mustafar to find a Sith artifact belonging to his grandfather, Darth Vader…

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Chapter 3: The Orbital Ring of Kuat The Resistance attempts to sabotage the Kuat Drive Yards to undermine the First Order

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Chapter 4: Empire of the First Order The Knights of Ren visit the Kuat Drive Yards; young Dade navigates the decrepit streets of Coruscant under the First Order’s oppressive rule; Chancellor Hux and the Supreme Council meet with the Warlord Cabal

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Chapter 5: The Beacon of Hope Rey struggles with her role as the last Jedi

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Synopsis: Unable to focus on her Jedi training, Rey de-stresses with a little help from BB-8. Little does she know she’s being watched…


“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force…” This was the mantra that Rey repeated to herself as she sought to connect deeper into the Force. 

Rey sighed. Meditation was a bust. It was always a bust. She couldn’t focus. She was never at peace and in tune with the Force enough to focus. Everytime she did, her thoughts would inevitably drift to him, and then she’d find herself trying to search for him.

Ben…Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the military cult she was fighting against as a member of the Resistance.  She knew she should hate him, but for some reason she couldn’t. Maybe it was just the bond they shared through the Force. Maybe it was just the connection they shared in the hut that one stormy night on Ahch-To. Maybe it was just purely physical: he was a man, she was a woman, it was just nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever it was, it was complicated.

It had been months since their last meeting, even after all those months, on opposite sides of the war, on opposite sides of the Force, Rey still found herself thinking of him, dreaming about him, worrying about him.

At times she’d find herself in the same room as him, and then she couldn’t get enough of him when they were together, and yearned for him when parted. She missed the flesh against flesh, the smells and tastes, the sights and sounds. She knew it was wrong, but the way he made her feel…

Opening her eyes and uncrossing her legs, Rey unhooked the her lightsaber from her belt and decided to run the training course that she had set up in the expansive forest terrain of Ajan Koss.

BB-8 beeped in curiosity at her feet. Rey smiled at her little droid companion. The orange and white ball-shaped droid had been quite taken to her ever since she had rescued it on Jakku over a year ago, and had frequently accompanied her as she trained and meditated, beeping encouragement at her.

“Ready to run the course with me, BB-8?”

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Based on a prompt sent by@preshprinceofstarkiller


Summary: Ben convinces Rey to watch a cliché porn video with him in this modern Reylo au one-shot.

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A redeemed Ben Solo rushes to Exegol to aid Rey in her confrontation with Emperor Palpatine. To his horror, however, he finds that Rey has turned to the Dark Side as the new Empress of the Sith…


“The ritual begins!” Emperor Palpatine cried out, and the mass of his devoted followers surrounding them responded with a ceremonial chant so loud and deep that the cacophony shook the very ground and resonated within Rey’s bones.

Rey had no choice. Strike him down and take her place as the new Empress of the Sith or watch her friends in the Resistance die. She may become a vessel for the Sith, but at least her friends would live another day. She’d spare them. They were nothing compared to Palpatine’s Final Order anyway.

"She will strike me down, and pledge herself as a Sith!” The lightning in the cavernous cathedral intensified and reflected against the ghoulish Emperor’s milky eyes, as if the ritual itself was producing the effect.

“She will come to me!” Palpatine boomed, and the crowd responded with a collective yell as Rey stepped closer still… 

"She will draw her weapon,” the Emperor intoned. Rey’s face was a blank mask. She unhooked the Skywalker lightsaber from her belt.

"She will ignite the blade,” Palpatine continued.

Rey continued to approach. His power was hypnotic. She found herself igniting the lightsaber and raising it, unbidden, against her will.

"And with the stroke of her saber, the Jedi are dead! The Sith are reborn!”

Rey lifted her saber as if to strike—

And she struck…

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Synopsis The Sequel Trilogy reimagined with smuggler Ben Solo reluctant to take on the family mantle of Jedi in the fight against the mysterious Kira Ren and the diabolical First Order

Chapter 1: Raid on Jakku Resistance pilot Poe Dameron collects a mysterious artifact from the wise Lor San Tekka as the First Order arrives in search of the same thing…

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Chapter 2: Escape from The Finalizer As Poe is interrogated by Kira Ren, disenfranchised stormtrooper FN-2187 embarks on a daring plan to free themselves from the First Order

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Chapter 3: An Unlikely Rescue Kira Ren sends out a search party to capture the droid BB-8 and the traitor FN-2187

