#yan dooku


Dooku: My grandpadawan doesn’t need a slut, clone.

Cody: I know. But I needed one, so I found your grandpadawan.

Dooku: *ignites the lightsaber*

Okay, another thing I thought of today:

Obi-wan’s comparison of light and dark in terms of the Force and couching it in terms of being safe.

And this is so great because I’m thinking of how Dooku would relate to this. And how for Dooku specifically, he would be the person who, when the lights are turned on, would never feel wholly safe, knowing the dark was always there, waiting, biding its time on the periphery. Because in the end, everything resolves to darkness, because Nothing is inevitable and what else to do against the injustice of the dying of the light? Except in Dooku’s case, even the dark is not necessarily the answer, as it, too, holds no safety, although it does further possibility, and if one can understand their end, then what can one accomplish with that knowledge?


The King, the Soldier, and the Spy: Prologue

(Read on AO3)

In which Ahsoka is a time-traveler, Jango narrowly avoids leading his own political faction to death, and Quinlan’s got a massive crush on a pair of aggressively hypercompetent weirdos.


When Ahsoka wakes up on an unfamiliar planet, dressed for the wrong weather and with no memory of how she arrived, she is… not as surprised as she could be. She’s been through even more weird Force things than most Jedi, and she’s not going to pretend that sudden transportation is even a first.

Okay. So. Snow. Trees. Maybe a temperate planet in winter, maybe a mixed-climate planet with a mostly snow zone. Maybe a snow planet just warm enough for certain kinds of trees. Daylight, so she can’t see the stars to help her figure out where she is, but it does tell her there’s only one sun. Atmosphere is breathable, gravity similar to Coruscant.

That doesn’t tell her where she is of course, barely narrows it down, but it’s good to catalogue these things.

She leverages herself to her feet and bounces a few times on her toes, trying to get her blood pumping. It’s frippin’ cold,and if she’d known she was ending up here, she’d have been able to use the Force to keep herself warm, instead of warming herself up.

No visual or auditory sign of civilization, but she can smell the faintest trace of speeder fuel waste gasses, and burned tibanna. There’s a city, probably klicks and klicks away, but reachable.

So… she needs to find it. Figure out where she is. Get a ride out. Let Bail know.

(She gets to call him Bail, now. That’s incredibly cool.)

(She is nineteen and a survivor, and so she takes her joy where she can find it.)

Finding civilization first. She closes her eyes. She reaches out to the Force. It sings back, lighter than she’s grown used to in the Core.

There are Jedi here.

There are dozens of Jedi here, and they are ready to do battle.

She takes off sprinting.

(Continue on AO3)
