#tlc cress


I’m almost done with Winter! 22 chapters left! Some things about this lil fic might change as I reach the end of the book so it complies with canon, but! Have a bit of my angst fest

Jacin I promise I love you

Winter’s normally serene face turned to absolute fury. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?” She shrieked.

The figure shrugged. “I simply ordered him to stop breathing.”

Cinder’s blood ran cold. “You’re a thaumaturge. One who escaped.”

“Bravo, Miss Linh.” His voice turned resentful. “Or do you prefer, Your Majesty?”

Winter’s breathing was ragged. She held Jacin’s face in her lap. “Stop it!” She screamed, a sob cutting into her anger. “Stop it! Let him go!”

Cinder felt a spike of fear when Jacin’s chest convulsed from a lack of air. “What do you want?” She demanded, glaring at the thaumaturge.

“Justice.” He hissed. “Justice for Queen Levana.”

Cinder glared at him.

A shout cut through the air, and then a clang. The thaumaturge crumpled to the ground and a very angry Cress stood above him, a cast-iron pan clutched in her grip.

Jacin’s whole body jerked as his eyes flew open and he sucked in greedy breathfuls of air. He coughed and wheezed, lurching out of Winter’s hold. He was shaking. Stoic, unbreakable Jacin, was shaking.

Cinder gently grabbed for his arm. “Jay?” She whispered, glancing at Winter for a moment. “Are you okay?”

He made a noise that was probably supposed to come out as a confirmation, but it sounded more like a strangled groan.

Cress looked up at him, concern dancing in her eyes. “Is he okay?”

“Debatable.” Jacin finally managed to wheeze out.

Cinder gave his arm a squeeze before standing up and walking over to the thaumaturge. He was still unconscious, and she felt a bit of pride knowing Cress had probably given him a good bump on the head.

“Majesty?” One of the guards said, voice shaking slightly. It occurred to her, that the thaumaturge had most likely been keeping the other guards at bay. “What should we do with him?”

Cinder’s face twisted into a scowl. “Cell. I’ll deal with him later.” As they dragged him away, she looked back at her friends. Winter was cradling Jacin’s face in her hands, whispering to him under her breath. Iko was rubbing his back soothingly, and Cress still stood at her side, glaring at the ground. She sighed. “The others are going to lovethis.”

Me furiously drawing the Rampion crew like there’s no tomorrow-

Anyway have a Cress