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Chapter 4: Niima Outpost Finley (Finn) and BB-8 venture to Niima Outpost in search for a way off of Jakku and find trouble instead

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Chapter 5: Trouble on the Millennium Falcon Finley and BB-8 learn the identity of their mysterious new friend, but they are not out of trouble yet…

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Chapter 6: Wrath of the Rathtars Negotions with invading space gangs go awry on the Millennium Falcon…

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Chapter 7: The Map

BB-8’s secret is revealed, and so is Ben Solo’s…

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Chapter 8: Takodana Finley and the Solo’s seek help from the ancient Maz Kanata; Ben Solo learns the true legacy of the Skywalkers…

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Chapter 9: The First Order Descends Ben Solo runs from his past as the First Order unleashes their attack on the galaxy

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Chapter 10: The Battle of Takodana Ben Solo encounters Kira Ren as the battle rages at Maz Kanata’s castle…

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Chapter 11: D'Qar The Resistance reconvenes on the planet D'Qar to retrieve the map from BB-8

Chapter 12: The Interrogation Kira Ren attempts to interrogate Ben Solo

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Chapter 13: Preparing for Battle The Resistance prepares to attack Starkiller Base as the First Order charges up their superweapon

Chapter 14: Starkiller Base The First Order searches for an escaped Ben Solo as Han, Chewie, and Finley arrive at Starkiller Base

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Chapter 15: The Battle of Starkiller Base The Resistance Squadron descends on Starkiller Base in an attempt to destroy it before the First Order fires their deadly weapon

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Chapter 16: The Duel Ben Solo and Finley face off against Kira Ren in the snowy forests of Starkiller as the Resistance Squadron continues to try and destroy the base

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Chapter 17: Celebration and Mourning The aftermath of Starkiller is explored

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Chapter 18: Evacuation The Resistance must flee D'Qar as the First Order comes for vengeance

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Chapter 19: Disappointment Finley wakes up from her injuries on the Raddus and Ben arrives on Ahch-To

Chapter 20: The Supremacy Kira Ren must answer to Supreme Leader Snoke and the Knights of Ren

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Chapter 21: Frustration Ben continues to try and convince Luke to join the fight against the First Order while Poe tries to reconnect with Finley

Chapter 22: Attack on the Raddus Poe is reprimanded by General Leia while the First Order emerges from hyperspace to attack

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Chapter 23: The Uneti Tree Ben happens upon an ancient tree on Ahch-To

Chapter 24: Stunned The Resistance deals with the aftermath of the First Order’s attack on the Raddus

Chapter 25: A New Plan Finley, Rose Tico, and Poe discuss a plan to strike back against the First Order

Chapter 26: Bonds Luke has second thoughts about Ben and the Jedi Order

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Chapter 27: Conflict Poe confronts Holdo; Finley and Rose travel to Cantonica; Ben awaits news from the Resistance

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Chapter 28: The First Lesson Luke gives Ben his first lesson on why the Jedi should be allowed to die

Chapter 29: Canto Bight Finleyand Rose arrive on Cantonica in search of the Master Codebreaker

Chapter 30: Hubris of the Jedi Luke gives Ben a history lesson on the Jedi and what happened that fateful night at the temple

Chapter 31: The Master Codebreaker?: Finley and Rose finally find the Master Codebreaker

Chapter 32: The Cave Ben Solo ventures into the Dark Side cave

Chapter 33: Fathier Chase Finley and Rose stir up trouble on Canto Bight

Chapter 34: Communion Kira Ren reveals what happened the night of the temple’s destruction

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Chapter 35: Sins of the Father Ben confronts Luke about the night of the temple disaster

Chapter 36: Don’t Join Finley and Rose are suspicious of their unlikely new companion, the grungy thief DJ; Poe tries to get through to Holdo

Chapter 37: Burn it Down Luke takes drastic measures to end the Jedi Order

Chapter 38: Boarding the Supremacy The unlikely team of Finley, Rose, BB-8, and DJ prepare to infiltrate the Supremacy; Ben offers to help Kira Ren turn to the Light, but Kira delivers a shocking revelation

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Chapter 39: Mutiny Poe stages a mutiny against Admiral Holdo while Finley, Rose, and DJ infiltrate the Supremacy

Chapter 40: The Evil of Snoke Kira Ren brings Ben Solo before Supreme Leader Snoke

