#tired whumpee


When the whumpee is exhausted, but they have too much to do to allow themself a break. Them trying to keep working, but eventually falling asleep in a random spot. The caretaker finding them there, and deciding that moving them probably won’t work well, so they go find a blanket and a pillow. Them trying to get the pillow under the whumpee’s head without waking them up, and then covering them in the blanket. The whumpee not waking up, and sleeping there for several hours. Them waking up hours later, and immediately freaking out, because they’ve got to be so far behind on their work, but when they go to start working again, they find that the caretaker has taken care of most of it while they slept.

When the whumpee is completely exhausted, but they have an event they have no choice but to get through. The caretaker knowing that the whumpee isn’t doing well, and doing everything they can to help them get through it, worrying about them the entire time. As soon as the event is over, the caretaker quickly getting the whumpee home so they can rest, and the whumpee not arguing, grateful that the caretaker is helping them. The whumpee letting the caretaker guide them to bed, and letting them fuss over them as they fall asleep, knowing that they didn’t need to worry about anything, because the caretaker will take care of them.

When the caretaker is watching the whumpee, and they notice that they seem a little paler than usual, but they’re only mildly concerned, until they see the whumpee suddenly go even paler and start to sway. The caretaker rushing to the whumpee and steadying them, looking around for somewhere for the whumpee to sit, but the whumpee passing out in their hold before they can find somewhere. The caretaker gently guiding the whumpee to the ground, and laying them down with their head in the caretaker’s lap. The whumpee coming back to consciousness a minute later, and the caretaker giving them a few moments to get their bearings, then asking if they know why they passed out. The whumpee admitting that they’d barely been sleeping, and the caretaker giving them a disapproving look, then gently helping them sit up. The caretaker giving them a few moments, and then pulling them up to standing, and gently helping them get to somewhere they can get some proper rest.

When the whumpee is stuck in bed recovering after getting badly hurt, and they’re still weak and spend most of their time sleeping. Them complaining about how tangled and messy their hair is during one of the times they’re awake, and the caretaker sitting on the bed beside them and gently brushing it for them. The caretaker doing what they can to make sure it won’t tangle, and the whumpee dozing off as they work, soothed to sleep by the caretaker’s gentle touch. The whumpee sleeping more peacefully than they have in a long time, and the caretaker deciding to try brushing the whumpee’s hair more often, because the whumpee could definitely use the rest.

When the whumpee is exhausted and has hurt their ankle, but they’re still trying to get out of bed. Their teammates standing and having a conversation, having no idea how to keep them there short of sitting on them, but the youngest one just leaving the room. The rest of the team following the youngest curiously, and seeing them just crawling into bed with the whumpee. The youngest then curling up against the whumpee’s side, hugging them, and then going to sleep. The whumpee being torn between being annoyed at the youngest for making it so they can’t get up without waking them, and enjoying the cuddles. The rest of their teammates watching from the doorway, and the whumpee glaring at them, then reaching down to stroke the youngest’s hair, then letting themself fall asleep too.

When the caretaker notices that the whumpee is looking a little bit pale, but they think nothing of it until the whumpee starts to sway during a conversation. The caretaker starting to reach out to steady them, and then having to lunge to catch them as they crumple to the ground. The caretaker having no idea why the whumpee passed out, but gently getting them onto the floor, and settling the whumpee’s head in their lap. The whumpee coming to as the caretaker checks their pulse and tries to figure out why they passed out, and the caretaker asking if they know why. The whumpee admitting that they’d been feeling a little under the weather, and hadn’t been getting much sleep, and the caretaker gently scooping them up and carrying them to bed, then making them stay there until they think the whumpee is okay.

When the whumpee has work that they absolutely have to finish, but they’re exhausted, and it’s starting to interfere with their ability to finish the work. The caretaker doing what they can to help and support them, and the whumpee somehow managing to push through it. As soon as the whumpee’s done, the caretaker fussing over them, and ushering them off to rest. The whumpee falling asleep the second they lay down, and the caretaker tucking them in gently, so they don’t get cold while they sleep.

When the whumpee stands up from where they’ve been sitting and talking to the caretaker, and they stagger, vision blurring as they nearly pass out. The caretaker jumping up and steadying them, then lowering them back down into a chair. Them putting a hand on the whumpee’s shoulder to ground them as the whumpee recollects themselves, and then asking how they’ve feeling, and if they have any idea why they nearly fainted. The whumpee admitting that they’ve been a little tired lately, but that they didn’t realize it was bad enough for them to almost pass out, and the caretaker getting them to bed so they can get some rest.

When the whumpee feels absolutely terrible, but they have to travel. The whumpee leaning on the caretaker’s shoulder almost the entire time, not having the energy to sit up for that long on their own, and the caretaker half carrying them anytime they have to walk. The caretaker bringing the whumpee to the caretaker’s house, since they don’t want to leave them alone, and immediately lowering them onto the couch, telling the whumpee to just hang in there for a few minutes while they get a couple things, and then the caretaker will get them into a proper bed. The whumpee trying to listen to them, but dozing off on the couch less than a minute later. The caretaker coming back to find them slumped against the arm of the couch, sound asleep. The caretaker considering just settling them in a more comfortable position on the couch, but ultimately deciding to just carry the whumpee to a proper bed. Them tucking the whumpee in, and the whumpee waking up the next morning with no idea how they got there, but feeling safe and cared for.