Chapter 41: Betrayal The plan to shut down the Supremacy’s tracker goes awry

Chapter 42: Fulfill Your Destiny and Kill Your True Enemy! Ben Solo continues to defy Snoke, and the Supreme Leader tasks Kira Ren with finishing him off

Chapter 43: Rebellion Finley muses over what it means to be a rebel in the face of tyranny

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Chapter 44: Let the Past Die Ben and Kira face off against the Knights of Ren

Chapter 45: Nowhere to Run The First Order begins to wipe out the remaining Resistance escape transports

Chapter 46: Rebel Scum Finley faces off against Captain Phasma and Ben makes a decision about his future with Kira Ren

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Chapter 47: Aftermath Kira Ren makes a stunning grab for power and Chewbacca offers Ben advice

Chapter 48: The Siege of Crait The First Order seeks to destroy the last of the Resistance on the planet Crait

Chapter 49: Against All Odds The Resistance takes a last stand against the First Order

Chapter 50: A Renewed Hope Luke Skywalker provides hope for the Resistance in their darkest hour

Chapter 51: The Spark That Will Light the Fire Luke Skywalker confronts his dark former pupil as the Resistance seeks to escape with the help of Ben Solo

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Chapter 52: Regroup The Resistance licks their wounds after Crait

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Chapter 53: The Vision Ben experiences a strange vision as he continues his Force training after the Resistance resettles

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Chapter 54: Dark Clouds and Cleared Air Ben reveals to Leia that he is Force Bonded to Rey, who abandoned the name of Kira Ren and is now the Supreme Leader of the First Order

Chapter 55: The Eye of the Webbish Bog Rey ventures to Mustafar to find the source of her mysterious visions

Chapter 56: The Phantom Emperor Rey confronts the phantom Emperor Palpatine on Exegol

Chapter 57: Flashback: Palpatine’s Story Palpatine’s existence after the Battle of Endor is explored

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Chapter 58: Space Chase Finley, Poe, Chewie, and Rose receive more than expected on a supply run at the Sinta Glacier Colony while Ben tries to focus on meditation

Chapter 59: Connected Rey reaches out to Ben through the Force

Chapter 60: Threat of the Final Order The Resistance begins their new mission as the Millennium Falcon returns with a holodisk containing top-secret intel

Chapter 61: The Supreme Council Supreme Leader Rey confers with her generals as she begins her next step of galactic domination

Chapter 62: PasaanaTheMillennium Falcon arrives on the desert planet of Pasaana

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COMPLETE! 90 Chapters, 160k+ Words

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Summary: Rey and Kylo Ren share a night of passion and intimacy with the power of their Force Bond


One night in a blur of days, Kylo Ren shifted uneasily in his bed, tossing and turning. He rolled to his side, and his large arm bumped into a form.

A sigh and a soft snore.

He flinched awake. He was still in his quarters, but he was not alone.

It was her. It was Rey. She slept on her side, no blanket. Wherever she was, it must have been warm enough that she didn’t need it.

She was dressed simply: her off-white sleeveless shirt, her calf length pants. She was barefoot, her belt and torso scarf elsewhere, beyond his sight.

A breeze gently blew her hair from where she lay. It wasn’t from the stale air of his chambers: she must have been outside or somewhere similar.

Not for the first time, Kylo wondered to himself why the Force was connecting them, especially when they were sleeping. Well, while she was sleeping. Kylo never rested soundly enough to sleep properly.

Or perhaps he was sleeping, and this was all a dream…

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Summary: After Ben SolocatchesRey playing around with his prized Star Wars replica props, he gives her a tough lesson in obedience in this modern au.


After a morning shift at his father and Uncle Chewie’s car shop and an afternoon trip to the gym, Ben went into his man cave for a game of Star Wars Vol. 3, and much to his surprise, he was nearly hit in the face with his Kylo Ren lightsaber.

If it was anyone else, he’d probably rip their head off, but it was Rey. Denim Daisy Duke’s that rode up her ample ass, a white tank top that accentuated her athletic curves, and now from his surprise his to his irritation, she was wearing his fucking Kylo Ren helmet.

“Hey look at me!” Rey giggled as she swung the prop Kylo Ren lightsaber around, her voice muffled by the helmet. “I’m a big git with a laser sword!”

Ben scoffed at her. “Hey! C'mon! Those are expensive! Put them away!”

“Afraid I’m gonna break your toys?” Rey laughed, twirling the lightsaber around, humming the ubiquitous hum of the lightsaber as she did so.

Ben ducked another errant swing of the hard light tube that comprised the red blade. “They’re not fucking toys! They are highly collectable replica props!”

“I’m not gonna break your stupid props, Ben. I’m just –” Rey aimed another playful swing and Ben caught it.

“Having fun?” Ben snapped, raising his eyebrows. “Fun that costs a lot money. Just leave my shit alone, huh?”

Rey petulantly jerked the lightsaber out of his grip. She was annoyed at his attitude. He was being such a fucking dick over his stupid toys!

Excuse her. Collectable replica props. Air quotes, sarcasm intended.

How about you make me?” she replied flippantly, continuing to twirl his lightsaber prop around carelessly.

Anger flashed across Ben’s face and he crossed the room in a flash, knocking the lightsaber out of her hands and to the sofa.

“What the–” Rey began as he yanked the Kylo Ren helmet off her head, tossing it to the sofa next to the lightsaber.

“What the fuck is your probl–” Rey screeched before Ben pushed her against the wall, his hand around her jaw, his towering body pressed against her’s. 

Rey was reminded just how enormous he was compared to her. Her jaw just met his collarbone. He had to outweigh her by almost a hundred pounds. 

She pressed her hands to the front of his chest to push him away, but something in his eyes stopped her. He had a temper, but he was never violent towards her. No, this was something else. Something…exciting…

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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Chapter 1: The Capture


Kylo leaned closer. “I know you’ve seen the map. It’s in there…and now you’ll give it to me.”

He smiled softly. “Don’t be afraid. I feel it, too.”

“I’m not giving you anything,” Rey defiantly replied, despite her own trepidation at the spector of another mind probe.

“We’ll see,” retorts Kylo as he peers into Rey’s eyes intently to resume the probe.

She met his gaze, and his confidence begin to waver as he slams into a barrier in her mind. She does the unthinkable and enters his mind, and in that moment their minds merge as one, their innermost feelings and intentions laid bare.

A blaze of faint memories, emotions, fears, and deep desires. 

Staring at each other in stunned silence, it was Kylo who spoke first.

“Perhaps…there’s more than one way to find what I seek…”

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(Art from @hotside. Used with permission)

Complete! Likes ❤ and Reblogs are much appreciated





AStar Wars: Duel of the Fates/The Rise of Skywalker mash-up and rewrite

As the Resistance mounts a last ditch mission to break through the transmission blockade on the First Order Capitol on Coruscant, the last Jedi Rey races towards the hidden planet of Exegol to stop the return of the Sith…

*There Shall be Two Halves of a Whole One to Embody Power and also to Crave it*

Chapter 1: Title Crawl

Chapter 2: The Hidden World of the SithSupreme Leader Kylo Ren travels to the red planet of Mustafar to find a Sith artifact belonging to his grandfather, Darth Vader…

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Chapter 3: The Orbital Ring of Kuat The Resistance attempts to sabotage the Kuat Drive Yards to undermine the First Order

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Chapter 4: Empire of the First Order The Knights of Ren visit the Kuat Drive Yards; young Dade navigates the decrepit streets of Coruscant under the First Order’s oppressive rule; Chancellor Hux and the Supreme Council meet with the Warlord Cabal

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Chapter 5: The Beacon of Hope Rey struggles with her role as the last Jedi

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Summary: The green blade hummed close to her face as she scrambled to parry the Jedi master. “Wait!” The blade buzzed past her ear and she yelped, leaping over the toppled columns and trusting the Force to buoy her up and over. “I’m a Jedi—Master Skywalker, please.”

He continued to advance, though he quirked an eyebrow, his gaze falling on the crackling saber in her hand, the red reflected in them cast his cerulean eyes in purple. “You’re not very good at this whole Sith thing, are you?”

Rey felt her every atom being torn apart until the nothingness engulfed her. The universe and the Force had other plans.

Chapters: 12/?

Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, background Luke Skywalker/Ezra Bridger, background Cal Kestis/Merrin

Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis, Jace Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Pos Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Jannah (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss, Original Jedi Characters

Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Skywalker Family Drama (Star Wars), Skywalker Family Therapy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Self-Indulgent, Not Canon Compliant(aka not TROS compliant but borrowing some elements), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alderaanian Hair Braiding (Star Wars), Alderaanian Culture (Star Wars), Alternate Universe - Jedi Academy (Star Wars), Jedi Academy (Star Wars), Jedi Training (Star Wars), Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), Families of Choice, Redeemed Ben Solo, i mean is it redemption if he doesn’t go bad in the first place? Slow Burn, Slow Build
